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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. It can be very difficult indeed to prove anything that the SNP are involved with, you don't have to look very far to realise that they are prolific shredders of evidence!
  2. Anything to start an argument eh Chomper, you are the same on every thread, why people entertain your belligerent ways is unbelievable!
  3. This guy can give a masterclass on xenophobia. He should be nowhere near a forum!
  4. I have submitted facts to this poster on numerous times, they fall like water off a ducks back!
  5. My source says he did say it and as neither of us were there at the time to actually hear him say it so we have to go on what we read. But at the end of the day does it really matter, why do you get yourself involved with such trivialities, it does not matter John. https://www.saidit.net/s/quotes/comments/7zh9/heres_two_quote_that_perfectly_fit_the_present_era/
  6. And Mark Twain said "no amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot". 😉😂😂😂
  7. Am I correct in thinking that JKR is being persecuted because she calls men......men. welcome to the world of lunacy.
  8. This is link to the story Celsius displayed. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50861259
  9. It stinks to the high heavens and needs an immediate inquiry, the misuse of tax payers money is a serious offence but nothing seems to apply to the SNP.
  10. He went against official advice he was given and sent £250,000 of tax payers money to UNRWA. I have never ever met a person with so much denial! The First Minister stepped in after officials recommended a £100,000-£200,000 donation to Unicef, the United Nations agency which provides humanitarian aid to children, to fund water programmes in Gaza. He overruled their advice, declaring that £250,000 of taxpayers’ money should instead be given to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the biggest international aid agency operating in Gaza, which has been criticised over alleged links to Hamas. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/03/08/humza-yousaf-gave-250k-gaza-despite-official-advice/
  11. It gets even better, innumerable people have reported Humza Yousaf for his hate speech.😂😂😂😂
  12. Nice story, totally devoid of facts!
  13. Many Scots have taken to the streets already and the Scottish Police are worried that public opinion could turn against them. For whom the bells toll they toll for the SNP.
  14. Go easy on us we are not all warriors that very nearly went to Naam. 😂😂😂
  15. Maybe Scotland should start voting for white leaders that will represent white Scots, yer ken.
  16. I have just checked with President Zelensky and he says the feeling is mutual you thinking he is an idiot. Have you forgotten Bucha already!
  17. It all depends on how addicted that person is, I had a work colleague that became very aggressive when he tried to stop smoking if anybody looked at him the wrong way. I stopped about 40 years ago and found it a doddle, I smoked because my friends did but I never got addicted, we all have different addiction levels. I agree it is a filthy habit though.
  18. Humza stating facts about white people holding white peoples jobs in a white country while he himself is privileged muslim holds the top job in Scotland is very bizarre and uncalled for at the very least. But I suspect Yousaf will not hold his position for much longer, he is not up to the job and even the Scots are getting sick of him (last time I looked the SNP were down in the polls). But heyho he could be remembered as the man that finally destroyed the SNP, so he's not all bad then.
  19. Of course Israel must enter Rafah as there are still terrorists there, those that disagree with that want Israel to lose the war and the remaining terrorists will be free to commit more 7/10s. But they could always release the hostages and surrender then no more lives lost.
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