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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. i get it that some passengers may be out of their seat going to the toilet, and the staff were working, but it's common knowledge that turbulence can occur at anytime and unexpectedly, that's why passengers are always recommended to wear seat belts all the time - it's not difficult or uncomfortable and very sensible. harsh as it sounds, anyone ignoring this excellent practical advice is surely guilty of contributory negligence.
  2. that's a ridiculous stand point. you clearly have limited awareness of the situation, by your logic, following WW2 why do the germans have their own country?
  3. have to disagree, i've seen thai women go after the 'other woman' many times. actually, thailand is not unlike other countries, as men and women have affairs in most countries, it's human nature not thai nature.
  4. It looks like there are staff members, possibly of Chinese origin but, even though i'm a 'reporter' i couldn't be bothered to find out.
  5. excellent, as bad as each other. stop hating each other. live and let live.
  6. my home is a converted barn in beautiful, small english village (100 people) clean, quiet, wonderful. I lived in london for 11 years and absolutely loved it. Live in bkk now and love the hustle an bustle. i'm very comfortable with both city and countryside, and am fortunatelly financially able to enjoy the best of both worlds.
  7. nonsense, you think people only thai people behave like this? you have very limited experience of the world. you only have to look at the usa to see similar behavior, on a far greater scale, and if you knew anything about latin and south american culture... or mongolia - where if your foot touches someone else's or you touch someones hat then it's fight time. thais are, in reflection, quite restrained.
  8. next you'll be complaining you took your own food into a restaurant and asked them to cook it for you
  9. pay by cash, it's much quicker than faffing around with the QR code payment system
  10. the guy is clearly a d*ck, thinking somehow the law doesn't apply to him and trying to get out of repercussions of his actions by blaming 'legal advice', pathetic. why is he being given leniency? he's broken the law, do the time.
  11. transfer it from one account to another.
  12. i get pretty good service, must be you.
  13. nonsense, many thais work standard six day weeks and have considerably less annual leave entitlement than western employees.
  14. you clearly don't understand rip tides. neither did i until visiting my sister and BIL in aus, the two things he told me about; red back spiders - yes i saw one, and what to do in a rip, they lived right by a beach. rips can be deadly, but are relatively easy to get out of as long as you stay calm and don't try to swim against it.
  15. it's not really a fair comparison, govt subsidies being reduced in the uk but not in thailand. public charging in the uk can be up to 10 times more expensive than charging at home, plus 20% sales tax in public places against 5% at home. the EV cheap motoring option is pretty much over in the uk, i suspect the ev market in thailand is more in its infancy and will follow a similar trend when govt subsidies reduce and profiteering by public charging stations kicks in.
  16. my american mate's gf got a 10 year visa no problem, but she's well educated with a good job.
  17. given the location of the fortuner and bike damage i don't see how the victim was overtaking, surely common sense suggests it was more likely he was undertaking? dangerous at the best of times, at speed you could say suicidal...
  18. no one's pointing, clear evidence they are innocent.
  19. this is nonsense. if someone i knew said give me money or i'll report you to the police i'd drive them to the police station myself.
  20. This begs the question: is this reality? Are people genuinely prepared to resort to extreme measures over trivial disputes? Why can't conflicts be resolved amicably, without the threat of violence hanging over us? thailand is no different from other countries in this repect, and much safer than many, in the usa for example, a small slight can result in someone getting a gun and killing people, usually at their place of education or work. in the uk, thankfully with robust firearms laws, looking at someone wrongly, criticising someone can result in a stabbing. for sure certain individuals around the world need to calm down, and as you say resolve conflicts amicably. i don't have much hope.
  21. think they're in custody, well hopefully.
  22. and causing noise pollution they must have been really really noisy fireworks for the locals to get upset about the noise. good effort, give them a taste of their own medicine.
  23. i'm sure the family and friends of the victim are overjoyed at his last moments being broadcast on the internet.
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