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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. capital investment would be the most effective use of the money, but capital investment doesn't fit the populist agenda.
  2. carnage? nope. thai's complaining? maybe a few in heavily touristed areas, the vast majority of thais don't give a hoot about the number of tourists.
  3. you should have gone, you might have got lucky.
  4. this has been going on for ages. clearly, they announced it before they had any idea how they were going to deliver. or even if they'd be able to deliver, legally or otherwise.
  5. they're bound to get the munchies sooner or later
  6. do you know what yoga is? maybe find out before commenting.
  7. yup, who'd have thunk it. the uk boringly stable, for now, while the US and france are on the edge of chaos.
  8. what a ridiculous comment, says quite a lot about you. my thai friends are all well educated, many with bachelor and master degrees from universities abroad, they have good, well paid jobs, live in lovely houses and/or apartments, and often take foreign holidays. why shouldn't thais have money?!
  9. owned one 15 years ago, not the most stylish but an excellent car
  10. some people look for any reason to thai bash and be negative
  11. to get your sweeping negative statement in perspective, how many thai males do you count as friends/close friends? do you have any thai friends not involved in the sex industry? i'd hazard a guess, but i don't want to be judgemental.
  12. why are you using a derogatory term to refer to a female?
  13. yes. go to a shopping mall and find a phone shop. next
  14. yes, it's enforced, and quite rightly so. though, at around 500 GBP it's hardly a lot of money so it's a kind of pointless requirement.
  15. jeez, if you can't afford a border run then maybe thailand isn't the place for you.
  16. What I do object to is the "Melly Klismas" music starting in September/October! ...and, in some places, going on into january, or even february
  17. OP, you don;t know what you're talking about... thai's have definitely won medals, i remember one guy returning and presenting his medal to his majesty
  18. clearly, you do care because a) you read the thread, and b) you took the time to respond.
  19. always choose a female, in 25+ years never had a problem. must be something about you 🤭
  20. She instigates mayhem, usually around midnight when the two are tanked up with their booze. quite a few foreigners in thailand have the same trait
  21. Surprised that I can't find anything in the news yet? probably because the monsoon isn't newsworthy
  22. au contraire, i have a fob, but within the fob is... a key
  23. Last night, I joined what I thought was a queue to order food and waited patiently behind a gentleman for about 5 minutes, while the staff ignored me. A Thai man walked up, spoke in Thai, and was served immediately. quite right too, back home i come from a heavily touristed area and for sure i get preferential treatment over the riff raff. next.
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