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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Again your post is gibberish, I am the one that is defending Ukraines right to remain a sovereign country, I am the one that is concerned that Russia invaded Ukraine without provocation, you are the one making excuses why we shouldn't help people being massacred etc. You cannot honestly believe the nonsense you write.
  2. You just have an awful habit of making excuses for these brutal regimes, maybe you don't realise when you put your words down?
  3. So are you saying that is the reason we should allow the Russians to murder, rape and torture the Ukrainians, because if it is that is not a very nice way to look at Russia's illegal occupation now is it. Nobody is denying there wasn't any corruption but they wasn't even in the same league as Russia, Zelensky is doing what he can to clean up the country, but these things are not immediate. But to use it as an excuse to defame the USA is despicable.
  4. Gibberish and from what I can decipher a total conspiracy theory.
  5. You are so much like TBL in the sense that you talk the biggest load of nonsense and all because of your hatred for the USA and the Jews, it is disgraceful how you post on here, all of it to have a dig at (in this case) Ukraine. Educate yourself and see what damage and massacres the Russians are responsible for in Ukraine, but that doesn't matter to you just as you can blame the USA and not the demented demagod in the Kremlin, never Russia to blame eh.
  6. Says the man that backs Putins desire to wipe out Ukraine and all it's people. Why do you always back the aggressors, what satisfaction do you get from supporting invading forces. Just for balance, I have never taken anything you said seriously!
  7. Don't be so patronising, of course we have been following events but then we don't have issues with the West saving innocent Ukrainian lives. You guys take in propaganda like a bath sponge takes in water, why do you want to believe the Russian propaganda, surely you cannot be that naive. Do you think that the innocent Ukrainians that got massacred in Bucha had anything to do with corruption and other towns and cities. You must trawl the internet looking for mud to sling at these people, try to think outside your naivety box for a change, we are talking of innocent Ukrainians losing their lives. Russia is responsible for most of the corruption in Europe and if you want to see corruption take a look at Russia, they couldn't find uniforms for their cannon fodder they sent to die in Ukraine because the Oligarchy had sold them all. What a team you and TBL make. 🥴
  8. Try adding something of interest instead of your constant stalking, trolling and baiting other members. If you have any problems with any posts on here can I suggest you take your childish thoughts up with the mods, you are a pathetic excuse for a poster!
  9. Strangely enough I had you down as someone that likes to derail threads using the only tool he has which is insults, when you grow up you'll be fine!
  10. You may not want it to be about 7/10 but as sure as eggs are eggs that is exactly what it is about and incidentally this topic is not the one to go off topic, nice try but no cigar. Thread title 🔽🔽🔽 Openly Jewish' man threatened with arrest by Police near pro-Palestine march
  11. The Commissioner is useless at his job and he would say that wouldn't he. The whole country is ashamed at the state of policing In the UK, I would hardly describe Rowley as an Elliot Ness type officer more of an Elliot Mess!
  12. But he wasn't talking about this incident which is what this thread is about! The Met commissioner stressed he was not talking about the latest incident with Falter. He said: “I’m not going to answer that in relation to the Gideon Falter incident … just to be crystal clear.
  13. I try to avoid that road like the plague, nobody has a clue who has the right of way.
  14. Neither is shooting a Welshman with a bow and arrow after 7pm on a Sunday in Chester, but people with an ounce of intelligence would know it is wrong. Are you proud of your bigotry? I've never heard anything as ridiculous as this
  15. Is being the chief exec of Campaign Against anti-Semitism a bad thing as most people agree that anti-Semitism is hate and bigotry, would you agree with that sentiment?
  16. It woud stop tomorrow if the illegal aggressors withdrew from Ukraine!
  17. It totally defies all logic that some people ignore the hate language coming from the Hamas supporters and chose to focus all their energy on one solitary Jew intent on crossing the road, is now crossing the road deemed provocative now, doesn't the fault lie with the hate filled demonstrators and if so should these less than peaceful demonstrations be allowed to take place. There is no wonder why there is never any British Flags at these demonstrations only terrorist flags with the usual hate filled chants. But the piste de resistance is the Met Police had to apologise for their earlier apology.🥴 Met Police chief Sir Mark Rowley will meet the home secretary and policing minister this week to discuss antisemitism, Sky News understands. It comes after an antisemitism campaigner was threatened with arrest yards away from a pro-Palestine protest where officers described him as "openly Jewish" and said his presence was "antagonising demonstrators". The force apologised but then had to apologise for their apology after suggesting opponents of pro-Palestinian marches "must know that their presence is provocative". https://news.sky.com/story/met-police-chief-to-meet-home-secretary-and-policing-minister-over-antisemitism-row-13120702
  18. And I purposely asked you whether the police still wear body cams. I would assume that the police wouldn't edit their own videos taken from their own body cams (or would they🤔) yet they still felt the need to apologise 3 times. Stop trying to justify anti-Semitism!
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