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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:


    You need to get off your hobbyhorse, yes this might not have happened if Hamas hadn't done the atrocities of 7/10, but what did happen in Gaza prior to 7/10 has got to be taken into consideration no matter what you say.

    Firstly I am not on a Hobbyhorse or any other horse for that matter. 


    yes this might not have happened if Hamas hadn't done the atrocities of 7/10,

    It is safe to say that this would definitely not have happened without 7/10, let's not add extraneous words like "might"





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  2. Just now, Hummin said:

    Again, here we disagree, when you only reckon 7/10 as the single event leading to this last war! Thats why I call you seletive and blinded by propaganda

    Would this be happening without 7/10...no it wouldn't, check.

    Since when has pointing out the blatantly obvious been "selective", check mate. ♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Considering your sources 🤔 


    And the denial of a human catastrophe, what do you expect? Again, we are arguing about the same, where I say it is two parts, who have done aar crimes and terrorism, and you deny Isreal doing any of those. 


    Unicef, human right organizations and UN have several reports about  Israels and Israeli settlers crimes, and you live in denial. 



    It is a "human catastrophe" of Hamas's own creation, this would not be happening had it not been for the barbaric attack on Israel on 7/10!

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  4. Just now, Hummin said:

    Guilty of what, you just going in a never ending non realistic circle. 

    Au contraire, we know the truth and we know the side that constantly lies and the biggest lies come from the Gazan Am Dram Society, they are worse than the cast of Eldorado when it comes to acting and it has conditioned its futile faithful followers into believing anything that comes out of their lying mouths, why are some people so gullible?

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  5. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    You just do not understand you are taken for a propaganda ride, do you? 


    Never experienced a more dedicated propagandist than the three of you here in these treads conserning war and conflicts. You guys know everything, and you guys knows the truth and the only truth. 





    You should see from a POV from non antisemitics, but all you do is accuse the other side of which you are guilty! 🥴

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  6. 8 hours ago, billd766 said:

    But you did not answer my post.


    If Israel is allowed to attack other countries consulates, then it must equally be OK for other countries to attack, murder people and destroy Israeli consulates and embassies and murder the people in them.

    As already stated it was a military installation that was hit with Hezbollah leaders probably planning their next move of their proxy war in Gaza. 



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  7. 1 minute ago, billd766 said:

    But you did not answer my post.


    If Israel is allowed to attack other countries consulates, then it must equally be OK for other countries to attack, murder people and destroy Israeli consulates and embassies and murder the people in them.

    They did not attack an Embassy or a Consulate, that is you spreading disinformation, they attacked a target next to the Embassy which liquidated 5 terrorists which in most peoples books would be a result. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, AreYouGerman said:


    According to their own calculation, which is 2 murdered civilians for every 1 Hamas fighter.


    Can you read?

    Just to put things in perspective the Nazis killed 17 million and that just shows what a great and difficult job the Israelis are doing, I think you'll agree........or maybe not.🤔

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