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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. get him off the road. it's lucky he didn't injure or kill an innocent person. there is no excuse for drinking and driving.
  2. sounds like dreadful seats, not a dreadful car. i dated a major japanese brand car designer here for a while, many cars are designed for a local market, interiors based on human modelling of the local population, therefore it doesn't surprise a westerner might be uncomfortable in the seat of a thai market car. this is not always the case but shows the importance of researching and test driving before purchasing a car.
  3. agree. there was a panorama programme about EVs on the bbc recently, basically showing the practicalities of owning one. it all seemed a massive hassle. i'm not against them, but the current products are far from meeting my requirements, i.e. having an easy life
  4. good points, there are multiple ways immigration could identify and track over stayers, if they wanted to/could be bothered to...
  5. obviously. duty is simply the tax, nothing to do with other mark ups in price/profit margins
  6. RIP Shane. an english guy btw. saw the pouges, back in the day, at the town and country clup in north london, not a big fan of the music but the gig was a full on experience. favourite pogues song 'tuesday morning' sans shane. he was a force of nature though.
  7. having worked in tokyo and often dated japanese girls on my travels, i don't recognise your description at all. i found them to be well educated, independent, stylish, contemporary culturally aware, into cool music and films. in short, great companions and lovers. you were really unlucky and missed out on some potentially wonderful experiences
  8. with this cool weather, my apartment electric bill for the last month 250 baht
  9. the Top C 'sale' has been going on longer than bob dylan's never ending tour...
  10. i've sent plenty of things by post to the uk over the years, never had any problems. in contrast, my sister lives in australia, she's always having issues with australia post. the best was when she sent a parcel to the uk, a week after posting it was returned to her - they'd mixed up the recipient and sender addresses...
  11. or, you could just go to the bank on your own and sort it out. it's not difficult.
  12. became a member of the asean forum.
  13. indeed. where's the netizens outrage at people carrying small children or babies on motorcycles, or teenagers riding recklessly, or people not wearing helmets? not specifying nationality here as foreigners are often as much at fault as locals
  14. did my research, live in a well managed building. any anti social behaviour gets one warning, then kicked out. shows just how easy it is to have an extremely pleasant place to live.
  15. which border point did you use? i have a mate on a multiple entry doing a border bounce from bangkok and heard the aranyapraphet/poipet border may be dodgy?
  16. Phuket has launched the Phuket Crime Free scheme, an initiative aimed at safeguarding international tourists during the peak season. why only safeguard tourists during the peak season? are tourists fair game for criminals outside peak season? would it be too much to ask for tourists to be safeguarded against crime all the time?
  17. how about employing qualified, experienced teachers?
  18. hostage negotiations are often fragile, prone to mistrust, misunderstanding, misleadings, mistakes it's really not surprising they're not going smoothly.
  19. so nice, that after its brief hibernation, the forum is back to being a melting pot for xenophobes. plus ca change.
  20. i've read that the moon landings didn't take place, what's more, i read that the moon is made of cheese. reading something does not make it true. if you have evidence then that's a different matter...
  21. sounds fairly horrendous, seems you have three options; lawyer, move or put up with it. i'd probably move. but if you go the lawyer round orgnise your evidence, make it fact based, precise and clear with supporting statements from neighbours, thai friends and the school.
  22. so the world should never change? can't we, as humans, find better and safer ways to do things. putting stuff on roads seems like a daft idea, but so does throwing water at motorcyclists but that still goes on. in many countries obviously dangerous practices are not usually tolerated or legal. sadly, this can be an unnecessarily dangerous place
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