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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 2 minutes ago, AreYouGerman said:

    "If they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left."


    So, since we have all concluded that Israel is the aggressor - how far is its lap dog, the US, willing to go for their agenda? I see memes about ads for White boys from the South already to join the military.

    You may have concluded that Israel is the aggressor and other antisemites but as Joseph Goebbels said "tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth". 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm not "protecting" anyone, but I am pointing out that if netayahu blows up an Iranian consulate ( and it may or may not be on Iranian territory, but that isn't important ) it was very likely they would do something in return, which they did, and now netanyahu gets to divert world attention from Gaza and the West Bank- job done.


    While Hamas was responsible for a bit over 1,000 deaths, your man is responsible for over 30,000, so don't lecture me about who is responsible for it.


    Now that the warmonger netanyahu is promising retaliation on Iran, Iran will likely not be tardy in responding to it, and so the game of death expands.

    If the next attack by Iran involves 3,000 UAVs and causes thousands of deaths in israel, perhaps your man may regret the consulate attack, but perhaps not.

    Most people would have to agree if that structure entertained 5 top terrorists and those terrorists were liquidated that Israel deserves a Brucie Bonus.


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  3. 25 minutes ago, Paul Catton said:

    How about this forum, gets back to the "reality of fact".

    The initial reporting had many "Israelis, being raped, pillaged, and beheaded, Babies cut from womb and thrown into a pyre. 

    No real condemnation of 33,000 persons lives being vanquished.  Let us now focus on Israel v Iran. instead


    Still clinging on to that old chestnut because you got nothing else.

    BTW the terrorists have admitted that their figures are no where accurate. Sorry to disappoint. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, billd766 said:

    Then why are they not against Israel and the IDF who commit terrorism every day.


    From what I read on the BBC and other news sites the government is supporting Israel but hundreds of thousands of voters disagree with the government.


    I am one of them and I also have a vote.


    It will NOT go to the Tories or Labour or even the Lib Dems if anybody remembers them.


    If I am lucky there will be a candidate from the Monster Raving Loony Party standing who will get my vote.


    They can never win, but they can't be any worse than the Tories or Labour or even the Lib Dems.


    From what I read on the BBC and other news sites the government is supporting Israel but hundreds of thousands of voters disagree with the government.

    And hundreds of thousands of voters agree with the government, these are usually people that can differentiate right from wrong and not university drop outs that have been indoctrinated into this Palestinian cult! 




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  5. Just now, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    Excellent; young, intelligent, articulate, and female; everything the fourteenth century, misogynistic nut-jobs that have power in Iran despise.


    This young lady showcases how the wonderful young people of Iran have been brutalised and terrorised by the medieval extremists, and how they are the real victims, and the ones that need our support and understanding.


    Any posters on  here supporting / excusing / justifying the terrorism of the Iranian government are condemning the millions of good people in Iran to continuing subjugation.

    Exactly what rights have the women of Iran got.., none, none of these young ladies want to wear the burqa, many have been whipped, tortured and killed by the morality police that goes looking for these unfortunate young ladies that may have let her burqa slip. And people on here defend these mad Mullahs basically because they hate Israel and the Jews, sickening.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


    They were terrorists to the UK and the US, but they were freedom fighters to several other nations. 2 states out of 205.


    Interestingly, several IRA members ended up in the Irish Dail (parliament) Gerry Adams being one of the most prominent. The situation in Ireland is slightly similar to the current conflict between Hamas & Israel. Several nations consider Hamas to be freedom fighters, whilst a handful (around 20) designate them as a terrorist group.

    I thought Gerry Adams was in Sinn Fein?

  7. 1 minute ago, Brickleberry said:


    It would make it official though, right?


    The fact that only 4 out of 205 states: the US, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Sweden, have said it is a terrorist group is evidence enough that only a small minority of states think this way.


    If it only takes a couple of states to make someone a terrorist group, then I'm pretty sure all of the world would be labeled 'terrorist'.

    Soon be 5 at least.


    The UK is preparing to formally declare that Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) is a terrorist organisation.

    The legal change would mean it becomes a criminal offence in the UK to belong to the group or support its activities.



    • Agree 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

    Totally agree with you. IMO Iran knew their missiles/drones probably wouldn't do any damage (ie: would be intercepted by the iron fist!), so their response was really symbolic. Unless provoked again by Israel they won't send anymore missiles/drones.

    You class 300 drones as symbolic. 😂😂😂

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  9. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    Yes I have done, and use Hotels.com, Booking.com, Agoda and trip advisors, but it really doesnt help much if you do not understand what Im looking for. A functional fitness or gym which have well maintained machines and have enough free weights for one who is an advanced lifter. As well manage to swim a lap or two in a decent sized pool. 


    This tread could have been a nice guide, but


    Booking gives you a picture that often do not fit your first impression when first there, and I think most who spends little bit more than 1200 baht on a decent hotel had that experienced once or twice. 


    What use do we have of this forum if nobody ask question, and use google instead? 

    Sorry only tried to be helpful, in future I shall keep my thoughts to myself but chock dee.🥴

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    How many managed to give a helpful answer so far? 


    One  hotel recommendation so far! 

    Have you tried Booking.com and then use the filter option to find the gym of your dreams. You know it makes sense. 

    • Agree 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I've been listening to some of the actual statements from that meeting, and the discussion about it on Al Jazeera. Israel wants a condemnation of Iran from the security council, but given the way the Russian spokesman destroyed the western members for their hypocricy ( not condemning  israel for it's attack on Iranian territory ) the israelis can whistle in the wind if they think they will get that. I doubt the Chinese will allow it either.


    It's ironic in the extreme that israel is asking the UN to support them, when they have disregarded any UN resolutions they don't like, and America is going to find out that they don't rule the UN after all, LOL.

    You have been listening to AJ, I wouldn't take what they say as gospel. 🙁

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  12. 1 minute ago, MangoKorat said:

    Reading over the last few pages, you don't seem to understand that your comments have an abrasive tilt to them and are asking for insults.  One example......your Ground Control to Major Tom comment, intimating that I had not understood something when in fact, the reverse was true.


    That point has been picked up by at least one other member who has commented that you clearly did not understand but continued 'banging on'.


    I'm not going to continually repeat myself - I suggest you go back over the last few pages - you might then recognise your errors.


    I for one, have said my last on the subject.

    Your stone is awaiting you, sleep well! 

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