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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. These are not protests, they are hate marches, the Home Secretary Suella Braverman has described these marches as Hate Marches.
  2. Report it if you think there's a problem, but cut out these personal attacks!
  3. Whilst your post is an ad hominem attack on someone speaking the truth. Why do all the insults come from the terrorist apologists, can you not find anything of substance to say?
  4. If you need to ask who the terrorists are you are more ill informed than first thought.
  5. When the argument is lost your opponent resorts to insults!
  6. Hatred of Jews, they killed their prophet Muhammad remember. Remember topic is from the 7th.
  7. This topic started on the 7th and although it suits your narrative to call the Israelis "terrorists" we know that there is only one terrorist organisation and that would be Hamas, remember them, they started this war.
  8. "If" my mother had testicles she'd have been my father.
  9. You again do not attribute the necessary actions of the Israelis that caused by the terrorist butchery on the 7th, are you purposely ignoring the catalyst murderous actions of the Palestinian incursions, are you being purposely obtuse by ignoring the very people that started this war. Do you not agree that Israel has every right to defend its country and its citizens and why never any condemnation of the terrorists that created this war. Don't start a war and expect instant forgiveness, it doesn't work like that.
  10. These are the Terrorists refusing to answer questions about their horrific crimes and also lying, and some posters on here hang on to their every word.
  11. What are you trying to say? I have just received a garbled message from you......over.
  12. Wait until they read your posts it will probably be rescinded, oh and by the way this topic is not about you!
  13. Au contraire, I read the liberal based link that you provided and for the life in me what has it got to do with any of my posts, nobody is disputing that Israel is targeting military targets in Gaza, but cast your mind back a couple of weeks and I think you'll find the reason why.
  14. No but Hamas is on the top rung of the ladder!
  15. Are you being deliberately obtuse. It was the Hamas on the 7th October, are you sure this topic is not too difficult for you, excusing terrorists is not in the spirit of what this thread is all about.
  16. He clue is in the heading of this thread. "Oct 7th the war in Israel" How many times do other posters have to explain things to you?
  17. We = the thinkers of this thread. HTH
  18. Yes we could find anything we wanted to suit our narratives on the internet, and indeed you are very skilled at doing just that, but it doesn't alter the fact that the Palestinian terrorists started this whole shebang, there wouldn't be any deaths and why do you avoid the most obvious of reasons to these deplorable actions and venture down deflection drive. Nothing excuses the actions of the Palestinian Terrorists on the 7th October.
  19. We are all appalled at your attempt to point score using dead babies as your weapon of choice!
  20. Yada yada yada. It's another stuck record. Maybe Palestine should stop bombing Israel! They have a right to protect their citizens!
  21. Two can play your deflective game, why do they constantly bomb Israel. Are you saying the Palestinians want peace if you do I have a London Bridge to sell you.
  22. Gibberish gobbledygook. All Israel wants is to live in peace without its neighbours trying to wipe them out!
  23. Putin blames Ukraine for everything just the same as the anti semetics blame the Jews for everything. But they say if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.🥴
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