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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. They're all cut from the same cloth.
  2. I imagine this doll collector cleans her cooch much more thoroughly than most working girls do.
  3. Do you remember when those little old ladies and gentlemen were arrested for playing bridge? The BiB hardly have two brain cells each to rub together and the "legality" of any act is completely up to their mood at that time. The law has little to do with anything.
  4. Alcohol is not the cause of arthritis, that's just getting-old-itis. Alcohol can exacerbate the joint pain.
  5. Reasonable pricing? Not so much any more.
  6. HappyExpat57

    Isaan Woman

    Most people in long term relationships eventually devolve to having hallway sex. At first, things are rosy and you screw in every position possible in every room available. Than, after time (some get there sooner than others), you pass each other in the hallway, saying to each other "Eff you!"
  7. HappyExpat57

    Isaan Woman

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - you're better off renting.
  8. At Jomtien it is still a requirement to mask up. AND - if you forgot to bring one, the shop next door where pictures are taken will sell you a minimum of two. Just a vacuum cleaner of money any more.
  9. Can't we just install AI in a mannequin and call it good? Maybe take it a step further and make it a gender-neutral left-handed being of non-specific race and just be done with all the nonsense.
  10. It is absolutely illegal to threaten a judge. Unfortunately, they have to be extra cautious for fear of appearing anti-45.
  11. He needs to sit down and smoke a bowl. Chill, little man.
  12. Neither have I - until this recent visit. I hope it is just a temporary situation.
  13. While this is obviously a satirical topic title, it's also very fitting. In the past, I've praised that office for their superior service. After my last visit, I'd rather chew tin foil than use them. The parking lot was full of people milling about and there was no apparent order. After a bit, I saw a guy at the entry ramp who appeared to be letting people in, a few at a time. I asked him if this was the place to line up, and he started yelling at me "You must KNOW, you must KNOW!" There were others in my same situation, so we started yelling back "We DON'T know, that's why we're asking!" Thankfully, the others already in line explained to us that, yes, this long line that snaked around the parking lot was the starting point. I've been using them over 15 years, I've never seen it this bad. After an hour of waiting in the heat and stopping folks trying to cut the line, I got in and was assigned my number. My mission was to get a certificate of residence for buying a motorbike. I had visited several websites to ensure I had the correct documents. Thankfully, I'm now familiar enough with unpredictability of Thai bureaucracy and came prepared. I handed the packet of necessities to the agent who looked at it and said "You will also need copies of this, this and this," pointing to several irrelevant pages of my passport. HAH! I thwarted her attempt to doc-block me, handing her ANOTHER packet that had a copy of every page of my passport and let her select what she wanted. Then she collected 300 baht (and I could swear this used to be a free service) and told me to come back at 3:00. I came back at 3:50, walked up with my number, and she said "Come back at 4:00." Grrrrrr. Waited 10 more minutes outside in the heat, went back in, and she started yelling at my "Go outside!" WHAT the HELL? I returned to the parking lot then saw they now return passports and documents OUTSIDE, just to the left of the parking lot entryway as you come in. A certificate of residence used to be a simple 15 minute walk-in process. I don't know if this deluge of foreigners requiring service from this office is a temporary issue or if this is just the way it will be from now on. It will now be either an arduous task or a valid reason to hire an agent, even for a seemingly mundane document such as this.
  14. I used to play in a very active band. We called gigs like this "GTMUF" Get The Money Up Front
  15. I got several recommendations for the same attorney in Pattaya who will do the will for 5k baht with the following details: "To make a Will costs 5000 baht. The executor of the Will must be in Thailand to attend the court. can take up to 4 months to get a date in court. The court will issue an order which can be given to your Bank to transfer funds. Do you have a friend in Thailand to be Executor of the Will? If you require a Lawyer to be Executor, the fee is 5% of the inheritance, this would be written in the Will. Need copy of passport bank book address list of heirs and their contact details, their bank details" Thanks for all the info!
  16. I'm preparing for my passing and want a family member back in the US to get the 800k baht I have in a Bangkok Bank account for my annual extension in the event of my death. Would adding her on the account be a way for her to access the funds/xfer to a US account, or should I make a will naming her as the beneficiary?
  17. Isn't the 1:00 am curfew still in place for bars?
  18. I've tried it a few times and only get an incomplete paragraph. Is there a way to get the full reply from ChatGPT?
  19. If it's a special AN version, will it include grammar errors and bad spelling? ????
  20. smash - Urban Dictionary Urban Dictionary https://www.urbandictionary.com › define › term=smash to have rough sex. very hard and mean Should someone recommend the author use a better word? I mean, words ARE their living, after all.
  21. I find Google more frustrating by the day. A simple search results in offers to sell me everything closely associated to the words in the query. Often I get no answer to fairly basic questions. Folks on this forum will give better answers (if you filter out the jokers).
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