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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. That is your 'get out of jail for free card" which imo you have played far too often that the war didn't start on 7/10. Every man and his dog agrees when this war started but then these people are not trying to make excuses for terrorists!
  2. There wouldn't any devastation had the Palestine terrorists not attacked Israel in the manner they did, this is so obvious I don't know why you keep needing reminding of this, but of course you don't want to listen, it doesn't bother you when terrorists make another incursion into Israel and reward them by repeating another 7/10. "beware of playing with fire, you will get burned." Joseph J. Ellis. Thanks for the quote but it seems more fitting directed at the Palestians than Israel as is being proven.
  3. I don't see your point, Israel has a task to dismantle Hamas for they started on the on 7/10, that task has not been fully completed, should the terrorists surrender and hand over the hostages the war would end, the ball is in their court. To quote Douglas Adams "you don't put 3/4 of a fire out, you put it all out."
  4. Should that occurrence arise the op can do another post on 'oh how I wished I'd bought both tools' instead of the op post of "Circular Saw or Angle Grinder - which would be most useful ?" πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  5. It's nothing like "should I buy a screwdriver or a hammer". An angle grinder will do most jobs a circular saw will do, but a circular saw wil never substitute an angle grinder.
  6. I think that posters that use terminology like "sub human" are also disgusting!
  7. I have every tool known to man and at a guess as an avid diy enthusiast I use my angle grinder 90% of the time compared with the circular saw, but then again I tend to work with steel and concrete, a circular saw would give better and straighter cuts with timber. Maybe that should be taken into consideration before purchase.
  8. Angle grinder all day long, preferably cordless. Very versatile piece of kit.
  9. It is has become a habit with you of accusing others of saying something they haven't said, in my case 3 times now, please stop doing it!
  10. You have made a fool of yourself again by repeatedly accusing me of saying things I haven't, I would appreciate it if you could be a little less duplicitous, it ruins the debate when you make stories up.
  11. Stop being dramatic and start thinking logically. The terrorist that was killed was part of the group that wishes to remove the Israelis from their land. In war when you are fighting the enemy they are to be eliminated, it is either you or them. You take the killing of terrorists very seriously but innocent Israelis not so much. Who has said that I think this is hilarious, not me, oh that's correct, something else you have made up to spice up your posts, it was not hilarious, it was necessary!
  12. He was killed not because he was defending his homeland but for the horrific acts of barbarism in Israel, the Israelis are keen for such attrocities never to recur again. The only way to stop a recurrence of these attrocities is to do what they are doing.
  13. Nonsense, you have outed yourself more times than enough times of being anti-Semitic, it is all catalogued remember.
  14. We had a look at some in or local Makro and the assistant told my wife that they are very expensive to run.
  15. When a 9 year old Jewish boy is removed from his hospital bed by nurses wearing Palestine Flag badges and made to lay down on the floor it simply says it all about antisemitics! An NHS trust is investigating claims a nine-year-old Jewish patient was "denied correct medical care" by a number of "Pro-Palestine" nurses at a hospital in Manchester. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/jewish-child-hospital-nhs-treatment-pro-palestine-manchester-rachel-rile/
  16. Dream on Boutros Boutros Ghali wannabe. Who is going to protect the peacekeeping force, they are more of a hindrance than help!
  17. Frank, you are not making sense, I think you have overdosed on RT.
  18. The Russians were under the impression that their Special Military Operation would take 3 days, we are now into the 3rd year. The Russians have killed more of their own Orcs than Ukraine have. Wake up and smell the coffee, you are being conned and sadly you haave fallen for it hook line and sinker. And comparing Russias state controlled media to the wests is very naive and at worst very stupid. The west press is not controlled by the government that is why it is called a free press, they are allowed to print what they like unlike Russias media that are told what to report by Putin himself, they are brainwashed Frank, don't make excuses for the murderous criminal that is Putin, you know it makes sense.
  19. Just back in from the bars Frank, "endless slaughter for Ukrainians" but not for the illegal invaders that are losing circa 1000 troops a day.
  20. This youtube video is stacked with some very good information on how to unfreeze your pension and has some very useful telephone numbers. Not sure if I can post a youtube video so hopefully a link will be ok. Would appreciate some feedback whether this guys ideas are indeed feasible, worth watching if nothing else. https://youtu.be/LfJcTLIMsUA?si=VWHcaLsgMSLmpK1E
  21. Hamas 4th most important commander has surrendered at the Shifa Hospital, it looks like martyrdom is not for him.
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