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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 5 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Shocking report from UNICEF, saying  this kid is eating grass to try to stay alive. 


    Load of nonsense Israel has done has much humanely possible to ensure that aid enters Gaza, although when you are at war that is not the responsibility of Israel to provide aid to it's enemy, you should be thanking Israel and condemning the terrorists that are hijacking these trucks or UNRWA that fails to distribute aid already provided. 

    Eating grass give us a break! 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    IF it were me I would like to have an idea who did it, and IF I were a Palestinian citizen, I would attempt to kill as many Israeli's as I could.


    OTOH IF I were an Israeli citizen, I would probably feel the same way.


    However IF I were an IDF soldier and was ordered to kill Palestinian women and children I would hope that I could refuse that illegal order, even though I would end up in the glasshouse, because the order IS illegal, no matter what Netanyahu and his war cabinet say.

    Do you honestly believe that Israelis are ordered to "kill Palestinian women and children". What is wrong with you! 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Plus the hundreds, if not thousands of Palestinians jailed with no trial. This detention of Palestinians without trial has been a rallying cry and recruitment tool for Hamas. Hamas often exploits grievances and injustices faced by Palestinians to justify its attacks on Israel. The perception of Israel's oppressive policies, including administrative detention, can fuel radicalization and support for Hamas's violent tactics among disaffected individuals who see no other recourse for addressing their grievances.


    A rather poor attempt to justify 7/10, when will you ever learn!

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  4. 1 minute ago, Danny Australia said:


    What conspiracy you keep talking about? This line you keep repeating like a parrot is lazy and useless.

    Israel has officially admitted responsibility for targeting the car which resulted in the killing of Ismail Haniyeh's three sons and four of his grandchildren. Where is the conspiracy here?


    Justifying the killing of innocent young children is a disgusting low act and cast doubts on your sincerity when you talk about Israeli children.

    Wrong story Danny boy, your posts are ill thought out and always designed to flame, the Israelis killed 3 Hamas commanders which is good yeah, the responsibility of these grandchildren were down to the irresponsible parenting and nothing more. Don't blame the Israelis for killing terrorists, blame the terrorists for having them in the car in the first place, why can't you see the obvious!

    This is the post I responded to that you misquoted me on, which is about the stampede that allegedly killed some Palestinians.


    47 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Maybe there was one Hamas member among them, which gives them the right to murder them all. 


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  5. 9 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    And his grandchildren! 

    Yes, it's clear Netanyahu doesn't want peace alongside Palestinians; he wants all the land by any means possible. He rejects a two state solution. A madman. 


    What madman would allow his grandchildren to travel with them knowingly that they themselves are terrorists, pretty irresponsible parents if you ask me.🥴

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  6. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    It's feels as if Israel don't want to stop the killing of Gazans. 


    • Political chief Ismail Haniyeh says Hamas won’t change its position in ceasefire talks after Israel killed three of his sons and four grandchildren in an attack on the first day of Eid al-Fitr.


    Here is Ismail Haniyeh celebrating the beastial attacks of 7/10, strange how you seem to lament the loss of his terrorist sons.




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  7. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Agreed. Did they think that if they murdered his 3 sons he'd just give up? Now he wants revenge for them. Any psychologist would have told them that, so one suspects they did it for that reason, to keep the conflict going. After all, there were suggestions that Hamas might have agreed to a hostage release in ongoing discussion, but I'd say those discussions will be as dead as the Dodo now. Job done.

    Why would he want revenge he seems quite happy his terrorist sons are martyrs now. Their life starts when they die, that is the men of course, what the women get is not the same, they get to wash the dishes.🥴

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  8. 9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Don't include all Palestinians in that. While the world has been watching Gaza, Al Jazeera has been keeping us up to date with the atrocities going on in the West Bank. IMO israel is trying to provoke an uprising there- cue Gaza version 2. Probably why they need the US to send them so many bombs.

    That is the problem you prefer to believe AJ propaganda!


    Al Jazeera has also been accused of pushing Hamas propaganda, repeatedly broadcasting statements by Hamas' military and political leaders calling for a broader uprising and aligning themselves closely with Hamas' preferred language for the conflict.[177] In addition, Israel accused several journalists of Al Jazeera of assisting or commanding Hamas units in their fight against Israel.[178][179]


    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism#:~:text=Al Jazeera has also been,preferred language for the conflict.

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  9. 8 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Israel want to expand, and Palestinians want the land they where once promised but screwed over. And there it stands and the reasons for this continuesly conflict helped by the world politics. 


    I see only temporary solutions, it is a locked situation. 


    I thought I clearly stated several times now what the best solution is. But you gous laugh it off. 



    It has more to do with Israel not liking terrorist rockets being continually launched at them, and Hamas has clearly stated it will not stop these incursions into Israel to commit more 7/10 terrorist attacks and if you cannot see this, is it because you don't want to.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    I understand Hamas attack, and probably If I was a young palestinian man, I would most likely had been a jihad worrier my self, and thats the difference between you and me, understand reality.


    Same I most likely would had defended Israel if Iwas a jew and born in Israel, but Im not, and I have the luxury of see the whole picture from outside and make up my opinion on available sources. 


    Again explained in details, so remember next time you feel for asking what I do not understand. Ask yourself instead

    You are definitely a worrier, no doubt there. You don't understand reality that is the point, what is Israel supposed to do if Hamas wants to wipe them off the face of the Earth......that is the reality!


  11. 4 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    No, it is not, Israel just have to withdraw from stolen land, create a buffer, Unifil create safety,  and then both parts have to respect international law. Hamas chease to exists and a muppet government replacing them controlled by international help. 


    It worked in Germany 

    Which part of Hamas will continue with these 7/10 attacks indefinitely don't you understand Hummin!

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  12. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    We have seen the results of war on terror before, I have faith they will succeed this time to, 


    ,,,,, ,,,,,,

    Well Israel has two choices, either remove the cancer that is Hamas or put their weapons down and let the Palestians kill them. Tricky one? 🤔🤔🤔

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