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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Nobody can explain anything to someone who thinks he knows it all already!
  2. It's not me that's lost, you won that award a long time ago. Don't confuse insults with truth.
  3. I get it, everybody on here is wrong but you, talk about being self centered!
  4. Does public safety allow the police to ignore swastika and terrorist flag wavers. You can't resist your insults though, you are so predictable. A british citizen should be allowed to walk the streets of his country without being threatened for being Jewish. The Jew was not the threat it was the hate filled terrorist mob that were the threat and if the police cannot police in a fair and proper manner then Sir Mark Rowley needs to be replaced with someone that can police without fear and favour!
  5. Oh my god, a Jew intended to approach a group of protestors, what about his right to protest, can't you see that your argument fails at every hurdle!
  6. What is the point of explaining anything to someone that doesn't listen.
  7. What were his actions, he wore a kippah, is that now in your eyes a breach of the peace!
  8. He was threatened with arrest to prevent a breach of the peace....because he was Jewish, if he had been a Frenchman on a bicycle with onions hung around his neck he wouldn't have been threatened with arrest!
  9. Anything to add about the two tier policing or is this just another ad hominem attack we have come so used to expect from you!
  10. You have a high opinion of yourself I'm sure nobody else! sees, start replying to posts without your usual condensation and maybe other posters be more sympathetic to your nonsense!
  11. Don't put words in my mouth, I am am sick of your aloofness. You are getting the replies you deserve!
  12. I am agreeing with you, we don't want Jews walking around London armed with a kippah now do we, swastikas and terrorists flags ok though.
  13. Only trying to be helpful, don't worry I still have many ideas still left. How about when these hate marches take place we transport the Jews on cattle trucks out of London for the duration of these terrorist hate demonstrations.
  14. Yasser Arafat headscarves perhaps. We cannot have Jews walking around London as if they own the place can we.
  15. Do you think if all Jews wore Jeremy Corbyn t shirts it would help?
  16. I wouldn't build your hopes up too much, we are not forgetting who started this war and no suffering would be happening to anyone without the terrorists intervention, a point that seems to slip your mind quite frequently.
  17. I have told you what I think of your less than gracious comments and I'm not playing semantics with you. Did it alter the context of what you wrote, no it didn't! Learn the rules!
  18. I have told you what I think of your less than gracious comments and I'm not playing semantics with you.
  19. You don't seem to know what you're writing from one minute to the next, calling Israelis no better than Nazis is pretty disgusting even by your posting history, don't you agree?
  20. Be careful what you post Jeff, some of us have good memories of your earlier posts and you are a hypocrite of the highest order. It didn't seem to bother you when you posted that Israelis are no better than the Nazis of WW2. You are kidding no one!
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