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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Some posters would end up debating with themselves as they have half the forum on ignore, maybe if you cannot handle the truth or criticism a public forum is not the place for you.🥴
  2. I too suffer from loss of hearing from loss of certain frequencies as described in my first post, probably due to my military service. Apparently these bone head phones bypass the ear drum. The clarity of these head phones are astounding, but I can only tell you about how they helped me. "Although most sounds are transmitted through the air to our eardrums, bone-conduction headphones rely on sound being transmitted through vibrations on the bones of the head and jaw. The sounds from these headphones bypass the eardrum and relays sound directly to the inner ear. Bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA) have been using this style of sound transmission for years to help people who have hearing difficulty." https://www.salusuhealth.com/news/2018/08/how-do-bone-conduction-headphones-work.html#:~:text=Although most sounds are transmitted,directly to the inner ear.
  3. I'd bet money on it, "there are too many of them" and it proves a point that weak policing and weak police leadership is no use to man nor beast. "Far right extremists" too much Owen Jones?
  4. Who are these right wing extremists, ex soldiers, patriots, you throw words about like right wing extremists without any real thought as to what you are saying, it is very disingenuous. But we all know who the police will arrest, it won't be the antagonists shouting 'death to israel or allah akbar' will it, no it will be the "right wing extremists" trying to protect our sacred war memorials. Right wing extremists, nice try but no cigar!
  5. An updated version of Piers Morgan and Douglas Murray interview, a little bit less abridged but packed with common sense.
  6. They are apt to you because you don't have a clue what you are talking about, if you think that your arrogance makes you an expert you are totally wrong, so what war crimes have Israel committed.
  7. Banding words about like "genocide" and "war crimes" just goes to show that you don't have a clue what you're talking about, there are no war crimes or genocide by Israel at least, plenty by Hamas, stop being a drama queen and playing to the gallery. You are trolling!
  8. Oct 7th didn't go down too well now did and that threat needs to be minimised so the threat of another savage sadistic in Israel is less likely than a month ago, things seem to be going to plan.
  9. We only have Hamas word for that, which of course you hang on to every word they say. But of course the reason for this war is no concern to you because it is the Israelis that are fighting for their right to survive.
  10. You can buy cheap ones from Lazada but I would buy a premium pair just for peace of mind. These are the ones I purchased.
  11. I have bad hearing in both ears, I can hear low pitch better than high pitch, sat around a table with a few guests I cannot hear what an individual says, struggle to hear what people are saying on the tv etc. I have tried various types of ear phones and all not much good, but I stumbled on these bone headphones that don't go in the ear but to the outside of the ear on the cheek bone, they have really improved my listening capabilities.
  12. Oh and I forgot to mention McDonnells other quote, I paraphrase 'Labour councillors that refuse to meet Sinn Fein want knee capping', his quotes speak louder than your opinions, what a peaceful and understanding gentleman he seems.
  13. Most people know McDonnell for what he is, a hate filled Marxist intent on creating unrest every time he opens his mouth. He is renowned for saying Margaret Thatcher should be assassinated, quotes Mao, derides Churchill, he promotes hate and not peace!
  14. You asked me a question of how to differentiate between the two groups, I answered it in the most honest way I can then you go babbling on about the Marxist McDonnell, I take it you mean McDonnell and not McDonald?
  15. Hope this helps, if not just look for the group with Labour MPs joining in.
  16. Hamas wants the civilians of Gaza to die, in that way they can blame Israel and gain sympathy from the gullible.
  17. Sky news explains succinctly the law, of course the horrible Kay Burley likes to show how ignorant she is. EylonALevy_270p_20231109_073541.mp4
  18. Inflammatory clap trap is all we should expect from you!
  19. You'll be blaming that on Hamas then, no, thought not.🥴
  20. A proven anti semite would say that wouldn't he, even to justify the disturbing events that happened on the 7th, just one month ago infact. Even your poor attempt at whataboutery will not negate those vile attacks.
  21. Says little Sir Echo. 🥱🥱🥱
  22. If that's the best you can come up with, I wouldn't have bothered. Israel have opened humanitarian corridors for the Palestinians so stop banding nonsense words like "genocide" about, it is totally nonsense nor does it have the dramatic effect you seek!
  23. I would have thought that was most obvious, but before I give you my thoughts can I suggest that you get down from that high horse you have and a change of tone to your posts would be most gratifying, other posters are sick of the way you like to patronise other posters. I asked you the question first and yet you refuse to answer, these people are brainwashed, conditioned and programmed from birth to hate the Israelis and to irradicate Israel and the Israelis, when someone is brainwashed they are capable of any heinous vile crime. HTH
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