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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 11 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    I'm not trying to cover the evil intent of Hamas. I'm trying to reveal to you the evil, revengeful actions of the IDF.

    You constantly make excuses for these terrorist monsters and by Israel trying to make sure another 7/10 never happens again, and by doing so it can never be construed as "revenge". You purposely use incorrect wording to give a little credence to your overly biased posts!

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  2. 5 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    So, would you argue with a figure of 20,000 or even 10,000? Even if the number of civilians killed were as low as that, IDF's action would still be deplorable. 

    I would argue that any death of innocent civilians is tragic, but under the circumstances Hamas has no one but themselves to blame. At the end of the day the Israelis are there to do a job and that is to rid the dangers from these phycopathic killers and secure the release of the hostages, they must never repeat the massacres that happened on 7/10, the prelude to this war.


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  3. 11 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    This is more faulty reasoning. If that were true, they could not be called "human shields." They would just be the actual "terrorists." 

    Stop trying to twist posts to suit your agenda, you know as well as the next man that Hamas are using their own people as human shields and seem quite happy for them to achieve martyrdom. Just the same when a terrorist misfired rocket hit a hospital at the beginning of this war, (well it hit the car park) and Hamas claimed it killed 500 civilians mostly women and children, the pro Palestian mob couldn't get enough it, they thought all their birthdays had come at once and when the truth was finally revealed it went down like a lead balloon with the baying crowd. You see when you are desperate to slur the Israelis all sense and reasoning goes out of the window. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    My remark was in reference to your post blaming the killing of "human shields" on Hamas. The IDF is the group that is killing them. Hamas did put them there, but so did the Israelis allow the concert near the border with Gaza. I'm not blaming Israel for that, but if you use the same argument as you do about "human shields," you could.

    Your remarks as often make very little sense, your remarks are often a smokescreen to deflect the real blame from the terrorists to the Israelis, are you actually trying to blame the Israelis when it is Hamas that are using Gazans as human shields. 

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  5. 23 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    I post what I honestly believe. For the record, I have no affiliations with any country, ethnicity or language outside of the UK, and all my ancestors were born in Australia. If my posts are inflammatory to you, you need to do some navel gazing. Look at the post above by rattlesnake to gain a clue.

    No you don't, your posts are inflammatory to most posters on here, usual suspects excluded of course. You fail to provide links to your fabricated posts, you use terminology like "subhuman" and "the Israelis deserved it", you are fooling no one with your antisemitic beliefs! 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Stop lying.

    You are the renowned liar, you do it on most posts. You have dragged this thread down to level I've never witnessed before on these boards and how you are allowed to get away with your inflammatory posts is beggars belief. 

    But with ref to your remarking that the Israelis deserved 7/10, I have it on file and will post tomorrow to remind you. 

    Sleep well. 




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  7. 9 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    "The Israelis" logically means their government in this conflict. I have said many times I have no problem with individual Israelis, only the government. I don't believe I need to repeat that ad infinitum ad nauseum to stop you relying on pedantry.

    Why did you say that the Israelis deserved 7/10. You are so disingenuous you are tearing yourself apart and why you are allowed to post like you do is beyond belief. 

  8. Just now, ozimoron said:


    Try to control your anger and stick to justifying your position. I note that a yes or no answer to my most recent question was too much for you.

    You are the caustic kid that has evaded my question of why you felt the need to use terminology like "sub human" utterly disgusting!

  9. Just now, ozimoron said:


    That Hamas were using human shields was all the more reason to resort to international judicial mechanisms to resolve the problem.

    Wrong, Israel has been put into a very difficult situation, a sort of damned if you do and damned if you don't. Israel must eliminate all Hamas terrorist and if Hamas use their citizens as shields that is no fault of Israel. The world does not want to see another 7/10.....do you!

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    It's so sad that they had to take drastic measures just to stop the Israel aggression. At least the world can see them for what they are now.

    Are you out of your comfort zone when you try and discuss this topic with posters with a different opinion to yourself.

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