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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Without the Thai script.... I don't know who she is. Never heard of her.
  2. OK. Thanks for that. And, I guess I would choose the uni hospital....is my understanding correct? Because, one never knows the future, nor can we predict what might happen to us tomorrow or next week. We must be prepared and we must know what to do...in advance....so that we do not need to try to think when thinking is just not possible.
  3. Yes, but be honest.... Don't you sleep more soundly knowing that Trump is on the case?
  4. As I stated earlier, and as I continue to maintain, compared to a simple and common ear syringe, which is available at a Thai Pharmacy, for probably about Bt.50, there is really no benefit to using any kinds of hydrogen peroxide. And, where did this 6% come from? Well, it might have come from the packaging of the Debrox Brand of earwax removal stuff that this company sells: But, really, does the hydrogen peroxide "dissolve" the wax? No, it does not. According to my understanding, the bubbles of gas emitted by the hydrogen peroxide, when coming into contact with the wax/bacteria inside the ear canal, acts MECHANICALLY, and not as any kind of solvent. So then, what does the ear syringe do? The ear syringe also acts mechanically. And the ear syringe is used to irrigate the ear canal with warm water. In addition, as the water is expelled out of the nozzle of the ear syringe bulb, this will create disturbances in the flow of water, as well as bubbles, and this MECHANICAL action should be enough to dislodge the impacted wax...IF..this procedure is repeated a number of times....IDK how many times...because each wax impaction is different. Why I would NOT buy the CHEAP products available on the local market, or on delivery sites: How do I know the Quality Control of each individual producer? There is NO WAY I would use a product like that. If I chose to use such a product, then I would opt for Debrox....but.... I would never buy such a product, simply because it is not necessary. Here are some useful facts about Debrox and earwax removal: https://www.drugs.com/mtm/debrox-otic.html#:~:text=Common side effects of Debrox,mild itching inside the ear. Furthermore, I would not buy these products because, waste of money, in my view... If Bt50.00 for a syringe made in Thailand is all I would need, then why would I pay USD38.10 to purchase what is not required? So then, WHY do people love to use products like Debrox? Here is my take.... When carbamide peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) is added to the ear canal, it will begin to bubble and foam. This causes that OH-SO-SATISFYING auditory feedback to the user, which causes the user to think..: Wow! I can hear all those bubbles foaming and CHEWING AWAY, and dissolving the Big-Bad Wax impacted in my canal! I figure this must be some sort of marketing gimmick (at least in part), simply because users love the sound of... Debrox TAKING ACTION! One thing we do not know and this is whether or not the long-term use of carbamide peroxide/hydrogen peroxide might have any negative effects. Just one more thing: What do you think they put in Debrox which actually DOES help to SOFTEN earwax? YES! They add GLYCERIN The above is from the MayoClinic website.... https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/home-remedies-effective-earwax-removal/ Final Note: Personally, I like the sound of carbamide peroxide foaming in my ears. Who does not?!!! It feels good to hear that snap-crackle-popping sound, and to imagine that the foam is eating-away at that nasty wax. I am only saying that it is not necessary. Therefore, I never use active ingredients like this in my ear canal, unless prescribed by a doctor, and if I am 100 PERCENT POSITIVE that my eardrum has no perforations. Hope this helps. Regards, Gamma
  5. My Number One issue with the world in Social-Media-Related Ghetto-Culture that has, and continues, to take over and warp our world. If this issue can be properly addressed and rectified or ameliorated, then.... We might have a shot at survival past 2030. If not...then... NOT.
  6. I am relieved to hear that, at the very least, Trump is aware of this fact.
  7. Dear Folks Posting of This Topic is motivated by my having just read about a motorcyclist breaking a leg, and about his being unexpectedly thrown into a dire medical situation without adequate personal funds or insurance. This caused me to think about the question of Government versus Private hospitals, specifically for this type of Emergency Care, beginning with being admitted through the doors of the ER, and progressing to being sent to the ICU, and maybe then to a ward for an extended stay, and then, perhaps to physical therapy before being eventually discharged. So, among the many possible pertinent questions, here are a few: a. Knowing that comfort differences between a private and gov hospital may be significant, if one only looks at survival rates, or recovery times, and if one realizes that it is the science-based health care that is most important..... Would there be much of a difference in patient outcomes for ER patients, accident patients, sent either to a private hospital or a government hospital...IF... The gov hospital was ranked in the Top 4 in the Chiang Mai area, including several kilometers outside the city of CM? b. We already know that gov hospitals are much cheaper, but what about the hospital that is closely affiliated to Chiang Mai University? Is CMU hospital also considered a government hospital, as CMU itself seems to be a government university or state university? Also, are the healthcare services at CMU charged at any standard gov rates? c. What support from outside the hospital must the patient provide? For example, what about food, clothes, etc? Would it be necessary or advisable for the patient to hire a private nurse that can perform the same functions as a patient's family, IF the patient did not have family in Chiang Mai, as most Thais do? d. If the patient required a hospital stay of several weeks, just how comparatively comfortable is a gov hospital in CM, compared to some private hospital like RAM? e. What happens with payment to gov hospitals if, for example, the patient must pay by credit card for hospital services? So, just a few questions of importance for anyone who may be unfortunate enough to suffer a severe accident in or near CM city. After reading the account of the guy with the broken leg, it occurred to me that the resident/visitor to Chiang Mai should do proper planning and be more proactive in order to prepare for the unforeseen circumstance that might befall even the luckiest among us. I have had major surgery in an Asian hospital, and it was a university hospital, and the experience was extremely good. I had zero complaints. It was not a luxury experience, but I cared only about recovery. Some say the level of healthcare in hospitals is higher in Taiwan, but I do not know. This might be true for orthopedic surgery, though, as I have heard that Taiwan is very capable in this field. The nursing care in Taiwan is excellent at a uni hospital. I just do not know how Chiang Mai healthcare might compare to Taipei healthcare. And, that only matters as a comparison to judge what might be expected at a gov/uni hospital, such as the one affiliated with CMU... Regards, Gamma Note: I like RAM, but for trauma surgery....I have no idea what would be the best course of action....
  8. Good Point. Here in CM, there are good government hospitals, I think, which are also somehow affiliated with the university, and quite adequate. It's only the long wait times that one must endure that make things a bit difficult.
  9. It's OK. Stay Calm. In fact, a bit of AMBIGUITY is always welcome. Some ambiguity, in my view, should be designed into all Farang-Pub Topics on TV.
  10. Yes. I agree. Erin is one of the only presenters on CNN, or most other new outlets...who is REAL. And, in my view, REAL is a huge plus, even if nothing else is considered.
  11. Speaking of Black Coffee... Do you recall the film.. Donnie DARKo, and the GIANT Rabbit? Must be one of everybody's favorite films, I would think.
  12. Although the Chinese believe that tea drinking is healthy, I am not convinced. Even if the caffeine in tea is not unhealthy, I still believe that one should not imbibe, if possible. It's impossible to become addicted to the caffeine in coffee or tea, but this is not the point of my concern. Caffeine does raise blood pressure. Also, caffeine can interfere with normal sleep pattern. Therefore, most likely, caffeine is a risk to optimal health. Yet, as for me, I believe it's worth the risk. I like to drink coffee, too. But the risk of coffee drinking, for me at least... I don't like the aromatic properties, flavonoids, or whatever, to alter the aroma of my urine. Aroma of coffee should be in the cup, and not in the urinal. This is my belief.
  13. I must admit, she is not quite the same at 48 as she was at 38. Yet, her eyes are just as beautiful as they ever were. One can still lose oneself in Erin's eyes. (And, come to think of it, Erin's eyes are TEN TIMES more beautiful than Laura's Eyes....(Faye's eyes, I mean.))
  14. Her music is ABOMINABLE...., at least compared to any great Jazz Singer like Sarah or Ella. In fact, rather than listen to a minute of this Alicia babe, I would far better dig Francis Scott Key.
  15. Just curious: Has anyone yet discovered the grammatical error in Black Coffee? Vaughan sings..... "I walk the floor, and wipes the door." This is why I love Black Coffee.
  16. What kind of bacteria. What are the bacterial counts. Is this your own finding? Please post your data. Is this orhers' research you are referring to? Post links to the studies for our evaluation. Thank you.
  17. Has anyone run out of booze, so far? I still have enough ice water to last until August 15th. I have enough Sichuan tea to last until June 15th, 2025. This is why you should stop the booze, and start the tea. This is the quickest way to reduce stress in your life, by never needing to worry over No-Alky-Sales holidays. Or, even though I do not smoke it, you might try planting weed in your garden, if still allowed, instead of depending on the neighborhood shop for beer. Better to be self-reliant and independent and to think outside the box, especially in uncertain times such as these in which we now live.
  18. That music is atrocious. This is why America is going to the dogs. But, really, is it the cause? I think not. The origin of all bad music in the USA is the prison system, and the military-industrial-congressional complex, plus the legacy of American slavery which lasted up until the late 1960s, which is when white slavery became more dominant in American society.
  19. I remember Da Nang in 1971. Very peaceful. Not much traffic. Good French bread. Many begging children, though..
  20. I can walk, but I cannot teach French. I can't chew gum, but I can teach English.
  21. Erin is also the Girl-Nextdoor, and the Sexiest of them all.
  22. I only watch CNN International with Ted Turner. Last time I watched CNN, Erin was 19. Super hot. Super smart.
  23. Thank you. I am happy that at least one person here, besides me, is able to see and appreciate her beauty. We cannot always attain that which we most desire. Such is life.
  24. So, as I stated earlier.... Erin is extremely attractive, especially in the vids around 9 or 10 years ago. Just because you might find the woman whose image you have posted here attractive, others may not,and I do not, either.
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