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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. As I know you know, you are the only logical one here, myself included. This is why I enjoy reading, and have always enjoyed reading, your posts, as you also know.
  2. Now, having moved to Thailand, you have found the Sun, finally? In Thailand, fortunately, it rains, usually, only in the Raining Season. Enjoy the rest of your life, ... under the Sun.
  3. Dear Sanuk, I think this might be your problem? Do you, Sanuk, often worry about this question, at night, after the lights are dimmed, and you find there is still no action?
  4. What I mean is that you cannot measure the distance between two great lands, just by counting steps, my friend. Distance is measured in the closeness of the heart, surely Now, please, listen to this tune, and tell me if you can yet deny the closeness of the heart. Thank you.
  5. If Shaw had ever travelled to Singapore, and had he ever listened to the English gibberish there, his quote would have been longer, and harsher.
  6. Your point of view is that of an introvert. Correct? (It takes one to know one. More power to you!)
  7. Henry Fielding has provided me more laughs then I will ever find on this forum. Irony and satire was his forte, thank god. On the other hand, Flannery O'Connor sounds like she might have been from Ireland. Yet, she was borne in Savannah, Georgia. This is the irony of it all. Please note: As has already been discussed, previously, and we should all make note of this.... In the Southeastern parts of America, and maybe even in Georgia, there happened to be many great musicians and writers who came from places like Scotland and Ireland. Everybody knows this. Some played the banjo, and some wrote books. William Faulkner, for example. Who knows where he might have hailed from. Anyway.... Please take a listen here...
  8. My Dearest UK Friends, I have read so many of your posts that, rightfully so, I can now call you my friends. Personally, I prefer UK authors' writing style to mine, but then, I am biased, maybe. Who writes better drivel? Who writes better meaningful posts? And, who will go down in history as TV's greatest author, of all time? In the past, there were competitions to select the Best Author of the Year. Fortunately, this competition has fallen by the wayside. I would say that there is no winner. And duking it out might be like comparing Twain to Dickens. Apples and oranges. I have no particular reason why I prefer UK writers, mostly. Maybe it might be due to the fact that I grew up watching UK films, while young. I mean films produced in the UK, some made by Rank, though not rank at all. I am sure you guys recall The Rank Organization (organisation). RIght? Call me a fool, if you will, but I will always love, as well as feel great nostalgia for, the excellent stuff which came out of the UK, so many years ago, as I was growing up, and passing through puberty. Yes! I do love Old English Movies. I still watch these moves, even today. Back to the topic.... Guys hailing from the UK are better writers. This is only my opinion. And, there is no doubt that my opinion is shared by everyone.
  9. My Dearest Friends, No doubt, most of you know something about the role that men (and a few women) from Scotland have played in shaping life in Asia, not to mention the Struan family, of course. Last night, I watched the 1935 film, The 39 Steps, as well as the 1959 version of this Hitchcock film, which is in color. Personally, I find both films riveting, and also different in entertaining ways. After watching these two films, I watched North by Northwest, which is sort of an amalgam of The 39 Steps., but with a more Rushmorian climax. I highly recommend all three of these films for your pleasure, if only to watch different actresses, in different periods of film history, remove their stockings. Of great interest in the first two films are the scenes in Scotland. In fact, I played several scenes, over and over again, just to see what Scotland looked like 80 years ago. Of these three films, my favorite scene was in the 1959 version of 39 Steps, in which Hannay is flippantly lecturing to a bevy of school girls concerning his dislike of some plant. Do you recall the name of this plant upon which Hannay was lecturing to these boarding school girls under Ms. Fisher's tutelage? =========== Here we are in Thailand. And yet, here we are thinking about Scotland, too. Both places end with a "land". And, both places, in my opinion, are exotic. Many people around the world would give their eyeteeth to come to Thailand. And, now, after being in Asia for most of my life, and, presently, without most of my teeth, I would give anything to see Scotland before I die. What about you? Which place is better, Thailand or Scotland.... Or, are both places just about the same....
  10. Dear Friends, Who are your friends here in Thailand? I mean, here in Thailand, how easy is it to identify your 'friends' from your true friends? And, by this, I mean your "old friends", your Lao Pengyou (老朋友), the friends who will gladly stick by you through thick and thin? I am not exactly a newcomer to Thailand, although, sadly, I was not born here. Also, I guess my skin color, though tanned by the sun, is still not the shade of pale which is most preferred here. I am lighter than most, but not as light as some. And, anyway, pigmentation means nothing to me. What I am wondering is: How do we chose our friends wisely, while here in Thailand, if we plan to stay full-term, until the day we die. Fortunately, I live in a very nice community. And, I have been fortunate to become acquainted with many nice people. Yet, still, I have not really met anyone I would call an "old friend", in the Chinese cultural sense of the phrase. But, this is just because I have recently moved. In my previous neighborhood, I had met two or three nice people who I considered to be friends for life, and still consider them to be so. During this two-year virus period, I have not been able to keep in touch with them as much as I would have dearly wished. Yet, anytime I LINE them, they still remember me, and reply with their kindness and best wishes. And so, how do you choose friends here who will be friends with you, for life, through thick and thin? I guess choosing friends here is no different than most other places. Making friends for life takes time. Take it slow. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, so it is said. Choose your friends wisely. And then treat your friends with respect. Someday, soon, maybe you, too, will find one or two friends for life ( 老朋友), hopefully before your life becomes too much shorter. Regards, Globulin
  11. My Dear Logical Friends, Is there even one of you, OUT THERE, who can say you are logical? Among all the many posters here on TV, and there are so many from around the world, is there just one of you who is able state that he is a logical man, a person who lives life logically? Personally, I believe what you believe, and, in fact, not only do I believe that guys on the Farang Pub are completely illogical, but I am sure that everyone knows it, too. Also, do governments act logically and rationally? So, the question might be, why do you behave so irrationally, even when you know that you are acting contrary to what your understanding of logic might be? Fortunately, most of us do not completely fly off the handle and act in ways which send us to the monkey cage. I can think of one important reason why we behave illogically, for example, and maybe you can think of others. My reasons for thinking illogically is this: Being celibate, and being always in a state of readiness, sometimes when I see some bird flying around, I feel such an urge to slip my hand up around her feathers, and stroke her Tibio-tarsal articulation. Yes, my friends, I am truly into birds of all kinds, even if I might not act on my urges, due to my logicality. I am celibate due to my superior logic. And, in the end, lack of logic, not to mention pursuit of diminishing resources, may someday lead to the annihilation of organized human civilization. Logic is important. Logic is also beyond the ken of the human's pea brain. How many times, today, have you acted illogically, drunk or sober? Please do tell. Your telling might be informative to any who have interest in this topic. Regards, Glob Note Please:
  12. And so, Sparktrader, the topic, in actuality, is a serious topic: How do we teach our children well. In other words, how might it be possible to teach our children about the so-called "real world", while still helping our young people to not be sad about the future, and yet remain optimistic enough about the future, in order to live productive lives. Can anyone do THIS???? Doing this is not easy. Escaping into fantasy is not an option. And so, how do we inform our precious younger generation BOTH about the state of the world and ALSO about ways that might help them to deal with what lies ahead for them??? Do you have any helpful insights? People on this forum, presumably, mistakenly believe that I am posting nonsense. Some people believe, even, that I might be a troll. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, I admit that I invariably post in somewhat of a jocular way. Is this form of posting no longer welcomed on our Farang Pub forum, one of fun and entertainment, not to mention occasional enlightenment? Fie, I say! Let's have fun while the party lasts. And, meanwhile, please think of some ways to encourage our young people in positive ways which will help them to Keep Their Heads UP, in coming years. ========== Please, let no man/woman here opine that this topic is not one of the most serious that has ever been posted on the Farang Pub. Regards, Glob. And....My best to everyone who reads these words.
  13. My Dear and Thoughtful Friend, Sparktrader: What is the topic about? This topic is a serious topic, for sure, and...here is why. aa. First, please allow me to sincerely thank you for your question which provides me with opportunity to explain this topic, the meaning of which I think would have been far more evident to everyone if the original topic title had not been altered by me, inadvertently, multiple times. bb. Not that most people might care, one supposes, however, this topic was inspired by JACK BRUCE and ELON MUSK, as well as US (US, meaning all of us here on planet Earth). cc. Here is the thing... 1. Jack Bruce, both back in the 1960s and later in 2005, sang at Albert Hall. He sang what? He sang, "I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad." I love Jack Bruce. I also love guys from Scotland who have flair, such as, maybe, Ian Anderson, and many others. But, my love of Scotland is not the key to this serious topic. 2. Elon Musk, most recently, provided an amazing interview which I linked above. If one were to view the entire video, there is a point in this video during which Elon Musk becomes quite a bit more introspective than his normally ebullient spaced-out self. The interview asks Musk: Do you ever feel sad. Meaning, here, do you ever feel sad about the future of Humanity on Earth. I will not spoil the video for you by adding spoilers here. Let us just say this: Musk states that we, the collective we, and especially young people, should NEVER feel consistently sad about our future, or the future of humanity. Watch the video for confirmation about this point, if you like. 3. So, here we have rather a very SERIOUS question. Should we be sad, or should we be glad. I am very sorry, in fact, that the title of this topic was distorted in such a way that it made no sense. This was my fault, and I apologize. The original post topic title should have been: "I'm So Sad. I'm So Sad. I'm Say, I'm Sad, I'm Sad. Don't Feel Sad. Instead, watch this April's Musk Interview on TED Talks." So, I recall that that was the original title. dd. Here is the SERIOUS point of this topic: Back in 1968, or even back in the early post-world-war-2 years, most people could feel GLAD, simply because the war had ended, and everyone was kissing everyone... And then, even in 2005, when Cream played in Albert Hall, Jack Bruce belted out I'm So Glad, one last time. But then, after the long-predicted global warming effects began to become more evident, people young and old gradually became sad, and sadder and sadder about the future of humanity's future on planet Earth. And then....Along Came Musk. Musk, as you note from his video linked here, provides a totally different vision, one which is not so sad. This is a SERIOUS topic, and just about as serious as you might imagine. It has been over 50 years since Jack Bruce sang his song. Nothing has changed. It is business as usual, and it is now even business as usual but on steroids for CO2 emissions and methane outgassing, in fact. =========== Jack Bruce sang... I am so glad. Elon Musk is singing.... "I sometimes feel sad." And, what are we singing, about our future? Sad? Or, Glad? ========== Thank you, Sparktrader, for begging the question. Take care, please, Just as we all must, these day. Best to you.
  14. If you have a toilet, then you should not complain. Any kind of decent toilet is a luxury, in fact. https://phys.org/news/2015-07-one-third-world-people-proper-toilets.html
  15. The Topic Is: After watching 30 days of ongoing news on both informal social media sites, as well as on mainstream media outlets, do you believe that many Expats will soon be flocking to Thailand cities, primarily BKK, in order to escape irrational Chinese lockdowns, as well as other forms of authoritarian CCP highhandedness? Dear Friends, Watching the news out of China, these days, and paying attention, just a bit, to social media, it seems that many "foreigners" seem to be planning to leave China. Some YT bloggers, even, have stated that they intend to move from China to Thailand. We cannot know if this is true, or not true. However, the question is:.... After reading this news, and not saying whether it might be fake news, do you now not feel that you are rather lucky to be here in Thailand, as opposed to be living in China? Several years ago, living in China was "all the rage" for youngish people who had no inkling of the history of the CCP. Young foreigners, new to places like Shanghai, believed that they were impervious to any negative impacts from a Marxist-Leninist Chinese state, one now ruled by Mr. Xi. Now, the worm has turned on them. Yes, I mean the Worm. The CCP Worm has become clear as day for so many who thought Life under such a progressive place as China would be great, and that the party would never end. Unfortunately, the Party has not ended, yet. And now, many farang living in China wish to leave. (Who knows why.) So the question might be: Will the exodus out of China, for foreigners, continue? Will many of them flock to BKK? And, will these young YT bloggers enjoy life in Thailand far more than they ever did in China? And, will they enjoy the food here far more than they ever did enjoy the food in Shanghai? (Shanghainese cuisine is not something I have ever rated highly.) Personally speaking, if one comes from China to Thailand, there is very little opportunity to use one's Chinese language skills, once one arrives. Maybe these young video bloggers will need to learn a new language, passa Thai. Maybe it is a good thing to try to be trilingual. Perhaps, these youngster video bloggers are finally getting a taste of reality. Not sure. Who knows. Regards, Note: There are those who will remain in China, and these are the same youngsters who will endure the draconian lockdown with a stiff upper lip. Why? Well, principally, due to the Stockholm syndrome. The remaining farang guys in Shanghai might have been either Shanghaied or now be identifying with their captors.
  16. I believe not. Instead, I believe that I have both a CO2 problem as well as a CH4 problem. No doubt, you have the same problem as I. We are addicted to producing CO2 pollution, just because our economy has been linked to consumption of fossil fuel energy sources. Maybe there will be a decoupling of growth linked to fossil fuel consumption. Yet, this is still a known unknown. Yes, progress is being made, and further progress is predicted, as you can see..... Perhaps, someday soon, economic growth will be completely decoupled from the the use of fossil fuels... Still, so far, this is just a prognostication, and also a pipe dream. We are smokin' baby. We are burning fossil fuels like there is no tomorrow.
  17. The topic was: "I'm so sad, I'm so sad. I'm sad, I'm sad, I'm sad...." You know...sort of like: "I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad..." Except, replacing the "gl" with an "s". Oh Well, never mind. Maye Savoy Brown can fix things.
  18. Here on Earth, with 8 billion people, the individual is just, basically, a nobody. We are one in 8 billion: 1/8,000,000,000 of the population here on planet Earth. We, as individuals, have minimal significance. We come and we go, and no one cares. Yet, if one were to go to Mars, then one could be a Somebody. Nobody likes to be a nobody. Everybody likes a somebody. We love Musk. He is not a nowhere man. He is going somewhere. No matter, where. Meanwhile, the extinction rate is rising rapidly. Some say there might be a total crash. And then, we will all be sorry....
  19. All that I can say is this, and little else: Regarding the Future of Life.... Here is the very best book cover I have ever seen, a book by E.O. Wilson. I regret that this book cover can not be found in a larger format on this limited network which we call the Internet. A beauty, for sure. Presumably, Musk will not be able to duplicate this Web of Life which we are familiar with on Earth, after landing on Mars. When, not if, Musk reaches the fourth planet, just staying alive will be a challenge, due to radiation and toxic dust from the megalith. Musk has stated that his Starship rocket is capable of going to Venus, even.. Therefore, habitation on Mars will be easy, by comparison. Perhaps you might enjoy this image of a famous book cover. Who knows. Many of you might have already read it, back in the day. Best to you, my friends. Speaking of planets, undoubtedly, most of you agree that I am headed for Neptune, one of our most beautiful planetary orbs. "Planet Neptune"....just the sound of it is enough to make one drool. And, the sight of it is truly out of this world. Neptune is my favorite planet. Who would not sell their soul to visit such a beautiful blue place! Plenty of gas on Neptune, for sure.
  20. If we were to relocate our CONSCIOUSNESS to Mars, then... Would we have lakes and rivers for kayaking? Would we have the sound of leaves rustling in the wind? Would we have Thai myna birds? I would never blast off for Mars if I were not able to take with me a few Thai myna birds. Is Musk giving us a false hope? Is Musk a distraction from our true reality? Maybe Rocket Man should rethink his reality. Musk deserves great respect for what he has accomplished. However, he has accomplished a piddling amount compared to what Nature has accomplished, here on Earth, during the past 4.5 billion years.
  21. Regarding Musk's vision of relocation to Mars: In my humble opinion, this might be OK for people from some lesser countries and villages. However, I just worry that guys from Scotland might not be able to adapt to Mars, and might miss home, not to mention planet Earth. Scotland is such a bonnie place that guys from Scotland could never adapt to life on Mars. Even Hong Kong, these days, is not so suitable for guys from Scotland, not to mention life in Shanghai, obviously. Can you imagine guys from Scotland living happily and contentedly on the planet Mars? Personally, I cannot.
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