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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. Ah like most liberals always deflect when pressured to provide any substantiation for their undocumented assertions.
  2. I am certainly no fan of Putin but as a U.S.A. citizen I would have to say this is the pot calling the kettle black. Since WWII the U.S.A. has engaged in wars all over the world. In my opinion, none of them warranted. They bombed, shot, napalmed, and sent cruise missles into various regions. Not because those countries posed a threat, attacked the USA or were of strategic interest. At least Putin is attempting to annex a region contiguous to Russia and as I understand it is home to mostly Russian speaking Ukrainians. That would not be true of Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan. Did the USA make life better for those people. Save the world for democracy. No. Those countries were left worse for the blood and treasure expended by the USA. It is said, war is old men lying and young men dying. Biden should learn the phrase assuming he still can cognitively that people in glass houses should not throw stones.
  3. Brian, no permit was needed and I concede that. What I did say is that normally if heard someone 'DEFEND" people who drive with their children while under the influence of marijuana, Meth, Oxycodene, and Fentanyl while carrying a gun in the car, I would say they should go in for a psych evaluation to test their brain function and cognitive ability In your case such a test is not required. Yours has already been established.
  4. Two comments First and most importantly I doubt we have ALL THE FACTORS. I doubt seriously if all of the information is disclosed to the public. The very fact that the police ordered a follicle test in addition to the test that disclosed the marijuana use is to me indicative that they rightfully suspected the driver was on more than just marijuana. They were right. Second, you and others are Monday morning quarterbacking. Did they error. Perhaps, but if they did it was out of an abundance of caution. They rightfully feared also being Monday morning quarterbacked when one of the children in the car found the gun played with it and shot someone with it. Then all those who expect a perfect 20/20 hindsight decision would have blamed the police and child protective services saying, they knew this person was driving DUI and had a gun in the car yet they did nothing. I say,first off IT HAD NOTHING TO DO AS THE OP SUGGEST TO DO WITH RACE. They had a car with windows so tinted that it obscured the people inside the car. We also don't know the ethnicity of the police officer Recently there was outrage in about a beating in Memphis that led to a teens death suggesting it too was racial. Here is a picture of the 5 officers charged in that beating. The OP and articles like it are strictly inflaming passions and race baiting for the sake of an inflamatory headline. If the exact same thing had happened and the parents were Asians or Caucasians the media would treat it totally different.
  5. So let me see, not the police officer but CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES who deemed the circumstances surrounding the children warranted taking the children. As said, the OP seem to infer the reason they were stopped was that they were black. The fact is the reason they were stopped was that the tint on the window of their car was too dark making ascertaining the occupants in the vehicle impossible. Now you can challenge the Child Protective Services for their actions saying that they should not have taken the children, or that they should not have issued the order until after the follicle test. However, we ask those agencies to excercise the utmost caution with dealing with minor children. Being devil's advocate if the children were not taken and following that one of the children accidentally ingested and died from the fentanyl, or alternatively the driver was released and killed the family and others while driving under the influence. I suggest you and others would be blaming Child Protective Services for knowing the children were in a dangerous setting and failing to protect them. They are d**ned if they do or d**med if they dont' One way or another this has zero to do with race. They were not stopped because they were black. They were stopped because they drove a vehicle with windows tinted so much it obscured the occupants. They were driving in the passing lane but traveling at a speed insufficient to pass slower vehicles. Such driving is totally consistent with driving impaired where the driver slows down to compensate for their impaired condition. Again, to me, how someone can defend these people who obviosly have problems as parents and are a danger to other people on the road is beyond me, but then again, I recognize who I am speaking to.
  6. So the fact the test would be inadmissable in court is somehow germaine to you. Lets see, I stopped the car illegally found that the driver was legally intoxicated and carrying a loaded 45. However I was not sure the search was admissable so I released the person. Sorry that he was carrying that illegal firearm when he killed your family. First off the windows on the car were so heavily tinted that the officers could not ascertain the occupants and that caused them to stop the car. They found in addition to the drugs a gun. Later it was determined that hey were on Meth, Oxycodone, and Fentanyl But according to your logic because the 'TEST WOULD BE INADMISSABLE that would be grounds to release the children back into their custody. Now when one of the children shows up dead from an accidental overdose of fenanyl, or the driver kills all by driving under the influence, I am sure you will be soliced by the fact that he got those children back because not that he was not under the influence of a drug, but rather that evidence could not be used against him. These people obviously were not upstanding parents. I have zero idea why some out there seems to be advocates of people who would have children in a car, be driving it while on drugs and also have a gun in the car.
  7. Ah now the fact that the people were carrying a gun and had instant follicle testing being inadmissable is the germaine point to you. Did you ever think that irrespective of its admissability that it might be a very real and important fact. What would you say to the Tennessee authorities if they released these people who based on the tests were on meth, fentanyl, and oxycodone in their system. They crashed the car into another family killing all occupants in both vehicles but a spokesman for Tennessee said OH WE WERE NOT CONCERNED ABOUT THE METH, FENTANYL, AND OXYCODONE because it was inadmissable in court. Who ties your shoes for you?
  8. The follicle test showed both the father and the mother had methamphetamines, fentanyl and oxycodone in their system. Officers searched the couples car and found a gun and 5 grams of marijuana Tell the complete story. Not just isolated facts that are a misrepresentation by ommision.
  9. Police stopped a Black couple in Tennessee – and took their children This headline is just race baiting. If the race of the people was caucasian or asian be worth noting. NO. The purpose of inserting it is to create the impression that they were treated differently becuase of their race. Now you had a police officer I suspect traveling from behind the vehicle to be stopped. With headrests today it is a challenge to see the skin color of the person driving or passengers. Now have the same incident with the headline Police stopped a couple in possession of drugs and a gun in Tennessee – and took their children Kind of gives a different inference to the reader doesn't it. You wonder why you have so much crime, because police officers are reluctant to do their jobs for fear of being labeled as racist. Let the system work, I suspect there is more to this story than the OP and as said, such headlines are meant to inflame and create division among people. If the police officer was wrong, they should be punished. If the people in the vehicle are proven guilty of something that warranted their children being removed then they too should suffer the consequences of their actions RACE BEING IRRELEVANT PS. I did a bit of searching on this headline. Now some of these "facts" may shed a different perspective. A Tennessee Highway Patrol officer pulled them over for "dark tinted windows" and traveling in the left lane while not actively passing," according to Feb. 17 citations issued to the couple. ( now in many states having too dark a tinted window is not allowed and if they were darkened it is more than likely the police officer could not have ascertained the race of the people in the car) Williams and Clayborne then submitted to hair follicle tests, though it's unclear from court records why they were asked to take a second drug test and who asked them to do so. Within minutes, a rapid "stat" hair follicle test came back positive for methamphetamines, fentanyl and oxycodone in both parents. Clayborne and Williams both deny using the substances. ( now mind you the driver had already taken one drug test and was found to have marijuana in his system) The follicle test showed both the father and the mother had methamphetamines, fentanyl and oxycodone in their system. Yep, sure want these people to be on the road with 5 children, nothing to see here.
  10. Well Harry Truman said: The Buck Stops Here If it had gone well, he would have been lauded as commander in chief. As said, he probably was one of if not the smartest presidents but despite that one of the most innefective. The rescue was just like the remainder of his presidency. Good intentions with poor execution.
  11. I think probably the man witn the highest personal moral standards but unquestionably one of the poorest performing presidents. It has been conjectured that Carter had one of if not the highest IQ's but lacked insight and common sense. Carter was a person who has high idealistic objectives and failed miserably in executing a policy to make them a reality. His presidency can be best captured by his attempted rescue of hostages in Iran. It was a noble mission not well thought out and executed poorly.
  12. I have a small area on the bridge if my nose that I am guessing is the very early skin cancer formation. Need to have it examined and if necessary have it surgically removed. Yes I know Bangkok Hospital I'm Pattaya. I just don't like their practice of having you repeatedly come back following procedures for meaningless appointments
  13. Whoa hold on. I know this can't be true. The news media and several posts on this forum said that Biden had consulted with his military adviser on the first Chinese balloon and determined it was TOO RISKY to shoot it down over areas like Alaska, Canada, or Montana. Also they had to let it travel 3,700 kilometers to dunk in in the ocean rather than perforating the balloon with small holes to let it make a gentle descent on to land because retrieving that balloon on the open ocean hoping it doesn't sink gave a better chance of recovery. So this obviously can't be true.
  14. Depends on the bank. Certain banks such as SCB and Kasikorn say they can do everything at every branch. Other banks such as Bangkok bank "say" you must go back to the branch you opened your account at for certain things like 1 year bank statement and monthly letter of deposit for immigration. One way or antother I probaby if I moved open a new account where I now lived to make sure that I did have problems. I would keep the old account active for some time to make sure there was never a need to access the old records from it.
  15. Isn't it amazing. For two years this forum was filled with posts about the need to quarantine, have double, triple vaccinations, wear face masks, avoid travel, keep social distancing. And if we didn't do all that the world was going to end and there would be a plague killing millions. Now two years later as soon as the media stopped the drum beat heralding each and every death and we went back to our everday lives then suddenly Covid is not a problem or at least nothing more than an inconvenience. I said right from the beginning the world had never stopped a virus and we live today with virus infections of all kind. We were always going to have to learn to carry on and co-exist with Covid. The lesson: People will eventually analyze all the facts, develope appropriate measures, and pick the best solution. But only after they have exhausted trying every other lame brain idea first.
  16. I never heard that Uber was illegal in Bangkok. I do know that Uber sold its intereste in SE Asia to Grab for a partial ownership deal. So Uber now is a partial owner of Grab. One way or another with Grab owning Uber SE Asia there is no way that it is refurfacing back here in Thailand
  17. THERE IS NO MONEY IN THE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUND This is one of the biggest mistruths ever told. The money for social security is collected and sent to the treasury. No different than the money taken that is witheld from your paycheck for tax witholding. It is "ear marked" as money to go into the social security trust fund. After posting to the social security trust fund, it is still in the general fund and the trust fund uses those dollars to 'INVEST". The investments are entirely U.S. Treasury Bonds. Now what is a bond. It is an IOU. You buy a bond from a company it is borrowing the money from you, giving you a bond, which is a promise to pay you back your principal plus interest over time. So the investments in the Social Security Trust fund are IOU's that the U.S. government Issues. In effect the Treasury Department owes the Social Security Trust Fund money. That is not "investing" It is the equivalent of you receiving cash from your employer putting it in your pocket and then spending it but replacing it with a piece of paper called a bond stating that you intend to pay yourself back with interest per the terms of the bond. You can not loan yourself money and call it invested. In truth various leading publicatins including CNBC call social security the worlds largest Ponzi scheme and that is exactly what it is. They are taking money from current workers to pay for the benefits being paid to older workers and if the witholding from current workers is insufficient borrowing to make up the difference. When they talk about the Trust Fund being depleted that only means that the bonds in the trust fund will be redeemed. How will they be redeemed? The Federal Government runs a huge trillion dollar deficit each year. So the only way to get the money to cash in the bonds is to borrow more money. https://www.cnbc.com/id/28241636
  18. Having just gone through this at Bangkok Bank here in Pattaya. If you need only a short statment 6 months or less they can print at the branch and give you the letter same day that merely records the date, the fact you have the account and its current balance. If you need the 12 month statement using the monthly method, go to the office and request a 13 month statement. It will take 3 to 5 business days. Upon arrival the bank can typie a letter that details your monthly transfers. Some branches will do that same day, others come back the next day.
  19. Grab bought Uber a few years ago. Uber took an ownership interest in Grab rather than try and build up its network here in Thailand. So no, that is not going to happen to allow Uber to operate.
  20. At 65 in the USA that is exactly the process. They don't believe in surgery after 65 because statistically the person will die with the disease not from it. I agree with you however that a biopsy will ascertain if it is slow growing or a fast growing prostate cancer. Typically a digital exam can determine if the growth is toward the anus in which case it is almost always slow growing. I have had for the past two years a physical that includes a full ultrasound of the stomach. It can also determine the size and any abnormalities with the pancreas. For the OP I would opt for a urologist and first do a biopsy if I was really concerned. After that if the cancer was the typical cancer very slow growing, I would in all liklihood do nothing.
  21. Not just Thailand. Like anyplace research your doctor and get at least a second opinion. My experience here in Thailand is that the quality of care is very good. However I am private pay and so I go to hospitals and see doctors who I have done some research on. If one thing the for profit hospitals try to push to to have some needless tests and want you running back to see them. My GF had high cholesteral so they put her on a drug to lower it and asked her to come back in 90 days to test. The cholesteral was lower and so they said to go off the drug and come back in 90 days and get tested. She did, and her cholesteral was back up. They put her back on the drug and wanted her to come back in 90 days. I said, enough nonsense, keep on the drug and we can go to Lifecare and have your blood work analyzed and I can read the cholesteral number just as good as the doctor can. Recent studies of medical errors have estimated errors may account for as many as 251,000 deaths annually in the United States (U.S)., making medical errors the third leading cause of death. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28186008/
  22. You obiously can't The chart show that the tax rate of the top 1% earned 22.2% of the income in the USA but paid 42.3% of ALL THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX The average rate was 25.99% which is more than EIGHT TIMES the rate of the bottom 50%. The lower 50% earned 10.2% of all income but paid only 2.3% of all tax So much for your proportionality stat. Match wasn't your best subject was it.
  23. There is a huge difference between a correlation and a causation. I could run a study of those who ate donuts and dementia and if the study showed that those that ate more donuts had a higher incidence of dementia I could report that but that does not mean eating donuts caused the dementia. Conversely if the study showed those eating lots of donuts had a lower incidence of dementia it does not show that eating donuts can help you reduce your incidence of dementia. You have to have two groups virtually identical, one drinking lots of tea and the other drinking virtually none. Even then it is virtually impossible to make the two groups identical with no differenting factors. You could run animal tests with two groups that might be more telling but I can recall for many years things like Coffee, Sacharin, Wine, Turkey Bacon and numerous other products were bad for you but later found not only not to be bad but in some cases like Wine and Coffee actually good for you. Bottom line, do everything in moderation. The Japanese drink lots of tea and their average lifespan in 84.62 years. They have a death rate from dementia at 7.87 per 100,000. Finland who I doubt drinks lots of tea has a death rate of 54.62 per 100,000 and is the highest in the world. Singapore which I would suspect drinks lots of tea has the lowest rate in the world at .43 per 100,000. So much for tea being bad for you.
  24. No she indicates that she has never eaten any raw sea food.
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