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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. In the end, isn't that all that really matters?
  2. You mean like the convict currently occupying the oval office when he invited Russia to investigate the Secretary of State's email server?
  3. Yes, 150 million is a rounding error in the US budget.
  4. Not to worry, the new cabinet heads with NO actual experience or qualifications will learn on the job how to make things safe again. And their hair will look magnificent during television interviews while the stores are being robbed.
  5. If you think about it, EVERY business is a hustle to squeeze whatever they can. If there is a market for left-handed can openers in a certain area, then many such shops will open there. Whatever the market will bare [sic] - it IS Thailand after all. 😉
  6. You hit a MAJOR nerve about US schools. The first thing eliminated decades ago was a mandatory semester in high school on civics. If you don't know what your rights are then you don't know when they're being trampled on. Then shows like "Jackass" gained huge popularity making it "cool" to be stupid. Both Jesse Waters and Jordan Klepper (right wing and left wing talking heads) have had multiple sections on going out into the wild and asking the general population questions they really should be aware of but gave insanely ignorant responses. Even the current president's puppet has said many times he loves the poorly educated. They're easier to fool and manipulate.
  7. More like what comes out of the south end of a north bound bull.
  8. Interesting, yes history in the making. I really enjoy watching the left wing zealots come apart at the seams, it makes my day. Can't wait for the next melt down post. This trash is why people are leaving. Childish schoolyard taunting doesn't earn AN more members viewing. My ignore list was something I resisted using until recently. When you finally accept some people aren't willing to accept facts or argue in a civil, adult manner, then buh bye . . .
  9. The Sizzlers in Pattaya has always been decent. I never go on weekends, too busy. Weekdays it's nice.
  10. This MUST be a phony photo - she doesn't know how to smile.
  11. This would be fine if you're just a right wing fanatical youtube influencer. This man is supposed to be the leader of the free world. Instead he's quickly alienating US allies and is partnering up with dictatorships. This will not end well. His lizard brain words have severe and dire consequences, not just for the US but the rest of the world.
  12. He came BACK?!? Dumbest criminal in the world!
  13. You DO realize he's not the one actually writing the words, yes? The author would be Skynet.
  14. If you're referring to Clinton, he worked with Republicans to get stuff done for the betterment of the country. Musk and his orange puppet are out for themselves at a cost to the country. See how that works?
  15. This is the reason my ignore list grows.
  16. WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT!!! This is an ACTUAL POST! How can ANYONE find this normal/acceptable?!?!?
  17. Why is it Republicans revere those leaders with mental illnesses?
  18. Does anyone actually read these prosaic posts? I only come for the replies.
  19. Pleeeeeeeeeeze! Mass layoffs, breaches of our most sensitive personal information to a billionaire and his monkeys with NO legitimate reason, measles have doubled in Texas cuz vax deniers are popular again, more air traffic accidents than DECADES before, and I could go on. Harris would have been a status quo blight, but the US is becoming a fascist state almost overnight with president Musk and his orange puppet..
  20. No, that's how it starts. Putin is a cancer that wants to spread until it consumes everything, everywhere, all at once.
  21. The allies are doing an immediate "about face" 180.
  22. I don't think he will EVER "get it." That would require a mind that grasps empathy, fairness, people other than himself. This reminds me of the time my son, 4 at the time, met a kid with the same name as his. It was entertaining to watch his paradigm shift in real time. The convicted felon will never be able to understand how others might think differently cuz he just doesn't care.
  23. I really wonder if the convicted felon is just too stupid, or complicit in promoting Russian efforts to conquer the world.
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