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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Well according to PM Sunak and the Home Secretary should these two parties meet the Met Officer Mark Rowley will be held responsible for any disturbances, maybe they have his P45 on hand just in case.
  2. You should be asking yourself why would a Palestinian terrorist cut out an unborn baby from its mother and then behead it and then behead the mother, and when you find the answers to this perverted sadism Grasshopper you will find your answer.
  3. All my family served including myself and if they saw the breakdown of law and order with these mindless hate filled anti semetics they would turn in their graves.
  4. I think if you know sammie that the MET might have been tipped off at some point.
  5. Bit like you predicting the unpredictable.
  6. I think it's something to do with intellect Jeff and not trolling, you wouldn't understand. 😂
  7. How can he when you've blocked him. Doh.
  8. Do you think the Israeli response is for no reason?
  9. You would do well by stopping putting words into other posters mouths, you have done it to me quite a few times now, should you wish to twist my words do not expect an answer from me, it is disingenuous and dishonest and if that is how you conduct yourself on a forum it is disgraceful. Can you not debate in a social and proper manner, silly question I know but I felt I had to ask it. Bye. 🥱
  10. Whataboutery and deflection all in one post, well done! 😂😂😂
  11. In all fairness there isn't many posters left he can converse with.🥴
  12. Them that start a war don't get to dictate the final score.
  13. It might be me but I don't think that the Israelis like rockets fired at them, what ever time of day it is. The Palestinians couldn't live in peace if you gave everyone of them a bamboo bong.
  14. And we trust you will be blaming the instigators of this war....... Hamas right?
  15. When these hate marchers are wearing hang glider badges on their attire, that is solely there as provocation towards Jews, it is celebrating the sadistic crimes that the Palestinians chose to commit on innocent Israelis. Do you think shouting allah akbar is not provocative. Do you think painting 'free Palestine' on war memorials is acceptable, do you think that attacking an 78 year old man selling poppies is acceptable, plus there have been others, Brits have been arrested for displaying the Union Flag and when the police were asked why don't you arrest those carrying Palestinian flags, they answer 'there are too many of them' are you happy with the fall of law and order on the streets, these people that chose to go on these hate marches have probably no idea where Gaza is, they are part of a cult that have been brainwashed by their peers or their left wing tutors at university, the Met Police are no use nor ornament. You say that this is what the British Military fought for, well I'm sorry Bill but none of my family fought for the breakdown of law and order, this is not free speech, this is hate speech and it is not too far off the rallies they had in Germany in the 1930s, wake up and smell the coffee Bill, people ignored the plight of the Jews in the 1930s and it is beginning to repeat itself again.
  16. Would that be the same protesters that are desecrating war memorials, we have remembrance day once a year is it too much to ask for people to show respect for the fallen, they have had 4 of these hate marches already too much to ask to postpone this one, but a lot of people think that this is a deliberate attempt to antagonise people paying their respects! And if I may add, which group do you think Jeremy Corbyn will join, you know the man that called Hamas his friends, rhetorical question as we all know the answer to that already.
  17. That post does not negate all the terrible sadistic acts of butchery they have already committed now does it and if that's the level of your posting skills I wouldn't bother if I were you.
  18. What a load of cobblers, Sir Mark Rowley is a weak police officer that does have the power to stop the hate marches, he is lying. Steven Barrett prominent lawyer states:- The @metpoliceuk Commissioner was consistently wrong in the media yesterday The March on Saturday *can* be banned, by him If he doesn't want to, that's his choice. But as a Police Officer it is important he is accurate and honest This sets out the law
  19. You do know that is a bot you are replying to, they are programmed to repeat the same jargon over and over again. 🧌
  20. This is called baiting other members through a third party. You really need to confront your demons and speak to people who will answer you back, you cannot hide behind other anti semetics forever you know!
  21. I am sure a civilised people like Israelis can live with other civilised people, the Palestinians are just going to have to learn how to be civilised, but when you are programmed from birth to hate Israelis it is not going to be easy, and many might say, like myself 'impossible'.
  22. They are at war, Hamas instigated the war, Israel is legally bound to protect its citizens and they are doing just that, they are giving the people of Gaza a warning before they attack, I cannot remember the Palestinians giving the Israelis a warning when they attacked Israel, can you?
  23. Why don't you 'private message' each other, this petty rhetoric between yourselves is very boring, you criticise others whilst being party to racist posts. Nobody likes what is happening in Gaza and to suggest that other posters do is entirely inflammatory, Hamas started this war and they are a death cult and want nothing more than the destruction of Israel and the Israelis themselves, Israel has little or no choice but to rid the world of these perverted sadists to protect their own citizens and if you didn't have so many posters on 'ignore' you may be more understanding of this war!
  24. One group wanting a peaceful day to honour the fallen the other group a mob of brainwashed hate filled dimwits, what can possibly go wrong. We know which side the unbiased Met police will arrest though.
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