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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. retiring doesn't mean stopping working, it means being financially secure enough to take control of your life. i've been semi-retired for years, and am a long way from 'retirement' age. i have been, and am, living an amazing life, and no, it has absolutely nothing to do with the sex industry, thankfully i've never needed to pay for someone to like/spend time with me.
  2. when you've been here longer you'll realise legality is subjective, and often abstract, with enforcement selective at best or non-existent at worst.
  3. are you a risk taker or risk avoider? can you cover potential medical bills? answers to these questions will answer your question.
  4. i stopped smoking and drinking years ago by... not smoking or drinking, it's really not difficult, and the benefits are awesome.
  5. i would buy pool villas to rent to tourists Airbnb you need to do a little more research, if all you want to do is break the law here why bother with citizenship?
  6. really? you must read some weird stuff because i've never seen it written or anyone in the media state this event didn't happen. maybe stay away from conspiracy theory sites.
  7. i'm a farrang, i can buy clothes pretty much everywhere in thailand.
  8. The Koh Phangan leg of the tour spanned days 5 to 8, with tourists provided free accommodation during their stay. at 70k for the tour the accommodation obviously wasn't free. - who writes this stuff?
  9. haha, couldn't agree more, every time i go to CW immigration i see foreigners with thai wives or gfs in tow. they never seem to add any benefit to the situation, indeed often the complete opposite. and more often than not the guys end up having very public petty squabbles with their other half. demeaning and embarrassing. don't do it.
  10. bizarre question, why not ask where do people with blonde hair retire? to answer your question, wherever they want.
  11. why limit this to thailand, it is not a thai centric problem. Settling altercation thru physical force is second nature in Thailand to certain people around the world, just look at what happens in the usa, people don;t just use physical force, they use guns!
  12. they smile when i'm around, so it's probably you. reason? a fair bet they're fed up with negative threads being started by bored, miserable foreigners
  13. anyone who knows about the middle east knows that israel has brought suffering on themselves, what goes around comes around. had they worked at living peacefully with their neighbours, i admit it wouldn't have been plain sailing, but they would have avoided the unnecessary hate and deaths, on both sides. anyone who thinks israel will 'defeat' hamas is delusional. unfortunately, this sad state of affairs is set to run and run.
  14. only flown with thai once, not through choice but because it was a flight share. the seats didn't recline and the crew, bizarrely, announced before we took off that people shouldn't sleep on the floor... i've never seen anyone sleeping on an airplane floor. ever. when booking flights i've always managed to get a quality airline for considerably less than a thai airways ticket, can't understand why people bother with them, unless they enjoy wasting money. up to you, i guess.
  15. or has them, but they don't want to help.
  16. look for a job with accommodation, the hospitality industry?
  17. why do you need your wife to tell you to take basic excercise and stay fit and health?
  18. you clearly know nothing about thai culture, thai society is a hierarchical and, actually, highly respectful society. i recommend taking the time to learn about thai society, culture and customs
  19. when you've been in thailand longer you'll realise this is normal behavior and you just need to accept it. or ignore it and sit down and eat your food, which i do on occassion. thankfully back home this kind of behavior was left behind in primary school.
  20. (free in the uk 😁) so get other quotes, no need for drama.
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