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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. So basically because Putin has stockpiles of nuclear weapons he's allowed to invade other sovereign countries, is that what you're saying? "Dictators can be deterred, they can be crushed, but they can never be appeased!" { Margaret Thatcher}.
  2. I guess not everybody can be as brilliant as you, however keep up your with your superiority complex, you never fail!
  3. Nothing wrong with being a cheapskate, if it tastes good why not. I will give it a try should I come across it, is the taste neutral or does it have a particular flavour.
  4. Jackanory jackanory. Links would be nice instead of an overactive imagination!
  5. Without aid from the allies in ww2, Russia would not exist today, which asks the question 'why did we bother' the world would be in a better position without Russia!
  6. Is there a reason for 70 as an upper limit Sheryl?
  7. O negative is a very rare blood group globally, I should imaging that most countries are in short supply, some more than others. Since type O blood is that which can be used for anyone, it is almost always in short supply at hospitals. If you have it, you should think of donating. About 42% of the global population has type O+ blood but just 3% have type O-. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-are-the-different-blood-types.html
  8. And the upper age limit is 70 Brian? Thank you.
  9. On the Red Cross Website the age acceptance is 17 - 70 years and also Richard Barrow explains the changes for Brits donating blood. I am O neg but unfortunately over the age limit.🥴 https://www.richardbarrow.com/2023/05/brits-can-now-donate-blood-in-thailand/
  10. Which thread are we supposed to be answering to, I offered information on the other thread and nothing appeared when I posted it?
  11. A link to a GB News report telling us something we already know, but try to look at it positively and realise not everybody understands our predicament and the more people that knows the better it is for all of us. https://youtu.be/sBa_p4jcIKI?si=NPVU709ISqtlivWL
  12. The Muslim countries won't take any of the Gazans, there is a reason for this, not too difficult to understand!
  13. No point in providing links when you can make up your own facts!
  14. You are trying to turn a molehill into a mountain, it's a non event, there were plenty of other ways to prove identity.
  15. The Veterans ID Card is quite new idea, I don't think there is any need for some posters to get paranoid about it and start talking about conspiracy theories. Mistakes do happen, c'est la vie. 🥴
  16. Very poor retort, once you have said something Jeff, unfortunately you can't unsay it. Just don't try and pretend you are unbiased because you are anything but!
  17. If you liked Israelis why would you call them Nazis?
  18. I didn't make the accusation, there is no genocide happening in Gaza and I hope you're not too disappointed with that revelation!
  19. You are flaming this thread again, there isn't any genocide!
  20. You should enter the world of reality and stop making up stupid fantasies and why don't you share some of these "current affairs" links with us all instead of your continuous fairy stories, is it because they don't tally with your version of world events!
  21. That's correct you are posting your overly biased opinions which account for nothing, try posting facts for a change! You are embarrassing yourself with the nonsense you make up and couple that with blaming everyone for Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine, everyone but Russia that is!
  22. Lost the argument......change tack. Don't like you drivel being addressed then don't post it!
  23. Gibberish hyperbolic nonsense, if you think other posters are going to take the word of a fantasist you grossly underestimate the intelligence of posters on here. You could start by including a link to your drivel and stop making things up, just because you say something is true, it does not make it so..... totally clueless!
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