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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. I don't read antisemite books nor do I close my eyes to obvious rascism from Scotlands FM. If you find my views extreme that the Scottish first minister in his speech was dripping with hate towards "whaites" you have the problem and not me.
  2. These Palestian women are both educated but they are completely programmed.
  3. "The Hamas charter is to eliminate the Jewish people but starting with Israel." A real masterclass of two Palestian women showing their scant regard for human life whilst displaying their ignorance.
  4. What bubble are you in frank, TASS. Oh how awful having to read a free press that is not run by an autonomous dictator like mad Vlad.
  5. What would have happened in the UK if a white person had emulated his speech but had used the word brown instead, rhetorical question as we all know that all the liberal type lefties would be baying for blood. I shan't be exchanging many more posts with yourself as I find your views in the extreme to say the least!
  6. NATO should be joining Ukraine the way they have so gallantry fought.🇺🇦
  7. He has been proven wrong time after time, nothing can penetrate his tough kevlar skin. Putin planned to overthrow the government in Kyiv, that is the reason they tried to take Kyiv and the were severely embarrassed when the Ukrainians pushed them back so easily. Stop reading TASS it will pickle your brain!
  8. Friendly fire happens in all wars and the reason people don't go into a frenzy over it is because Israel is not involved. No Jews, no news!
  9. This not about London which you kindly introduced for effect, this is also not how you personally conceive his racist speech, this is about people who find his speech extremely distressing and reported him quite rightly to the police. Maybe you are influenced by your type of reading material, I don't know, but for him to suggest quite vehemently that all the top positions are covered by whaites is deliberately stirring hatred, don't forget that Scotland is a predominately white country! From reading commentary within this app, obviously still alive and well in the UK. You just cannot help yourself with your snide remarks can you!
  10. Conspiracy theories not welcome and are untrue!
  11. The problem you have there is that Hamas has told so many lies and staged so many staged amateur dramatic productions that nobody believes them anymore, just the usual suspects and I even doubt that they believe it.
  12. Nothing to twist, you have a great way of self destruction, you said: I never said that one Israeli baby is worth more than seven aid workers, you said that! What I will say though is, the aid workers had a choice to be there or not, the baby had no choice! Can you spot the subtle difference.
  13. Yeah, probably dead anyway, not worth bothering about. But let's blame Israel and not the terrorists that took this poor baby. Sometimes more thought could go into your posts!
  14. And people stating the reason that so many people are losing their lives is the fault of Hamas, and only Hamas!
  15. I think you have quoted the wrong poster but it be difficult to tell with you and your daily rants.😂😂😂
  16. There are far more terrorist appeasers if you care to play that game!
  17. This law will stifle free speech and it definitely has overtones of 1930s Germany. Imagine living in a world where sitting in your own living room and saying “men can’t be women” could result in the police logging a “hate incident” against your name. Imagine, too, that your legally protected right to express such an opinion counted for nothing because all that mattered was whether the person who heard you perceived it to be offensive. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/30/scotland-hate-and-crime-act-orwellian-yousaf-snp-trans/
  18. Do you understand what staying to topic entails, or are you just being belligerent!
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