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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I teach children this age. Emphasis on the word children. Three men attacking a child - what have we become?
  2. There you go speaking brainwashed again. All I hear is <blah blah blah blah mooooo blah blah>
  3. Not that it's ANY of your effing business but I DID live there. Your Dunning-Kruger is showing.
  4. Sorry, I don't speak brainwashed.
  5. No adults would find this a humorous topic. You share facts, MAGA sends insults. I wish they'd grow up.
  6. I really hate blocking members, but you just get to a point where the insanity and pig-headedness just wastes your time.
  7. I'm tired of wasting time on thick skulled people who won't see the facts for what they are. I've always been a "love the sinner, hate the sin" kinda guy but apparently you don't get that concept. Too many of us have tried getting through to MAGA that EVERYONE wants an end to government waste, but the frightening and illegal manner this administration is going about it is going to do severe damage to the country and its standing in the global community. Defending these actions without weighing actual facts is real hate for the US, but you just hate everything not Musk (and that other guy).
  8. From your past posts, I think you are not exactly anti-American, but if you honestly think these robber barons and their computer monkeys are performing selfless acts for the good of "We, The People," well that says it all about you. You ARE aware they unknowingly fired the people who manage the nuclear stockpile? You ARE aware they are COMPLETELY hidden from any accountability per executive order? So, naive it is. Got it.
  9. Shouldn't the two presidents be working on lowering prices instead of useless misdirects that are only meant to feed their 5-year-old egos and antagonize our allies? Are you naive or anti-American? Perhaps you should give a rest to defending these robber barons.
  10. Damn! Whole lotta truth here. Too bad it has: 1. too many words for MAGA attention span. 2. too many BIG words for the same reason. Two thumbs up!
  11. At this rate, the US won't have an allies. Problem solved.
  12. Apparently you're having trouble keeping up. President Musk admitted in his oval office he was wrong about the Gaza condom thing, but MAGA folks are like slow-witted dogs with a bone.
  13. If only they could articulate things as well as you. (BTW, I know you won't get it, so this is sarcasm)
  14. Spare me your ridiculous false equivalents. Those with more than a few brain cells have been SAYING that spending cuts must be done. The DOGE asshats tried firing the folks who control the US nuclear stockpile until a judge stopped them. They're reckless, stupid, and those defending them are as well.
  15. That's a real shame your jaded heart makes you think this. It's wrong and you should know better.
  16. Wrong again. It WASN"T the registry and president Musk has no IDEA what he's cutting. Isn't being wrong so often getting tiresome?
  17. That is a typical shallow, inhumane and childish MAGA attitude. For a long time the US was looked up to as that "beacon on the hill." When any country was in need, the US was ALWAYS the first on the scene to offer a helping hand because it had more than enough and was willing to share. As a result, many allied relationships were formed. Now cruel selfishness is the attitude of the fools at the helm. Sure, the world will adjust as they wake up to the realization the US is now only out for itself, screw everyone else. The result? Those countries in need will become former allies and turn to US adversaries. Stay on this path, at the end of the day, the US will be isolated, and the way things are being run, it's going to NEED friends to get out of a terrible jam of its own making. But hey, if you can't see it from your single-wide trailer's porch, it doesn't affect you, right?
  18. And? I wasn't pointing fingers at this administration. You MAGAs are too touchy.
  19. This reminds me of when I first started playing with a Windows computer. I'd start deleting files willy nilly until - OOPS - I just crashed my computer. These idiots are using the same process. They haven't a CLUE what impact killing these programs will have on the US public. People are already dying for lack of food and medical care USAID used to provide. YES there are a lot of unnecessary programs throughout the entire government, but this slash and burn foolishness will NOT win the hearts and minds of voters who wake up one day only to discover a program they depended on was cut by president Musk. Not to mention, you really want to cut spending in any program? You send in forensic accountants, not coders (one of whom was fired from another job for divulging information to a competing company). I am not at all assured they won't put back doors in the servers. That's what hostile coders do.
  20. Look here - I'm waiving some papers proving your video is false. See how that works? Believing fox, now THAT'S stunningly stupid.
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