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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. You are correct. Biden, or some proxy, has only made a tweet. This is not the way we do it in American government. If Biden truly wishes to resign from the 2024 Prez campaign, then he should say so. And, he should say so himself, in front of the camera, in a public address to the nation, Just as all presidents have done in the past. Until we see Biden voice the words, before camera, then it is entirely possible for Biden to be back in the race, Monday, NYC time. I am fully expecting it, in fact.
  2. I, for one, do not care about a Biden Endorsement for Harris. In my view, this is just Sour Grapes. You see, Biden realizes, full well, that the Salad Woman is a disaster. Therefore, before withdrawing from the election, he Formally Endorsed the Salad Woman as his final act of Retribution. "If I can't run for Prez in 2024, then Nobody will!" he said. Yes, the Salad Woman is the Nobody who will run in 2024. Trump will be Re-Elected.... And, Everybody will live happily, ever after. So, it's Nobody against Everybody, it seems. And, Everybody despises Nobody, too.
  3. Culture is so important in matters like this: When I grew up, we spent our summers at our summer house in New England. The beaches then were pristine. Even today, the beaches in and around Old Black Point are still pristine. I would say that it's a cultural thing, this new idea of prioritizing cleanliness when bathing. I am not one to say that all cultures are somehow EQUAL. That would be PC Idiocy. Some cultures are better for others, such as the Indians. And, other cultures are better for me and the Chinese. This is why I prefer the cultures found in places like New England and China, Japan, and other parts of East Asia. Also, I like the culture here in Chiang Mai. I guess I will never go to India. They don't need no Farang like me in India, ....maybe These days, I feel just so very glad that I left the USA before rampant emigration to the USA destroyed the country I loved. So now? America has already been transformed beyond my recognition, and beyond redemption. Therefore, let the immigrants have it. I love living in Chiang Mai. I will be fine in East Asia and in SE Asia for the rest of my life. Some day, All This will End.... I doubt he was referring to the so-called culture war, when he said, Someday this war's gonna end..... Foam is Fun! They are laughing and smiling... What a culture.
  4. Yes. Correct. The capitalization, which was intentional on my part, signifies that this part of the headline does NOT refer to a generic cup of java.
  5. Sometimes, ambiguity is beneficial. However, there is no ambiguity in the body of the originally posted Topic.
  6. She needs a good dentist more than she needs a run for election. Until then, I suggest her wearing a face mask in public.
  7. First began learning spoken and written Chinese (Mandarin of course) in 1972. Others, at the time, were choosing German for their uni language requirement. Intensive Chinese course: 9 hours per week, on top of one's other course load. It was fun. We learned over 2500 Chinese characters, ideographs, the first two semesters. This felt a bit challenging, at the time. I have also had fun with Chinese Studies at a uni in China, in more recent times. I enjoy the language. I enjoy interacting with Chinese people, too. So, I do not fear the Chinese.
  8. Sort of like the Wizard of Oz. Just hide behind X, and no need for transparency. There is now no accountability necessary of the rulers, to those ruled. Why bother to hold elections, at all, then?
  9. I am OK with the Chinese taking over, even more than they have already taken over, during the past centuries. I prefer Chinese women with at least a PhD, From some Ivy League university. There are a few nice Chinese women here, already. I have not yet met them, but I interact with them via the internet. I prefer the ones who don't speak English. And, it's not so easy to find a Harvard grad who speaks only limited English. But, it's not so hard, either.
  10. Has Biden been told about his Twitter Message, posted today, stating that he will not run? LBJ appeared on television. Biden withdraws on Twitter? Seems a bit strange....
  11. So then.... It's the old Coat-Tails allusion, is it? Time has fallen so very far since the 1960s, and the decades preceding.
  12. It seems IMPOSSIBLE for the Democrats to make good decisions, these days. Biden's withdrawal is one first step in the RIGHT direction. But, then.... They take 10 STEPS back, in the WRONG DIRECTION, by going with The Salad Woman. What? Do they have a Death Wish, or something? Or, are they just stupid, through and through....
  13. I read it slowly the first time. I read everything slowly. I am a slow reader. I took a speed-reading course, years ago. They gave me my money back.
  14. RANSOMWARE We need to bring back the Death Penalty, world-wide, for perpetrators and distributors of Ransomware. Death is too good for them. We need to first draw and quarter them!
  15. Hey, man... I just do not understand this reference to metal nuts. Is a metal nut something that can do a lot of damage?
  16. Dear Folks, Even for me, it was a very strange morning, this bonus holiday in Thailand, what with the Crypto-Doubling-Scheme I found on my hacked YouTube account. How were these hackers able to target me? I clicked on a YouTube vid, a fake Musk Vid, that looked like the following, and then some computer-generated, robot-Musk voice began exhorting me to quickly scan a QR code, and send the maximum crypto, such as DOGS, to Tesla, so that Tesla could double it. What ARE Dogs, anyway, I wondered? I don't even have one dog in my house, let alone MULTIPLE Dogs! So, what kind of world is this when I am being scammed even before I have downed my first glass of ICE-COLD Sichuan tea? This is why I hold out no hope for the disgusting beast we call The Human Animal. I would exterminate 98.1 percent, and I mean anything left of 2-lines of Standard Deviation to the Right of the Mean, and just start over, if I were God. Maybe God has already done this, several times, always with the same result? So, I even thought about scanning this code, just to see what would happen... But, I did not, because... It's always TOO EARLY for me, no matter the time of day, before My First Glass of Sichuan Iced Tea. Just too early for me to scan anything, really. Also, why is everyone picking-on my poor fellow alumnus Elon, anyway? He's done nothing wrong. He is just trying to save the world, as usual. Best regards, Gamma NOTE: Of course, this seems to be just a copy of the hack, earlier this June....but, why is stuff like this still allowed, and floating around on YT? NOTE2: Alternatively, I guess one could also say that We would NOT be here in LOS if we did not enjoy a good scam, once in a while, just to entertain us and to keep us on our toes. Note3: I really do not like scammers, of any ilk. Scammers are the dregs of the dregs. We should keep the death penalty for hackers that distribute RANSOMWARE, which is the scam that I hate the most. Nothing less than the Death Penalty is good enough for these guys that lock computer files, around the world. Note4: I just feel sorry for Elon, if you want to know the truth....
  17. As Jimi also asked: Are You Experienced? Well.... I am.
  18. He looks so much younger in this photo. Also, handsome. Also, that is nothing more than a Black Power hand gesture. Very popular in the 60s and early 70s.
  19. So then.... I often find it difficult to search a good site for ALL the days when Thai people will take days-off and holidays. But, here seems to be a better one than I am normally able to find Hope this helps some here who may be too drunk to intelligently use their phones/computers to search for... Just about anything... https://holidays-calendar.net/calendar_en/thailand_en.html I will try to bookmark it on my computer. Not sure how that might work, though... The REASON I searched for this site is that I was not sure how much longer this present long weekend might last. And then, I became concerned for some, here. Personally, I wish that this holiday would last through the week, until Friday, and then we would have the 28th/29th of July off. This is the way they should have scheduled this holiday, IMHO.
  20. Without the Thai script.... I don't know who she is. Never heard of her.
  21. OK. Thanks for that. And, I guess I would choose the uni hospital....is my understanding correct? Because, one never knows the future, nor can we predict what might happen to us tomorrow or next week. We must be prepared and we must know what to do...in advance....so that we do not need to try to think when thinking is just not possible.
  22. Yes, but be honest.... Don't you sleep more soundly knowing that Trump is on the case?
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