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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, stevenl said:

    Disagreeing with Israel's actions doesn't equate supporting Hamas or anyone else involved.

    The fact of the matter is if there were no Jewish involvement there would be no interest at all, the antisemitics on here is all too obvious. No jews no news!

    If you are disagreeing with Israel defending itself and trying to stop another 7/10....you are part of the problem!

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  2. On 4/13/2024 at 1:24 PM, billd766 said:

    It seems to be OK with the USA for Israel to attack Iran in a third country, but NOT OK for Iran to retaliate. Double standards anyone>


    All Iran needs to do is keep threating Israel, thus keeping them on a costly high alert, without actually doing anything.

    Nothing I can possibly add to this statement.


    "The logic of all those who have spent the past months demonstrating against Israel is that they are now delighted that Israel has been attacked by Iran. You end up supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Taliban & Iran. If that's you look at yourself." 

    {Effie Deans}

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  3. 2 minutes ago, placnx said:

    Israeli is required by international law to feed and care for the occupied people of Gaza, deemed to be under their control. Instead for years there was the diabolical practice to calculate the minimum calorie consumption to prevent starvation (1750?) and to limit food deliveries to that. Of course back then Gazans could to some extent grow food, but farms were also attacked in the present onslaught.

    And they are doing as much as humanely possible, who is hijacking aid trucks, who can't distribute the food already in Gaza....Sorry to disappoint but it's not Israel. Hamas has made a rod for their and their followers back, and some posters on here soak up the lies coming out of the terrorists mouths as gospel, well more fool them!

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  4. 1 minute ago, placnx said:

    US is asking Israel to show their plan for moving the million plus people in Rafah, and Israel has not done so. US wants to see preparations for the encampments such as a water supply and so on.

    Why should the emphasis be on Israel to look after who they are war with, Israel has done enough good will gestures, do you think Hamas might have a part to play in the safety of Gazan citizens!

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  5. Just now, jacko45k said:

    Yes, they probably did, I have no more recent evaluation on that though. I suspect a lot have changed their minds on that support and would opt for a ceasefire. What Israel does now is excessive, destabilizing and puts the region at risk. It needs to end.

    The Palestian support for Hamas is stronger now than before 7/10, these are brainwashed people remember when they danced with joy when Islamic terrorists brought down the twin towers!

    Israel may be pointing their guns but it is Hamas that pulled the trigger!

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  6. Just now, jacko45k said:

    You condone retaliation against a whole nations people because of the actions of a minority of them? 

    The majority of the Palestinians support Hamas, they rejoiced when the defenceless innocent Israelis civilians were slaughtered. Yes I support Israel full heartedly there must never be another 7/10, never again is now!

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  7. 31 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    This isn’t difficult. Starving people is a war crime. So is cutting off civilian water supplies. So is bombing hospitals. Crazy part is even Biden of all people, the ultimate suck up to Zionists, is starting to use anti - Zionist language. You’ve got to be absolutely insane after the #1 netenyahu cheerleader starts denouncing his war tactics to stick by these people. I mean when are you going to realize you’re wrong? I guess, as usual… never 

    You are peeing up the wrong tree here, all your posts are inflammatory nonsense, start using facts!

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:


    UN rights expert accuses Israel of acts of genocide




    This is apartheid



    Don't allow your religion/ethnicity, or whatever you call being Jewish, blind you from reality. List to unbiased observers like me, Amnesty International, and the UN.

    Keeping citizens apart from the terrorists they want to kill becomes apartheid. 🥴

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  9. Just now, Hummin said:

    lazy argumentation 


    Still you do not understand the meaning of understand chain reaction, and there is no link between understanding cause and reasons up against justification of mass slaughter. 


    Human reactions is quite predictable

    I certainly don't understand your weak attempts to justify these butchers that committed all these gross massacres.


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  10. 15 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Of course it is blame, and should be investigated, because of obviously reasons, where Israel continues to widen their borders, allowing new settlements, and let new settlers abuse Palestinians while Israeli government do nothing. Thats a anothet proved factual situation, proved through human right organizations, Un, 


    That Israelis let that happen is so far just conspiracy without proof, but it is proved they knew about it. And also Israel sponsored the creation of Hamas to create inside fractions and destabilize Gaza. 

    All you do is deny and when cornered swiftly engage in another attempt to justify 7/10, I find that very disturbing that you have to engage in such underhand tactics to justify mass slaughter!

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