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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Perhaps it is my ignorance and naïveté about our world which is most off-putting to you. Maybe it might be my traditional thinking which is most objectionable. Or, maybe, just my wordy posts which ticked you off, more than anything else. So solly.
  2. Here in Thailand, everybody, farangs, need to often listen to a good story, in order to just carry on. Otherwise, being so far from home, one might ossify and die. Richard Burton, from Wales, is/was a magnificent story teller. O'Toole could also tell a good tale. Richard Harris, less so. Still, all three were magnificent in their own ways. What would we not give to have Richard Burton alive today, during these days of quarantine? Down in the mines, breathing coal dust. As we all realize, being in Thailand for years, some of us, sometimes we starve for intellectual stimulation, after living in Pattaya for too long a long spell. Who is better among the three? Richard Harris O'Toole Richard Burton And, TRULY, as it is often said....The Irish and the Welsh are people of song and poetry built into their souls.
  3. Has one registered one's infant at Harvard, yet? This is priority no.2 Please, also, prepare about USD80,000 per year, or probably about USD400,000.00 for undergraduate school, from matriculation until done, at today's prices. Actually, the cost will be far higher, due to the fact that tuition costs are rising faster than almost any other commodity. USD600,000.00 for four years at Harvard, by 2031, or more, most likely. And, maybe, the cost of short-time in Pattaya will not increase much, by 2031, which is extremely unfair to the working girls. Most likely, Harvard grads in Pattaya get paid less, due to their stunning smarts and mediocre looks, an haughty attitudes, compared to local women who are far more friendly.
  4. Probably, like me, before coming to Thailand, you thought that you would not wish to have more children, or any children. And then, after arriving in Thailand, and marrying a wonderful woman, you realized that you were not as old as you had originally thought. Having met a young woman who loves you, and who also has the desire to bear your child, and one who also wishes to begin a true family, with you as the head of the family, then you are thinking about reversing your vasectomy which you imprudently underwent before you arrived here in Thailand. After arriving in Thailand, you now realize that you are not as old as you once thought you were, the same condition which happens to most men. And, you realize there is still time enough for you to start a new family, and enjoy the benefits of doing this. How many of us have contemplated reversing this kind of surgery, and overturning our original logic and philosophy, the logical logic which caused us to have a vasectomy while we were in the West, a place of sleet and snow, in the first place. Also, how many of us would be willing, even at such an advanced age, to begin a family, with children, while our wives are in their twenties, and we are now in our fifties, or sixties? Under the Medium Fertility Scenario, then it is highly likely that our world population will hit 9.4 billion by 2050. This is the macro view. However, on the micro view, still, after meeting a fertile young thing, a nice counterpart to yourself, one who needs to bear children in order to make your union a true family, and a woman who requires children in order to remain with you, then are you now considering a reversal? But, what happens twenty years after your reversal? Will you still be as young as you were in your sixties? With kids? Unless one is super rich, with a few amahs, and a yacht to escape to, then would you not be setting yourself up for a world of hurt? Just a question which I often worry over. Some guys can handle this, a new family at age 55 or 60. And then, there are those who are driven mad by the result of there reversal. Would you reverse your vasectomy in Thailand, even if the cost of microsurgery is so relatively inexpensive here?
  5. I am not exactly nuts, mate. One can choose to do one of two things: a. Remain celibate and reap the many rewards of this, while also paying the price of great loneliness. b. Engage, constantly, even daily, with enticing sweet meat of about 40 years old, and wear oneself out in the process, most happily. Forty-year-old women can wear out even a very young man, with their sexual appetites. This is why these women are called cougars. And so, it is up to you, if you wish to choose A or B, according to your stamina. A good word of advice to you, if you are young, and you fall in love with a woman, who is 40, is to take your vitamins, drink plenty of clam juice, and eat 6 oysters every day. Because, you will need to replenish your juices on a daily basis. Some of us get tired of doing this, eventually. Although, in the moment, this type of relationship, with a sexpot of 40, is something novel that we need to try, at least once. We all, eventually, do this. I did it. And so will you. Just stock up on Gatorade, maybe, and do NOT fall in love with one of these older women, if you are young.
  6. Wow, Man: Although you seem to speak obliquely...there is no doubt that everybody understands your reference. So...good riddance, as you say. This forum is better now. (Sorry to say, however, that I am still one of the dregs of the dregs, left over from years gone by. Long live TV! Take care!)
  7. Also, while we are at it..... For some reason, who knows why.... Some people who sling me barbs and arrows, or who might point slings and arrows my way..... Please keep them coming...because... On this forum, sometimes, the more slings and arrows, then the better our post, and the better we enjoy reading this forum. So, sling away. Please note: In my humble opinion...NO ONE should take offense at anything said here in fun or in jest. We all must remain respectful of others, no matter what we might write in any forum. Criticism of ourselves should never be taken as an assault or an insult, but only a learning experience. Also, in some cases, barbs, slings and arrows can signal approbation. So, please feel free to sling at me, because my skin is such that I appreciate verbal attacks from all. Anyway...thank you....as I say.
  8. Yes, you can. BUT...ONLY if you are old enough to be NICE, and full of respect for me, and Mother Earth.
  9. I don't know why they are so nice; they just are. Seemingly, anytime I, or anyone, posts a topic on TV, in almost all cases, we only receive both approbation and affirmation, as well as support for our views. This is a really NICE forum, which most people enjoy, free of charge. After a few years, we get to know some posters, not by their real names, but by their profile names. And then, they become, sort of, friends, in a weird way. And, no doubt it is true, in some cases, weird friends become better friends than we might have in "Real Life". The more we stay on TV, the more friends we will have, mostly weird, and weird in a very good way. I love TV, same as you. And, in fact, it is almost impossible for me to leave TV, even if I should wish to do so. People ARE nice, on TV. If they were not so nice, then very few would remain here. Naturally, it is unavoidable that some posters might seem both Crazy and Nice. And, fortunately, even crazy people are accepted on TV, if not overly crazy. At this very moment, I bet there are a few interesting people, no matter how seemingly crazy, posting important posts on TV, even though you might not know it. And, at this moment, maybe your wife is up, and brewing your coffee, and scrambling your eggs, if she had not already done so, when your eggs required scrambling, last night. It's pretty interesting to note just how lucky we all are to be in Thailand, no matter what hardships we must face, because.....in Thailand, no matter what..... No matter what might happen, and no matter how dire the situation, at least..... at least, we are living somewhere in the best country on Earth. Please believe me: There is no better country on Earth, and please never forget this important point. Sometimes, you might feel that the grass might be greener, if only you left Thailand for someplace like Montenegro. OK. Fine. Go there, and see if you do not wish to return here. We are all blessed, those who live here. Not all, not COMPLETELY all, is totally hunky-dory. Yet, can anyone here, say truthfully, that we are not living a place which most closely approximates our heavenly ideal? After quite a few years, all I can say is that I LOVE Thailand. Probably, almost everybody does. In my opinion, most Thai people do not fully understand just how lucky they are, in so many ways. There is ALWAYS a tradeoff, of course. And most critics do not understand this tradeoff. However, for quality of life, for most people, for the majority, Thailand is unbeatable. Just my humble opinion as one who has been celibate for over 20 years, and one who has never visited a bar in Thailand, and probably never will. Thai culture is great, compared to many other cultures. However, this is a matter of preference. If you do not like Thai culture, then go elsewhere, if your passport is still valid, and if you are not on some sort of international "watch list" Just...sit back, and....enjoy.....if you will.
  10. Why Do You Think Thai Women Prefer to Hang with You? A Foreigner in a Foreign Land? a. Because, so far, there is no law against it. b. Because, they have no shame. c. Because, they perversely seem to want to leave Thailand for other places, places which are not as fine as Thailand. I really cannot understand why, in fact. Maybe they are crazy. YES! Thai Girls are CRAZY FOR YOU! All Thai women love romance. And, only we can provide it.
  11. If your primary objective is to be safe, then, probably, the safest place is in the womb. Although, I guess, the womb cannot be considered a country, in the strictest sense.
  12. Mr. StreetCowboy: My dearest friend here on TV, as you know, full well, after so many years !!!!! I am now informing you that I will no longer be able to post my irregular comments here, as regularly as I once had, during recent weeks. Such a shame, really. But, alas, if all goes according to plan, I will have less time on my hands, as the saying goes, on TV. Everyone says: This poster has too much time on his/her hands. And, in truth, if all goes swimmingly, I will have less time to post here. If you do not see my posts here, this does not mean I am dead. So, please do not speculate about this. What most posters here do not know is that this lovely person, StreetCowboy, corresponded with me years ago, and I will never forget him, as a result. Not only did he message me in Thailand, but also in other places, such as China., a place which is a hardship port, by anyone's view. I am not saying that I am dying, yet. I am only saying that, if I am to consider myself a responsible person, then I must, by necessity, spend more of my time on other things, such as trying to teach useful things to useful people, rather than the opposite. Don't get me wrong: On this blessed forum, you will easily find smart, talented, humorous and kind people. In fact, in Thailand, you will hardly ever find such a conglomeration of such attributes on any single forum, other than TV. Don't worry, because I will still be lurking around.....and wishing this forum well. NO OTHER forum in Thailand has the staying power of TV, nor the excellence of TV. There are many good people here, as we know. Well, that's is all I have to say.....for now. PS: I really, also, wish to thank those who kept me alive, for this long. I really do! PPS: I have nothing but GOOD to say about TV....as it has recently been transformed, during recent years. I mean, let the other forums, on other sites, go lowbrow, while TV shoots for the highbrow posters. TV is far better than it was a number of years ago. And, TV provides a great service to many. I bid you, adieu, my friends. Until then, my friends. Regards, Gamma PS: Please give my best to the poster who always ends his posts with ... "REGARDS.....W"
  13. Maybe you are correct. It is a well-known fact that if you check the eggs in a birds nest, some of the eggs were fertilized by various male birds. Also, it is known that there many, many cases when genetic tests prove that the father of infants in the hospital are not the husband. Need I go on, and on, and on....?
  14. This morning, I dreamed of eating a cherry pie, so tart that my mouth puckered. The crust was light and very flaky. Where do the best cherry pies come from? Why have I not had one, after so many years, and what else do I dream about. Rhubarb is grown in Thailand, but rarely. A few years ago, I read on TV about someone who was attempting to grow rhubarb. This poster had a small patch of rhubarb. And, I remain curious if rhubarb requires as much time to grow as does asparagus. Asparagus is another thing that I miss, here in Thailand. One must plant it, and then wait a long time. Maybe rhubarb grows faster than asparagus. Makes one's mouth water.
  15. As has been often said: There are too few nurses in this world. Nurses need to be paid MUCH MORE for the work that they do. And, they must be afforded the true respect that they absolutely deserve. Therefore, if you are able, then please support your local nurse, and all nurses.
  16. Still, most of the nurses at the hospital I visit are hot, hot, hot.....! Yet, they are STILL VERY, VERY CARING. I am always grateful to my nurses, when I need one. And, other times, mostly, I just think about clamming.
  17. Florence provided great comfort to many. By the way, when one is sick or dying, nobody cares if one's nurse might be hot. We only care about her great caring. This is SO true. Try it, and see, when you are almost dying. Because, then, you just need a hand to hold, and the kind touch of a caring nurse.
  18. BUT, also... the nurses at this hospital were also kind AND most attractive, from their toes, up to their everywhere. I love nurses. And, some nurses have nursing degrees, such as an MS, or a PhD in nursing. These nurses are most attractive to me. Even if a nurse has a PhD in nursing, it's all the same to me..... Because, I just love their white uniforms, and their hair tied up behind with a bow.
  19. So many Conservative Freaks here on this forum. Freaks me OUT. For example, yesterday afternoon, as I was waiting in the lounge at one major hospital here, I saw some old guy with a ponytail, and with white hair tied in a knot at the back of his neck, and one small gold earing, probably not 19 carat gold. Immediately, I knew he was from TV. I would have spoken to him, if it were not for the virus. It is so sad to get old, I think, when one's belly enlarges, and one sits alone in the waiting room of a hospital, just hoping that some meds might cure one. So sad, when this is really the only thing that one might look forward to. Thankfully, the nurses at this hospital are second to none, in terms of being lookers. The nurses are hot. Why go elsewhere to find nurses dressed up as nurses, when one can just go to the hospital and find the real thing? (Hats off to real nurses. And, thank you. Nurses provide us with comfort and soothing, when we most require it.)
  20. How Many of You have ever gone clamming? I am old, and you are young. One of my fondest memories of my youth is that time when I went clamming, pre-puberty. In order to go clamming, all you need is a rake and a bucket. One wades out into tidal waters, and then uses one's rake, in order to find clams. After about two hours, one has enough clams in one's bucket. Then, one takes the clams and makes a clam stew, called clam chowder. And so, i am just wondering if, in Thailand, there are tidal waters such as these, where one can go clamming. There is no better pursuit than clamming, for a youngster. This is how it is done.... Can we do this in Thailand, too? AR-170719241.jpg&Maxw=800&q=62
  21. These days, during the days of the virus...I sometimes feel that my last remaining days of my life are being wasted. It's like Ham and Eggs in the morning, which was always my best meal. I just feel like my remaining days of Ham and Eggs are being totally wasted. No Doubt, before this virus situation is completely at an end, we, the guys who are old, will have wasted some of our best years, being cooped up at home, like chickens. Do you not feel exactly as do I? I mean, years ago, it was like.... Chicken Flying all around the Plane, and no one could feel much higher. And now, it is like, the only chicken you see is the rooster outside your window, crowing at odd hours, and disturbing you. By the way: I have just begun to "get into" Spencer Tracy flicks. Maybe, you should, too.
  22. Please call me...Grandpa Some of the most exciting times were before you were ever born. I will not argue with you about this. This is why, guys like us, are so bored with these days you mistakenly feel so exciting. We boomers did things you can only imagine, back in the day. Back in the day, in Thailand, too! The things we did, back in the day, would blow your mind. These days, most days are very boring, comparatively. Everybody knows this.
  23. The world is changing. And, no doubt, after being locked up for 18 months, life will be different for all of us. Do NOT Take Drugs...because... You will be SORRY if you do. Taking drugs...YOU CANNOT GO BACK. Don't get hooked! You will be sorry. However, there is no doubt that our world is changing now. The Wuhan Virus has changed us all, our entire world. Not sure what you might think about this.....
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