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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. There are many in Israel on the 7/10 who had very good reason to be Islamophobic, but it has got to the stage when terrorists sympathisers lose an exchange out comes the 'you are Islamophobic" or "you are Racist" enough already!
  2. Are we playing, 'Do I have to guess the question' now.
  3. To quote Christopher Hitchins: "Islamophobia is a word created by Fascists and used by Cowards to manipulate the Morons."
  4. Somebody explained the conflict very well. Hamas: We want a cease-fire. Israelis: I thought you wanted to kill us all and take over all the land. Hamas: We do want to kill you and take all your land. Israelis: But I thought you wanted a cease-fire? Hamas: correct, we do want to kill you and take your land, but we also want you to stop fighting back.
  5. If I can just add my ha'penny worth, it may help, but probably not.🤔 Last month my pump would start up (pulsate) about every 5 seconds when all taps were closed, I narrowed it down to the flapper in one of the toilets, removed it and cleaned the calcium from the large rubber sealing ring and where it seated and it cured that problem. But now when a tap was turned on it would surge on and off in about 1 second intervals, so took the bladder tank off and drained it, then replaced it and it cured that problem. I wonder what the next problem will be?🤔
  6. Where is he "implying that it's OK?" That's correct he isn't, it is you being disingenuous.
  7. Honestly do you realise what you write. Do you want the barbarians that have committed these heinous crimes in Israel to walk away without having to answer for the sadistic slaying of innocent Israelis, and the Palestinians have spoken about continuing these 9/10 attacks. You really want more evil attacks on Israelis because some posters on here seem to subscribe to that way of thinking. The Israelis have little or no choice but to despatch these sadistic monsters. HTH!
  8. We had turkey this afternoon, well I say turkey, it was actually a goose that identified as trans gander.
  9. And when Hamas has openly declared that it will continue with these sadistic attacks why should Israel even consider a cease fire untill every last evil terrorist is removed from this planet, a cease fire will not secure the safety of Israeli citizens.
  10. You have nothing of value to add to this topic but repetitive playing the sympathy card, any deaths are very unfortunate especially the ones by the heinous sadistic monsters that started this war. Make no mistake this is a war and will remain so untill most or all of the barbarians are despatched. Hamas has made it very clear of their intention to erase Israel from the map it is simply not going to happen just because a few misguided supporters of the terrorists have chosen to sit down with them. Israel has no choice in this war, it was not a war of their making, start pointing the finger at the perpetrators for once!
  11. You may not have denied it but you stated that Israel deserved it, which was a vile comment to make!
  12. Plenty on f/b going as cheap as chips Pattaya area. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/364769689279576/?mibextid=dXMIcH
  13. Apparently neither the Dems nor the Republicans are against supplying arms to Ukraine, it's just the Republicans playing politics with Ukraines future.
  14. But not embarrassing for Russia who are nearly into their 3rd year of a Special Military Operation which was only going to take 3 days!
  15. How many of these children (figures from the terrorists themselves) were armed with AK47s at the time. Gullible much?
  16. Goebbels is quoted as saying "if you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually believe it".
  17. Jeez stop back peddling, you only wrote it 30 minutes ago, let's call it your Gerald Ratner moment eh.
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