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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. disability scooter, not a motorcycle.
  2. sounds sensible, if people want to stay longer get the appropriate visa.
  3. unfortunately, the french never colonised thailand hence, lack of aesthetically pleasing (or any) city planning and buildings, decent bread and bakeries and decent coffee. fortunately, near my place there is an excellent bakery owned and run by a japanese baker.
  4. charming. i'm pretty widely traveled and in my experience you see people who eat politely and people who don't in pretty much every country. i often think people on this forum have limited experience of countries and cultures outside their own and thailand. traveling more widely will give you a wider perspective and understanding of different cultures and behaviours.
  5. as your wife is thai surely she's best placed to explain about thai weddings and answer any questions you have.
  6. not sure what rock your friend has been living under, but suggest he uses a web site called google, it's a search engine which means he can find information on pretty much any topic he/she wants.
  7. you assume the brakes actually failed, i would bet my house they didn't, and that the accident was due to human error.
  8. i come from a small village back home, one of my elderly neighbours lived in my village and her husband, of 40 odd years, lived in a village a 10 minute drive away, it worked for them, they found it extremely beneficial to their lives and relationship. tbh i can see the positives.
  9. sophisticated? hardly. more like the buyer didn't do basic due diligence or research before booking. booking accommodation on facebook when there are plenty of bespoke aps available, what could possibly go wrong? 🙄
  10. on average i only see a small minority of foreigners wearing helmets when riding motorcycles. i don't understand the mentality, but am not surprised by the consequences.
  11. He claimed he was drunk and unable to control himself, insisting he did not intend to sexually assault anyone not the most imaginative line of defence. though if it works all you have to do is get sloshed before committing a crime then walk away scot (scotch) free...😁
  12. yes i did. i was in my local 7/11 recently and overheard a gen Zer scolding another genZer for buying Nestle branded water; don't support the man was his refrain, as he ignorantly handed over his cash to the 7/11 employee... 🙄
  13. OP, the poor sales assistants in places like HomePro must be sick and tired of people like you. they are at work it's their job to be nice to you, don't let your inflated opinion of yourself and ego get the better of you. treat them with respect as you'd treat any other member of staff regardless of age, gender or looks. I cringe when i see old, desperate foreigners 'flirting' with shop staff and waitresses. get a life guys.
  14. It has been in the 40's in my garden....To hot to venture into for the first time ever. All temperatures taken for records of air temperature are taken in the shade. Any temperature gauges that are recording temperatures in the sun will be affected by the sun's radiation and the temperature during that period will appear significantly hotter
  15. if it's a boat stop pier there are tyers he could climb up, away from piers the sides are pretty much un-climbable. i think some boat stops are buoyancy aids for such incidents, but not all. ability to swim and alcohol/illegal drugs may have played a part. let's wait and see. very sad.
  16. I was told last night that the police were carrying out breathalyser checks on Saturday. Probably a good idea. Probably? er, no, without a doubt an excellent idea, and something that should be done all the time all over the country.
  17. absolutely not, am on a wonderful holiday enjoying what i want to do, when i want to do it, without some idiot throwing water at me. bliss. 😁
  18. they really should have got their ducks in line before making any announcement. this has been going on for ages.
  19. according to the WHO over 20,000 die on thailand's roads every year, average 54 per day. so with 63 deaths in two it's statistically less likely you'll be killed on the roads during the first two days of 2024 songkran. around 924,799 are injured each year, about 2,500 per day. so 550 injured in two days means roads were much safer during the first two songkran days.
  20. no it's not. it's perfectly acceptable.
  21. i always go to female IOs, never had a problem in all the years i've been traveling to and fro. must be something about me 😇
  22. no it's not, it's immigration and customs doing their job. how often to people on AN complain about authorities inaction? i wish they'd search more people, more than happy form them to search me.
  23. everyone needs to calm down, and just take a little more care and attention when using the roads.
  24. true. however, it is an amazingly powerful crime fighting tool, which has led directly to the successful conviction of many thousands of criminals, as well as being a key component in the fight against terrorism. nothing is perfect eh?!
  25. the driver was driving slowly and cautiously, the guy's obviously got issues.
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