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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Why does most of your posts include 'The 40 babies' monologue. It gets really boring.
  2. Would it be happening without the Oct attack....no, has Hamas vowed to carrying on with these barbaric attacks.....yes. Is Hamas using its own citizens deaths to gain sympathy....yes. Should Israel lay down its arms and let Palestine slay them.....no. Don't start wars, they will never end well for you!
  3. You are pointing the finger at Israel when all the blame lies with the Palestine terrorists.. ....Never Again!
  4. For the life in me I cannot remember you getting hot and bothered when 1,200 Israelis were massacred in a fashion we have not seen the likes of for a very long time. It speaks volumes!
  5. I think it's even more tragic that a certain section of our society are still eager to turn a blind eye to the persecution of the Jews.
  6. Did the Israelis that were slaughtered when the murderous Palestinian terrorists infiltrated their country have a fair trial, I think not, but always believe the aggressors and not the victims eh Steven.
  7. Your New Years Resolution should be to stop trolling and to realise who started this present war, the clues are there!
  8. I am one step of the Pattaya Police as I've moved up to the north of Tak for the new year. 🍾🎉🎊🎋
  9. When you learn what these grown up words mean like Zionists, your posts might start making sense, and I emphasize the "might".
  10. When it suits you, going by past posts of yours you consistently scour the internet to find the most tedious snippets to give credence to the barbaric terrorists, we are not buying your pretendy outrage.
  11. Her crime was trying to stab to death an Israeli, stop this faux outrage you persist in repeating ad infinitum. Her crime was attempted murder, the Israeli she tried to stab his only crime was being an Israeli.
  12. You really must hate Hamas for their involvement in starting this war.
  13. It even states on the opening credit of his 'trustworthy news item' that Al Jazeera is "funded in whole or partly by the Qatari govt", but any port in a storm I guess.😕
  14. You should learn the meaning of words before embarrassing yourself on a public forum, your hatred of Jews is all too apparent and just disgusting trolling!
  15. Are you high, what are you talking about, just more of your twisted mish mash that only makes sense to you. Are you blaming Israel for the Palestians invading them and slaughtering innocent civilians, of course you are because that is what you do.
  16. In your eyes maybe, the young lady went through living hell and not knowing if she would be killed, but some posters still find a way to excuse the vile actions of the terrorists. Shame on you!
  17. That reminds me of the saying "I have nothing against Jews" but I wouldn't like my daughter to marry one. Nobody supports any slaughtering of children either Jewish or Gazans, only Hamas that are totally responsible for any loss of life.
  18. We don't think what your views are, we know what your views are, you made sure you documented them very clearly and succinctly on here.
  19. People who believe in Israel's right to exist are all Zionists IMO.
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