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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. taksin misplayed his hand massively, possibly due to his ego. what he should have done is quite simple and obvious; return in the first instance, plead guilty get sentence halved, accept the punishment, once incarcerated get doctors to report his ill health and recommend he serves his sentence under home arrest, stay at home for one/two years, maybe less, after that he would be free to carry on his life in thailand.
  2. don;t think the RTP have much jurisdiction in dubai... better go to lobby her local MP or the foreign office, or better still... facebook
  3. Brexit blamed for rising food prices by a majority of voters, poll shows people who don't know what they are talking about. next.
  4. OP; do you understand what a monopoly is? ????
  5. never had a problem with Amazon, or Ebay for that matter...
  6. got bored after the first paragraph of an avoidable incident that you brought entirely upon yourself, never go near wild animals, or even farm animals, when they are with their young. it's not rocket science.
  7. it would be helpful if the 'journalist' on the news team asked the obvious question; what are the benefits to students of mandatory haircuts... ????
  8. way of the world i'm afraid, and unfortunately often the most needy in society are adversely impacted; the elderly, the disabled, the poor. the uk has a similar problem but is taking steps to support the needy, thailand needs to recognise the problem and take appropriate action
  9. hummm, maybe not, but france and germany are the dominant players in the EU, so their opinions carry weight
  10. yes, yes, yes, assign the people who cannot fitninto their seats to a special section where they can overflow their seats into each other and not take up the seat space i have paid for. why should i be peanalised and inconvenienced because i have a healthy lifestyle and keep slim enough to easily fit into my seat.
  11. how does anyone anywhere know their partner is not doing 'stuff' on the side? happens the world over. my tuppence worth; over 20 years on and off in thailand, never paid for anyone to be my girlfriend/friend, never been expected to pay, usually dated thai chinese, have dated lawyers, doctor, physiotherapist, car designer, hospital director, business owners, am currently dating a business owner, 15 years my junior, educated in australia and france, flies regularly for work to aus/usa/uk in business class. basically i date similar women here that i dated back home.
  12. if a deal sounds too good to be true it probably is.
  13. young people having fun. blimey, the stuff i got up to in my younger days... one life, live it.
  14. just do it, it's not difficult, the IOs are generally helpful. i don't understand why anyone with half a brain needs to use an agent.
  15. yea, only quality tourists need apply to visit the uk. thank you.
  16. not sure about the publicity person... could have picked a better photo, looks like brownies, croissants and something slightly weird...
  17. bigger fish to fry for sure, but tightened, enforced rules for expats would get my vote, too many expats flout rules to be here and this reflects badly on the rest of us.
  18. not successful at all, i often watch netflix from other territories
  19. you think thailand post is bad (personally i've never had an issue in over 20 years), i was visiting friends in australia and sent a box of stuff home to the uk, two weeks later australia post delivered it to my friend's home, the 'senders' address... ????
  20. same in the uk, ev sales are reducing as people become aware of the lack of infrastructure, and the uk is miles ahead of thailand. uk govt target from 2030 all new cars in the uk will be electric, complete cloud cuckoo land, how will people especially in cities, with no off road parking charge their cars???
  21. possibly. but that would be new cars, most people buy a used car and cars today are so reliable compared to cars in the past they are going to be around for decades
  22. nonsense, plenty of people know exactly what thailand is like and visit regularly or choose to live here full time
  23. not sure what you mean. this whole tragic situation has arisen because the individual concerned did not have appropriate travel insurance for the activities he participated in. blame lies wholly with the uninsured individual, not the health care provider.
  24. can't remember the last time covid was mentioned in the uk news media, the world has moved on. well, most of the world. better get those masks on guys - especially if you're riding a motorbike without a helmet.
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