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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Until the end? Until the end of what? Until the end of time? Prepositions are just so important, it seems.....
  2. Your wish will go unanswered..... At least, for now. Maybe later.
  3. Best comment, so far, this month. Gave me a HUGE chuckle, in fact. But, fortunately, not there, yet. Maybe soon, though.....and.... I will let you know when it happens.
  4. Dear Folks, I think you recall Roth, the guy who was unfairly passed over for the Nobel Prize. I think I know why. But, never mind that slight oversight due to bias of the baser kind. What are your favorite Roth quotes? Here is a sampling of something easily pulled up on the internet: So, was Roth better than Bob Dylan, and more worthy of a Nobel? Do tell. Do tell your favorite Roth quotes and Roth paragraphs. Regards, Gamma After this debacle.... No respect for the nitwits of the Nobel!
  5. Well, anyway: I am sure that everybody here realizes that I was just being facetious when I used the term: READERSHIP Because, the very LAST thing I seek is a readership, such as a readership you might find on TV. So, please don't get too hung-up on, or distracted by, this very innocuous word. I have never sought out those who might have, unfortunately, read my Topics or comments. In fact, I despise those who have ever read anything that I have ever written, if it was of their own free will. It's OK with me, though, if you might have read something I had written, inadvertently, by mistake, and then disliked it. You can be forgiven for this chance encounter. Personally, I never read what I have written. Never a truer word was ever spoken. And, as I write this sentence, I am also not reading it.
  6. It's quite rare to meet anyone, man or woman, with a true sense of altruism. The best we can say about humans is that they are less-hairy apes, with ape-like needs and social behavior. Some human women might be hairy as apes....and I would say, back in the day, Bryn Mawr girls had the reputation for having hairy legs. Whether or not these girls had your sense of altruism, I don't think so. Most of these girls, if not all, came from families of wealth, at the time of this photo. Did their wealth lead them to be more altruistic? I would say.... Just the opposite. I have never seen an altruistic debutante in my life. This photo, I think, was captured around 1910, at Bryn Mawr College..... From this photo, you can tell that most of them look like their rich fathers, and just as handsome.
  7. Good genes.... As I already stated. I am never wrong.... As you already know. Note: You are only slightly older than I. But, you are handsomer; there is no doubt. I will give you THAT.....
  8. Have you ever considered an emergency face lift? Thailand is the place!
  9. Just a note: I tried to click on this link, but... Unable to access it. But....thanks for posting the attempt. (Maybe a problem with my openSUSE LEAP 15.6? IDK)
  10. Hi Folks, I think it matters not how old or young one might be. Each and every year, the first time I spy a firefly, it reminds me that good things will happen this year, and that.... They already have. Children marvel at lightning bugs. Even old guys love them, too. When we are young, we collect them in glass jars. But, not sure if one were to collect enough of them...that....one could make... Firefly Marmalade out of them...which...might... Glow yellowish-green on one's toast in the evenings. I just wanted to report my first firefly of 2024, here in CM. And, no matter what, just seeing one lends positive excitement to the air, I think. Seeing a firefly also reminds us of our very young years, the first time we saw one....and.... Can you remember THAT? Or, are you now just too old, jaded, and decrepit? Hopefully, some of us, though not ALL of us, will live to see our first firefly..... Next year.... But, of course, this is not guaranteed. Regards, Gamma Note: So, learn to appreciate these small miracles...while ye may. No matter what our age, this year could be our last. Note2: I just hope these words are not prescient, or nothing..... Note3: Sometimes though, each year, when I spy my first firefly, I am reminded of the film.... REPO MAN....
  11. Yes, but that could be very risky. And, maybe I overly worry about this aspect, just too much.... I would never wish to be perceived as just another Harvey Weinstein.
  12. Dear Folks, Are you shy around girls, in general? How do you know when she wants you to kiss her? What about Thai girls? Are you shy around them, too? Or, are you just shy with all girls? This is my problem. And, I assume that many here are exactly the same. Therefore, how to answer these questions? Plus: What is the best way to get over one's shyness with girls in Thailand, both in the South, the North, and, also, BKK girls? Also, how do you know if a Thai girl wants you to hold her hand....because.... I know that some Thai girls do not like to be touched by foreigners. Thank you, In advance, Gamma
  13. 6-Million-Dollar man, obviously. Good genes. See you in the year 2525, if you are still alive.
  14. Look at this. This cannot be shipped to Thailand, very unfortunately.... But, still, it must be here, if it is made in China.... But, still, I need one with a wooden handle/grip that is hooked. Still looking. THIS ONE is my Dream Umbrella, for sure. Where can I get one in CM? Good Price: I would GLADLY pay for one of these, here in CM....! I hate to buy the garbage umbrellas for sale all around Asia produced, who knows where. I want something decent to keep me dry.
  15. Whatever provides pleasure to you, provided that it causes me maximum pain, is acceptable.
  16. Real ladies don't have a member. If they are polite ones. Their only option is to visit the local market and buy a cucumber.
  17. Yes. In the original post, it was not called LOSING a member, but amputation of a member. But, in my mind, I think they actually should have stated: DeCAPitation. Decapitation is the word for it, I think.
  18. Thesis editing is required. Also, most theses are basically feces. Therefore, editing theses is for the birds. After editing theses, I would not waste my time, again, editing anything, unless it was extremely lucrative, which writing on most forums is not.
  19. So then, you are trying to take the Hemingway approach? Simpler sentences, etc. But, still seeking that perfect paragraph? Roth wrote better paragraphs than Hemingway could have ever dreamed of writing.
  20. Very odd that you should mention Ham. I'm from China, you know.
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