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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Some were saying it would be a 3 day victory for the 2nd mightiest military on Earth, oh how disappointed those people must be now.
  2. You have in the past denied writing it though, you have geen caught out, so it's back to the pavilion for you, howzat! The rest of us know what you meant and you know what you meant too!
  3. Implicitly, and it is written down just as you wrote it. Do you deny writing that post that I quoted, perhaps somebody else is using your computer behind your back and writing these sick posts.
  4. You really need to stop lying! This is what you said and not what you are now claiming to have said.
  5. You stated that the Israel deserved it, are you going to lie yet again and deny it?
  6. Trying to deflect again, are you denying that Hamas denied these massacres and bombing their own hospitals!
  7. Try discussing the topic instead of whimpering and trolling through yet another 3rd party.
  8. You just repeat the lies that comes out of the terrorists mouths, they have lied from the very start, including denying the attrocities in Israel and bombing their hospital, you soak up thier lies like a giant sponge then regurgitate them on here to try and justify the sadistic evil deeds of these so called terrorists. What motivates the 'Free Palestine' cult to spread the words of these 'people'.
  9. Says the troll that involves 3rd parties for his trolling platform. Give it a rest!
  10. One would not have happened without the vile sadistic invasion by the Palestinian beastial invaders, I think we can both agree on that.
  11. Well lets keep our fingers crossed and realise that when the Palestinians invaded Israel it was war but when Israel invaded Gaza it was classed as war crimes, time to wake up and smell the coffee!
  12. You anti-Semitic lot talk amongst yourselves, don't mind the rest of us that are trying to have a grown up debate.
  13. You have admitted it though, "the Israelis deserved it" well I have news for you, the Israelis did not deserve 9/10 only in a twisted mind of an anti-Semitic did they deserve it.
  14. Thanks for proving my point, when the argument is lost out come the insults, and to some posters insults are like leaves falling from a tree in Autumn.
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