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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Stephen King is MASTER at writing a lengthy run-on sentence. You are no Stephen King.
  2. Your idiotic denial is tiresome. Buh Bye.
  3. Here was the question I posed: "who started the ukraine war?" Multiple search engines, many returns and they all said the same thing. Can you guess who started this war? (hint: it wasn't Ukraine)
  4. Perhaps if the DOGE-bags had started with the Pentagon instead of hitting the most helpless and needful citizens, they'd have a LOT more support from the public. Hitting the FAA and now there are a historical amount of flight accidents around the country? Screw with Medicaid and now thousands are being kicked off the rolls around the country? FIRING THE NUCLEAR STOCKPILE STEWARDS then crying, "Oops, NOW how do we get them back?!?!?" This clearly demonstrates how purely STUPID their approach has been. Even Steve Bannon is telling MAGA that this has been a bad game plan and will backfire on them.
  5. Read my response just above.
  6. I hope they do! That effing fighter jet that has been admitted by pilots and politicians to be a complete waste is STILL costing enormous amounts of money being flushed straight into the wrong pockets. This is an article from 2019 and it's STILL just as costly and unbelievable today! https://mises.org/power-market/f-35-15-trillion-boondoggle
  7. And THIS is EXACTLY why you aren't allowed to sit at the adult table. MAGA would be screaming liked raped apes for verification if a Dem came up with such an outlandish claim. And your insulting comment on the user name is just plain rude. BTW, if you are confused, don't explain why and ask questions, then you're much more than just "confused."
  8. I would bet dollars to donuts the Dept of Defense is hands off.
  9. I would SO like this to be true, but it doesn't pass the smell test. Also, TOO CONCIDENTAL, that amount being just a tad over the tax breaks being proposed for all the robber barons. When a few more sources that aren't so blatantly in the tank for president Musk and his orange puppet confirm this, I'll be the first to raise a toast of congratulations. I'm not holding my breath.
  10. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/thailand/chanthaburi/phakdee-ramphai-canal-extended-cycle-loop
  11. No. The engineers he hires do that.
  12. If money can make ME a hansum man, it can even work for Bob. 🙃
  13. Well, going bald doesn't appeal to anyone, but it's in the cards for all who live long enough. it's an unappealing law of Thailand. You don't like it? The exit's right over there.
  14. That will make a LOT of ladyboys ECSTATIC!
  15. But you commented at least twice (I'm not wasting any more of my time either). That equates to generated clicks which is the obvious goal of a post like this.
  16. It's not biased, that's exactly who I am describing.
  17. If that's what you really think, then you just prove there are more horses' asses than horses in Thailand. Just a sickening post.
  18. What the eff gives you that impression? You're reading too much of your OWN desires into my post.
  19. They're tightening the rules, actually applying them. As everything else in LOS, let's see how long it lasts. When immigration stops sharing the brown envelope treasure trove cuz it's dried up, things may loosen back up a bit. Wait and see.
  20. I was under the gun and she knew it. Besides, I'm that kinda guy with more moolah than sense.
  21. I've shared many times how I moved to Mexico and moved back so fast it gave me whiplash. The SECOND part of that story is how I got my retirement visa back (I STUPIDLY burned the bridge and did not get a re-entry permit!). It was Jomtien immigration. I asked what I needed to do to start the process all over again. The lady officer took me back to a private office where we sat down. She handed me a large stack of forms, all in Thai, and told me I would need to fill them out then take them to Bangkok where it would take several days to complete the task. OR - I could hand her 19k baht and she'd handle the whole thing. I can't imagine they want this gravy train to go dry.
  22. Obviously a term you're unfamiliar with.
  23. The world is a powder keg at this moment in history. Any really white people crazy enough to take such a chance deserve what they get. You want to know about Iran? Next time do it online in the freedom of your own home.
  24. In all fairness, the agents who have been assisting retirees without seasoned money in the bank have been performing an illegal act. The law to have the 800k in the bank was meant to keep riff raff out. I have several friends in the Jomtien area who have used these agents for years. They are real decent folk, not troublemakers in the least - the kind of people you WANT living in Thailand, spending their money supporting the local economy. Sadly, the law is the law. I hope they aren't forced to leave LOS. The place will be a little worse off if they are.
  25. Then you know real health care is sketchy at best. As I said, nice place to visit but . . .
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