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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I do have skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare. ????
  2. I've lived in that area for over 10 years. Cetus is way too much money for what you get. I would recommend La Royale. I've stayed in 3 different units, leaving only when work calls me away, and I always go back. The staff is incredibly friendly and helpful, and the view in most units is breathtaking. It IS a little older and cracks are starting to appear here and there, but I believe the building is structurally sound.
  3. It's always interesting to see people with such delicate, fragile sensibilities that the thought of wearing a mask puts them in SUCH a tizzy. Muh freedumb! Does it REALLY hurt you that much? Such a minor inconvenience that could possibly save a life should never have risen to this level of bitter controversy. It's more a commentary of just how selfish people have become. Quite sad, actually.
  4. Not always. My transfer from last month took days. I started it on a Thursday morning, it didn't arrive until the following Monday. I'm not complaining, I was just surprised as it usually transfers in seconds, but not always.
  5. I sprinkled this article on my pot plants. They grew noticeably better.
  6. I was gonna say "what's the big deal? Kids experimenting, happens every day." BUT - if this is true, the director needs removing, not just a transfer, as she has shown the poorest of judgement for such a position.
  7. The parents at the school I work at insist we continue wearing masks. We just sent 6 students home this week to self-quarantine cuz they tested positive. We're still not out of the woods.
  8. Just think - if he HADN'T been feeding strays, this wouldn't have happened. Instant karma?
  9. The school I'm working at will continue the mask mandate cuz the parents want it, and in all fairness, six kids from a grade one class (6/7 year olds) just tested positive and are home quarantining. We're not completely out of the woods yet.
  10. I tried getting through that stretch of road when the vendors were in full swing. Traffic was reduced to a single lane and you know how the locals LOVE to play fair when driving. I also passed the same area yesterday morning and saw their stalls and vans at full ready to go again. This will not end well.
  11. If you claimed the world was flat, I wouldn't "agree to disagree" cuz you're flat out wrong, just as you're wrong about everything else you've posted in our discussion. You're backpedaling now, focusing on Omicron where your first statement claimed the vaccination didn't work.
  12. Anyone who makes this comparison has obviously never tried either.
  13. There IS a dangerous substance that schools promote - sugar. EVERY school I've worked at came to a screeching halt every time the Milo truck visited, handing out free samples of chocolate milk. Get them hooked at a young age then you'll have obese, diabetic customers for life.
  14. I've a friend who lives way out in the sticks of Issan. The head man there (pun VERY intended) has had a huge hot house full of pot plants for months. He saw this coming, and there's no way of putting that genie back in the bottle.
  15. And were subsequently pardoned though they were clearly guilty.
  16. You just proved that this ban is no deterrent. We all know mom & pop shops that will sell 24x7, so get rid of the damned ban.
  17. I have a friend in the US who discovered the technology that created whatever screen you are reading this on. He also had multiple sclerosis and was severely limited in his ability to get around. I tried to get a Thai friend of mine a job as an in-home nurse for him. The MOUNTAIN of paperwork and infinite hoops to jump through made the task basically impossible. I just renewed my own extension of stay, and once you understand the process, you realize just how good we have it!
  18. I rarely see anyone using the temp check units in 7/11's, malls, etc any more.
  19. Medicare and my supplemental won't cover me in Thailand. And - COSMETIC ENHANCEMENT?!?!? I'm going blind, that's cometic? Well, I dated an insurance agent, there is no bar too low for them.
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