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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    This war started when palestinians was expelled from their land, 


    Always useful to read from more than one source what really happened l, but I really do no see any big foults with this timeline. Of course it take some interest, history knownledge, and some kind of a mind to see something from both sides



    AJ 😂😂😂😂😂😂 "see something from both sides" you seem as balanced as a drunken matelot.

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  2. Just now, ozimoron said:


    So you believe that the events before October 7th had no bearing on the events of that day? Is that your position? It came out of the sun like a zero?

    Don't even try to put words into my mouth, I have clearly stated that this war started on the 7/10. How much clearer can I be, do you want it written in blood or something!

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  3. Just now, Nick Carter icp said:


       The intention is to try to portray it as a long running war and that the Oct 7 th terror attack wasn't a significant aspect and that didn't cause the 2 nd Yom Kippur war .

       The Oct 7 th terror attack was just another aspect of the Israel/ Palestinian war and it isn't responsible for the Israeli attack on Gaza .

      They are trying to re write history and claim that Hamas didn't start this war and that Oct 7 th is just another in a long running exchange between the two .

       Bottom line is that Hamas didn't start  the 2 nd Yom Kippur war and Israel are the aggressors 

    Exactomundo, no Jews no news. 🥴

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  4. Just now, WDSmart said:

    What would you call the hundreds of attacks from each side that have occurred for many years before Oct 7? Do you deny they every happened? Do you deny that they were fought over the same thing - the control of parts of Israel/Palestine? 

    Not playing games with you, this war started on 7/10!

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  5. 56 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    That sentiment is delusional. Palestinians in all likelihood agree with me. They have often said so. You need to at least acknowledge that events prior to October 7th led to the events of October 7th if you are being intellectually honest.

    the war started on 7/10, for without the barbaric invasion by the Palestine terrorists there would be no war today. Why do you find something so obvious so difficult to understand.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Your reality is to spam the forum with pro genocide ideology from your safe haven, and think that is ok

    If Israel planned genocide in Gaza, there would be no ground troops in Gaza. Now be a good boy and let the adults have a sensible debate instead of falsely accusing other posters of which you are guilty!

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  7. Just now, ozimoron said:


    You unequivocaly accused me of condoning the terrorist attacks.

    You are very shifty when someone mentions 7/10 because it does not fit in with your caustic agenda, preferring to go to a time a long time ago instead of facing the truth of when this war actually started, ergo 7/10 HTH

  8. 42 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    No, doing what you perceive as patronizing other posters doesn't give me a superiority complex. However, reading your and a few others's posts on this forum does.

    Again I never said that you, yourself and thee had a superiority complex, your problems are far more complex than that.🥴

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 minute ago, ozimoron said:


    How is it not a revenge attack? 30,000 dead Palerstinians was never going to be justifiable in any sane person's mind. I note that no person here has ever been willing to put up their hand and say that the bombings of Gaza were appropiate or that continued or even greater numbers of deaths in Rafah caused by an incursion there are justifiable. The pro Israel lobby here just wants to cry outrage and attack anyone who would hate on a country that openly commits genocide and flaunts ICJ court rulings.

    If you read my post to Hummin I explained why it is not a revenge attack.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Im spot on on every target, but if you are biased which Im not, then you struggle. I have said before, if it was the other way around, then my emphasis would have been with the jews, but it is not the other way around. 


    Thats why this is ironically biased of your side

    You insert words into your posts that are simply not true, why can't you be honest and truthful instead of trying to point score all the time. Your latest attempt was using the word "revenge" referring to the Israelis in Gaza, the Israelis would have to be pretty stupid to send in ground troops when they have enough weapons to do the job without loss of lives to themselves, and more to the point you would have to be pretty stupid to believe that this is a "revenge" attack.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    That's the trouble and the point of my previous, long post. I don't think these people do know deep down inside of them that they are wrong. 🥹

    The difference is William we don't have to fabricate stories, and falsely accuse posters of saying something you made up. It is a very disingenuous way you try to make a point.

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