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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Glad you asked. Here is who she is. Here is where she grew up. Such a great part of the world, in fact... Enjoy.
  2. Not entirely sure how he is able to respond to my comments if he has blocked them... Does he borrow a friend's computer? Just to reply to me and my Topics?
  3. Just joking. I am not in the USA. I am here with you, if you are here in Thailand.
  4. I hope that we will not need to turn this TV Farang Pub Topic into a boring debate!
  5. No, actually not. There are different standards for different folks. My standards are different. Yet, my standards are still valid.
  6. This is just another example of downsizing. Consider yourself fortunate that they did not bring you a demitasse, and then leave it half empty. I thought that you were a half-full kind of person.
  7. So then, one must ask oneself what one considers to be criteria for judging sexiness. For me, there are several important criteria. And, if you wish to know what my criteria are, then please just take a closer look at Erin Isabelle Burnett.
  8. There ARE NO proven facts in Science, nor in our World that we call "reality". I am sure that you realize this to be true.
  9. Sorry for the typo, and I meant: There is no absolute standard for beauty. Yet, one's preferences are also partially encoded in one's genes.
  10. Not drinking black coffee is not the Topic! It is the inability to appreciate Sarah Vaughan's music which is the characteristic that I would find difficult to accept in any friend of mine. And, this is the question posed in the Topic: Could you be close friends with someone who could not?
  11. And, AGAIN, there is just too much evidence to argue otherwise! So, feel free to dive into the research concerning whether or not culture affects preferences. There is a genetic component to this, as well. And then, what about aesthetics, and choices based on aesthetics? (This is just one article, and there are better ones out there.) https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/51672/1/67052879X.pdf
  12. So, anyway, you are just demonstrating my point that culture is a key influence for deciding one's tastes in women, music, and much more. This cannot be explained by logic; preferences, I mean. There is no absolute standard for beauty. One's preferences are also partially coded in one's genes.
  13. Yes. Lobotomy. This simple procedure should lessen your constant and incessant worrying over how to stop the obsessive-compulsive behavior you see in others.
  14. Well, I guess I would not search in PNG for any attractive individuals. And the reason is that PNG culture is not as appealing to me as what I am used to... Having been raised on The Main Line.
  15. https://www.raabcollection.com/literary-autographs/twain-gambling
  16. I hope you will remove that ugly Energy Sticker, the yellow, green and red one, sometime during this long weekend. These are the ugliest stickers in the entire world. Aesthetically speaking, I am very surprised they are allowed in Thailand. Please remove it!
  17. I have about 40 x 1.5 liter bottles of water in my refrigerators. All that water adds thermal mass, and keeps the fridge temps very even. I buy 6 of those 20-liter water jugs from a delivery company. Then I fill up all 40 of the 1.5-liter bottles. And now I am ready for the long holiday. I do not add lemon to the water. Instead, I brew Chinese tea, and add ice to the tea, and then I can top up the ice-tea glasses with 0.5 degree C water from the fridge, as required. This is all that I will be consuming, in the way of beverage, this weekend. Just Chinese Tea from Sichuan, and Ice Water from the fridge. The water delivery company is a good one, too.
  18. This was NOT a prank This was both a bit of humor... And, this humor was humor with A BARB directed at the idiots at CrowdStrike who actually DID what this comedian only pretended to admit doing. He was saying, only, that the CrowdStrike guys are FOOLS for what they had done.
  19. Fortunately, no BSOD issue for me, today. Knock on wood... CrowdStrike's language is so very Orwellian. CrowdStrike Sucks the Big One. I will never use anything but Linux, ever again.
  20. Crowdstrike has struck! Never go with Microsoft products. Always choose LINUX, and preferably OpenSUSE, or SLE Suse. We ALL love OpenSource!
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