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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Yes it's always someone else isn't it. Just do a search about this Israeli hating author, but you probably wouldn't believe it anyway. One reader of one of his books remarked that Lyons stated in the preface to one of his books that "Lyons remarked that he was neither pro Israeli or pro Palestian then goes on to write 335 pages of Israeli hate vocabulary", you read the book by all means.....I will give it a miss though.
  2. And as the hate fuelled demonstrator is arrested and carted off he is still chanting "I fully support Hamas" an illegal terrorist organisation that embraces raping, torturing and murdering almost anybody they can lay their hands on, not just Israelis. I'm sure some posters on here share his values........none!
  3. But there again not everyone is afraid to defend their position hidden behind the 'ignore function'.
  4. I don't think any adult males have been killed, The Gaza Ministry for Health has just updated the casualty figures which now stands at half a million, of these casualties they are made up entirely of women and children, although some of the children are estimated to be in their 60s and 70s. The Ministry also said that none of the deaths can be attributed to the terrorists rockets going astray, Hamas shooting civilians trying to flee or even their prolific usage of using Gazans as human shields. {Sarcasm alert}
  5. Are you the official 'auto correct' of AN John, or is it becoming an obsession with you? 🤔
  6. Putin invades Ukraine and you say NATO is provoking a war. One of Mark Twains quotes is: "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
  7. They look very good, good enough to eat infact. What are you calling a broiler KhunLa, is it another name for a grill?
  8. Why are you reading a book by an outed conspiratist, is it because he is telling you what you want to hear, astonishing! I hope this doesn't spoil your enjoyment of your novel.😱 It’s remarkable that Lyons, who was so easily manipulated by Palestinian propagandists to believe entirely false charges that Israel tortures children, can criticise pro-Israel advocates for “grotesquely distorting the reality”. https://camera-uk.org/2017/07/30/the-guardian-and-john-lyons-accuse-australian-jews-of-targeting-journalists/
  9. You are talking nonsense, everything that occurred in the Donbass was totally orchestrated by Putin and his henchmen, Putin is responsible for the happenings in the Donbass, but as sure as eggs are eggs I sure he appreciates the support you are giving him. Ukraine is the victim here!
  10. You obviously haven't read all of the posters posts, he has shown support for many anti-Semitic posts, many posters still have copies of these inflammatory posts and they have been displayed on here numerous times, so I won't bore everyone to death by displaying them again, some posters have outed themselves as antisemitics, it is not false accusations. But even you must agree that nothing justifies the horrific attacks of 7/10.
  11. Based on the information it gathered, the mission team found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment has been committed against hostages," the U.N. said in a report, adding that it "has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing against those still held in captivity.” https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/un-finds-clear-convincing-information-hostages-raped-gaza-rcna141789
  12. Only in your world do you justify the sexual degradation that happened on Oct 7th by deluding yourself into believing your hand picked moment in time justifies the horrors of that day, very disrespectful to the victims at the very least.
  13. Are you saying that Russia should not be held accountable for its illegal invasion, for stealing land and holding an illegal referendum in these Oblasts. The wanton destruction of civilian instillations, the murderous and callous raping of Ukrainians?
  14. Nearly going to Vietnam doesn't make one a warrior.😂😂😂
  15. You certainly need a reality check, you are in total denial!
  16. It is a war that Hamas started, maybe a little bit of thought should have gone into slaughtering innocent civilians, now they are losing they are crying 'it's not fair', well war is not fair, people die because of these barbaric zealot extreme nutjobs. Is your idea of war that we kill 1200 of your citizens so we'll call it even by you killing the same number of ours......it does not work like that!
  17. So Israels war could bring democracy to Gaza at last, good news indeed.
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