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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Gibberish gobbledygook and greatly garbled. Hamas started a war and because they're losing suddenly it, they suddenly become the victim and many on here fall for their lies, infact go along and even promote their falsehoods!
  2. Frank you are off on a tangent again, can you not exhibit a post without your usual whataboutery and your profound hatred of the US?
  3. Stop being your usual caustic self and inserting your own strawman arguments, are you incapable of responding to a post without your usual bellicosity inserts?
  4. Reverting back to a history lesson that doesn't have an ounce of truth in it, even if it did are you using that to excuse the evil actions on 7/10....... despicable!
  5. Israel will do what is best for Israel, end of!
  6. There wouldn't have been an Oct 8th without the infamous beastial attack on Oct 7th and without removing Hamas now you are facilitating more of these attacks which should be obvious to every man and his dog. Two more Israeli hostages have been murdered in Gaza today/yesterday, it takes a very special person to support the people responsible for these actions. 🥴
  7. You appear to have not learned anything, you want a ceasefire so the terrorists can regroup and start more 7/10s and you advocate an unworkable two state solution that neither side wants.
  8. Get away with spreading misinformation by using expressions like "IMO" and "seems that". Facts usually work better on a forum!
  9. Frank, what state of inebriation do you have to be in to add to your post "can't be arsed" 😂😂😂
  10. Frank what is wrong with you, most of the world were disgusted by the Russians invading Crimea and starting trouble in east of Ukraine, of course people were bothered, why do you defend such a corrupt terrorist country, it is not normal.
  11. Do you ever post something so ridiculous you wish you hadn't!
  12. You need to remember who started this war and stop excusing the terrorists!
  13. Don't start wars, don't start moaning when you are losing!
  14. It matters not one iota, Israel must and I emphasise must do all it can to keep its citizens safe, they have that right to defend themselves and all the terrorist propaganda in all the world will not change that no matter how much they have conned the West into thinking that they are the victims.
  15. I don't agree that Israels attack on Gaza has been a total failure, it has been estimated that 80% of the terrorists have been eliminated, Israels incursion into Rafa will reap its own rewards, they are closing in on the bad guys, hopefully they will uncover the where-abouts of the innocent hostages. Of course Hamas could stop any further incursions by Israel by handing over the hostages and surrendering, but as we all know Hamas are quite prepared to fight to the last Palestinian just as it doesn't include themselves.
  16. It's called stupidity brought on by years of brainwashing.
  17. Me too, this is the most astonishing matter to come out of this war.
  18. If you had your way Hamas would be doing a 7/10 ad infinitum. Hamas needs totally crushing, no splinters left to be seen!
  19. Starters of war have no say when it ends, nor does the UN for that matter. Israels security comes before the virtue signalling UN!
  20. He's still reading all posts, just not brave enough to step up to the oche though.
  21. Yes and don't spare the horses when relieving Rafa from the terrorists.👍
  22. And one would not be happening without the other, Israels operation at the moment can only be described as work in progress, when the hostages have been returned and the threat of another 7/10 has been minimised then all parties can go back to their day jobs. HTH
  23. Don't call me "mate" seek professional counselling as you sure as hell need it.
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