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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. I'll be out of here by April. if it's so awful, and you're so unhappy, why wait so long? pack your bags and your troubles and head for the airport tout suite.
  2. hi, anyone have recent info on the processing time for a METV from the London consul? Thanks
  3. nonsense comment, 470 mass shootings in the usa so far this year - all angry because they can't afford something?!
  4. everyone's different, different objectives and goals for their life. however, coming from, and having wealth in, an economically stable country (in so much as anywhere is economically stable these days..) with an excellent and free healthcare system, i'd be mad to cut ties
  5. I've a friend coming on a METV, back in the day i used to do same day border runs to the Aranyaprathet/Poipet border every two months, is this still viable/possible from Bangkok? Thanks for any info.
  6. or, effective enforcement of existing legislation
  7. meanwhile, back in the real world...
  8. you don;t understand thai culture, what's making them all wear masks is the mentality of not wanting to be different, wanting to fit in, there is an ingrained fear of independent thinking and acting. not all thais are like this, but the vast majority are.
  9. lot of negativity here (no pun intended ????) , the overhead wires are unsightly and often dangerous, sounds like a step in the right direction
  10. leave. if she has the experience you say and is half decent at her job she should and get another job no problem. why work for an employer that doesn't respect and appreciate you?
  11. three guesses... actually, you only need one. ????
  12. oh man, this topic could run and run; why so much paper and photocopying and stamping involved in banking? it's like the internet had never been invented. why don;t branch staff seemingly have authority to do anything, they are always having to ring head office... i could go one but thankfully i don't need to use my thai bank very often so i can cope with their idiosyncrasies
  13. when i was traveling in pakistan by minibus and bus, and stopping to fill up with fuel the driver and various passengers would get out and hang around having a smoke. on one occasion there was welding being done on the gas station roof and sparks flying everywhere. tense times.
  14. put my old books in my condo reception and invited other residents to help themselves
  15. ...and you decided to post this fascinating tale here because....?
  16. sorry OP but you're really not the sharpest knife in the drawer. just because you hang out with uneducated thai ladies it doesn't mean there aren't a huge number of smart thai women out there, as there are in every country. tbh, i only date smart thai women, i've dated; doctors, lawyers, physiotherapists, directors of hospitals, business women running their own very successful companies, an automotive designer who designs for a major car brand, my current gf studied bachelor degree in australia and master degree in france, in second language - OP could you study to master level in a second language? thought not. most of my thai female friends have studied abroad, speak excellent english and have very good jobs. if you're happy hanging with the uneducated that's fine, but don't let your narrow mindedness make you so judgemental.
  17. having been involved in two successful start ups my advice is simple; have a realistic and workable business plan, build, test re-scale, and finally; turnover is vanity, profit is sanity.
  18. WSC was correct when he said; democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried, and the electoral system in my country is far from perfect, but having said that it's a lot better than this ongoing farce
  19. ok for people with bank accounts and smart phones. what do people who don't have bank accounts and/or smart phones do, return to bartering?! cashless payments may be convenient and easy in cities, this is not the case in many rural areas, even in the uk, in developing counties it would be a disaster.
  20. Cash should be banned anyway, I here it is not easy to use in Stockholm. eh?
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