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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Ex Israeli PM Bennett says don't try and stop us we have a job to do.
  2. Somebody needs a group hug. 🤗🫂🤗🫂 😂😂😂
  3. Wobblybob


    Sadly poppy wearers are now being criticized incase they 'offend' a certain religion in our country. Two poppy wearers proudly wear their poppies and were verbally abused and the unruly mob tried to prevent them from catching their tube, didn't end well for one gob of the hate mob. TPointUK_426p_20231105_180256.mp4
  4. I hope you can understand how difficult and confusing it is when you might have half the forum on 'ignore' for other posters to respond to messages that have been sent to you. We don't know your iggy list as we are not privy to such information.
  5. Are you say that @placeholder is wrong when he said you once said. Really? There was the time you inferred that a member was Jewish because only a Jew could voice such sentiments. Give it a rest
  6. I a quite prepared to run a 'go fund me' page for you if you do.😂
  7. Reminds me of the Johnny Cash song with the lyrics:- "Well, the one on the right was on the left And the one in the middle was on the right And the one on the left was in the middle And the guy in the rear was a Methodist"
  8. What the hell are you talking about "peaceful protests", these protests are hate marches not too far of the rallies that the Nazis did in the 1930s. Carrying banners with the inscriptions "rivers to the sea" and shouting "allah akhbar" like demented screaming banshees is not peaceful, what planet are you from!
  9. Tricky one as they are all remarkably lacking in nous, but if pushed I would have to plumb for Lammy.
  10. I haven't really thought about it before, but now I've thought about it.....no!
  11. At least he has a great and competent cabinet behind him.😱
  12. You'll have to better that to win this crowd back on here, personally I'm so sick of your less than honest posts and links I don't bother with them anymore. Quit the dialogue and go straight to the song.
  13. BTW, what does "Dou mean if you want to play your games!
  14. The only thing I have for you is contempt!
  15. You are responsible for what you post, but it seems a habit making excuses from the Hamaphiles.🥴
  16. You lied.........you are the weakest link...goodbye!
  17. Get your facts straight, that is not my quote, yet again another Thorgal untruth!
  18. Stop trying to score points by using dead babies, that is totally unacceptable and disgusting, but no surprise.
  19. Why are you so disingenuous, the irony of you asking posters for a link with the garbage that you display.🥴
  20. What happened to your conspiracy tik tok video.😂😂😂
  21. And I am not debating only by your rules. This topic is from the 7th October, we've had enough one sided cherry picked posts to last us a lifetime, oh and conspiracy theories trying to justify the barbaric actions of these rabid animals. Are you trying to tell me that the Israelis deserve the sadistic attack on the 7th, because that is what it sounds like. Be careful which side you chose to support "first they came for the socialists and I said nothing, then they came for the Unions and I said nothing, then they came for the Jews and I said nothing and now they come for me and there's no-one left to say anything to help me'.
  22. The facts are that Hamas started this war, killed babies, anally gang raped women so bad they bled before they were slaughtered, killed whole families, burnt families to death and the rest of the sadistic crimes. Israel gives the Palestinians a warning as to where they intend to bomb so they can move to safety, it is not the fault of the Israeli's if Hamas are using them as a human shields, Israel first concern is the safety of their own citizens. What is Israel supposed to do give them a slap on the wrists and say 'that was naughty, don't do it again'!
  23. You must stop reading these conspiracy articles owl, they are adding no validity to this debate.
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