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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. The pro Hamas brigade are quite happy to go back 80 years to excuse the massacres, the poster you are referring to went back 100 years, is one history and one not.
  2. The Western world doesn't have to live next door to the dysfunctional Palestinians!
  3. You couldn't be more wrong Frank, Hamas started this war and the Palestians jumped for joy at the sight of mangled Israelis being paraded in the back of pickups being spat on and the bodies beaten with lengths of timber. Now if you said I prefer right from wrong, or good fro evil you would have been spot on!
  4. If you prefer tunnels to food etc, you are spot on.🥴
  5. You have been told many times but just because it doesn't fit in with your anti Israel nonsense you invent fantasies. Was there any bombing prior to 7/10 as such, thought not. Pulling dates from your excuse wallet will never justify these 7/10 crimes!
  6. A lie down in a very dark room may be preferable. 😂😂
  7. And who's fault is that, the West sent them money and other aid but instead of putting it to good use and improve their lifestyles, (wait for it Frank your going to love this), they built tunnels. 😂😂😂
  8. The anti Israelis on here are incapable of a debate so after a few nonsense posts they decide they are getting nowhere with right minded posters so they decide to write gibberish monologues and the really off the wall posters reply to their own posts. 😂😂😂
  9. Your opinions are based on insults rather than fact. "When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser". 🥴
  10. Was it Mark Twain that said "talking 🐂💩 doth not an intellectual make" Yes happy Easter.
  11. The Joker was not the right card and why would you only want to speak from your "hearth" oh you intellectual one.😂😂😂
  12. I can see the part that created the other part, you can only imagine deluded scenarios. HTH.
  13. The term I would use is ensuring another 7/10 never happens again.🥴
  14. Oh perleeeeaaaase, put another record on, this ones getting worn out, what some posters will invent to justify these horrific crimes against humanity is mind boggling.
  15. A specific one for the terrorists could be Dylans "Subterranean Homesick Blues"
  16. So there you have it, I hate to burst your bubble but Guterres is part of the problem, good grief some of the terrorists were UN members and to try and use the old excuse of picking a moment out of the air is beyond beggars belief to justify those horrific murder on 7/10. It is disgraceful and disingenuous at the very least and the people that were so brutally tortured by these animals were not even born when your link goes on to mention "56 years ago". So as the topic title states "What Would You Have Israel Do to Defend Itself?"
  17. It's obvious I cannot compete with a poster with a 130+ IQ, but there again I don't have to revert to insults when the argument is lost. 🙁 This is about a war that started on the 7/10, so don't start wars then claim you are the victim as it will not wash with right minded people!
  18. A year ago is not 80, stop trying to justify the crimes of these evil People, the rest of your post is just gibberish!
  19. Have I got this correct, Hamas with the approval of their people commit the most of horrendous crimes against Israel and thus starting a war and Israel is getting berated for not feeding the enemy, is it me that's going doolally tap?
  20. The past is long gone, we are where we are now and that doesn't include the sadistic murders we have all seen. If your morality compass is out of synch that is no fault of anyone but yourself!
  21. If my government had allowed the people that are supposed to be the representatives of my country to commit such sadistic acts of degradation on innocent Israelis I would without a doubt say 'we deserve it'.
  22. Exactly......no Jews no news. If this war was Muslim against Muslim no one would be interested.🥴
  23. Isn't it good news when governments stand up to terrorism?
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