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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just think if the Palestinians hadn't started this war none of this would be happening, is there a reason you won't accept facts?
  2. I downloaded an app called 'tablet clone" from playstore the last time I transferred my apps, dead easy to use.
  3. I said "should", but there again some of us are not fortunate enough to read the future. Whatever you think of the kit the Ukrainians have got they are retaking more ground than the illegal invaders. Are you of the opinion that Ukraine should just surrender, capitulate or even appease the 2nd biggest military in the world, surely you cannot be impressed by Russias dismal performance can you?
  4. Many on here deny they are anti semitic. 🤔
  5. All his posts are an excuse for Hamas it's just you fail to recognise it for some reason. Birds of a feather perhaps?
  6. Stop talking nonsense, Hamas has no intention of not killing Israelis, they started this war so stop making excuses for them!
  7. "I agree with him" it's a her and she is renowned for being Palestinian biased.
  8. Are you Polly Toynbee from the Guardian?
  9. It's chrystal clear that the poster in question made a racist post and you applauded it.
  10. The crimes that the Palestinians have committed in Israel will not be forgotten for such a long time, you will not get your way with wiping these terrorists slates clean. Hamas will never live in peace with Israel and you know it!
  11. And we just forgive the crimes do we from the 7th, in the real world things don't happen like that. Hamas has vowed to carry on killing Israelis, doesn't that strike a chord with you, do the Israelis wait for the next Palestinian incursion and forgive them again, not going to happen the Israelis think more of their own citizens than the enemy. BTW, has Palestine stopped firing rockets into Israel yet, because soon they won't have any.
  12. Russias 3 day special military operation really went well didn't, must have come as a great disappointment to all Russian sympathisers that little old Ukraine are managing to show what a bunch of misfits the Russians are, wave after wave of Russians are being slaughtered thanks to Putin and all you people can do is have a go at Zelensky for fighting these murderous invaders. Ukraine says what happens in this war, all the West can do is give Ukraine the weapons, F16 fighter jets are coming next year which should be a game changer. Freedom doesn't come free, it's something these brave Ukrainian soldiers are prepared to give their all for, while we have posters on here flying the white flag whilst shouting we surrender.
  13. Sorry not playing your game of 'twist my words' You accused my of saying :- Which I never said, an apology would be in order!
  14. Wobblybob


    I don't want to turn this topic into a bickering fest, just remember those young men and many boys that died to give people like you free speech. This is about the first and second world war, have some respect!
  15. Let's just hope that the Israelis marmalise them so there's no need for a replay.
  16. Oh come off it, Labour is just as bad as the Tories you seem to demonize all the time. Do we know what Labour MP Nick Brown has done yet to be suspended for over a year now?
  17. Hi Grusa, I have never actually had the need to buy these wedding ring washers in Thailand but like all else if Lazada doesn't sell it, they don't make it. Had a quick look-see on Lazada and sure enough there they were, HTH.
  18. Wobblybob


    Another mindless attack by yobs or others on a Edinburgh war memorial, disturbing times we are living through.🥴
  19. A Jewish woman in France has been stabbed by an intruder thought to be an anti semetic attack, before fleeing he/she sprayed a swastika on the door. We are back to the 1930s again it would appear. Not a good time to be Jewish. 🥴 https://www.wionews.com/world/jewish-woman-stabbed-in-france-in-suspected-case-of-hate-crime-655408
  20. The Israelis will do what is right for their citizens, it is their duty to do this, there must never be another 7th Oct!
  21. Kegel exercises are recommended for an enlarged prostate and a healthy diet. Although I haven't started doing the kegel exercises yet I do weighted walks (10kg) and weight training, which is all good for the prostrate. Can go nearly all night now without going to the toilet. Have cut out bacon and eggs with copious amounts of bread and lashings of butter for a more healthier breakfast of overnight oats with cranberries (supposed to reduce swelling), have lost nearly 10kgs and feel much better A couple of links here that may help. https://www.healthline.com/health/overactive-bladder-exercises-men#exercise
  22. When the hostages are released and the sadistic murderous killers are captured/killed seems quite an appropriate time to me.
  23. General Schwarzkopf said:- I believe that forgiving them is god’s function, our job is to arrange the meeting.”
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