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Troy Tempest

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Everything posted by Troy Tempest

  1. Well there are certainly fewer Raja ferries because they sink! https://www.samuitimes.com/letter-to-the-editor-raja-ferries-an-accident-waiting-to-happen/
  2. Eating them before killing them is disgusting, but many Thais love "Dancing Shrimps"! (Goong Ten).
  3. Before you Die???
  4. Samui is massively improved since before the pandemic. Sure many businesses went bust in the tourist areas such as Chaweng (which always was a Cess Pit anyway) and Lamai where the restaurants were mostly owned (RENTED) by Wannabe Farangs. I disagree with the poster above!....I have lived here permanently for over 12 years so I think I am qualified to judge.......The other parts of the island are doing very well and in Maenam for example nothing much has changed. The locals are doing very well in the main. Long may it last!
  5. How to attract Ladyboys and make 100,000 Thb easily! Get a spray tan, die your hair black, get a fake "Gold Necklace", hang a black pudding out of your flies and walk down the Beach Road in Pattaya after midnight!...... Wait 5 minutes to get robbed! 100,000 Thb Insurance Payout!....Ker-Ching!
  6. "I always leave the toilet roll with a square or two hanging down (from the roll) to make it easier for the next person to grab. I always leave the toilet seat DOWN (when I've finished) in case the next person is female or ??????" Women......You just can't please them!....They complain if you leave the toilet seat up and even more if you leave it down and P*ss all over it!
  7. One of my mates at school got a comment from his English teacher about his bad handwriting. She said it looked like a spider had fallen in the ink well on the desk and come out and walked across the page! Maybe I could ask him to write them a note?
  8. She squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube???? Oh My Buddha?
  9. This is Thailand Mate!......Thais are Rarely on time for an appointment! Ironically, everything is mañana!
  10. Get an old air-con unit and stick it on the wall....No need for power.....Soon you will have a small family of Geckos move in! Hey-Presto....Insect problem solved! N.B. You have to put up with Gecko Sh*t..... You win some, you lose some?
  11. I had a bloke spouting on to me about how great Crypto was....He asked, "Why are you wasting your time buying Gold and Oil ETFs"?....That was at the beginning of February!.... Funny!.....He hasn't been in touch recently?
  12. Depends on the Hospital, Surgeon and Price! My GF has double inflation.....But she paid...Not me!
  13. Well it's easy....Just put it in the "in-tray" at the bottom like 999,999 other "Problems" they don't deal with! In the meantime.....
  14. My long time girlfriend (11 years Plus) has been offered some farmland (7 Rai) for 2m Thb as a quick sale! It is adjacent to her Dad's and Uncles' Farms and I know the area well having visited many times. It is half way between Udon Thani and Sakon Nakhon. Does this price seem right?.....It seems very cheap to me so I smell a RAT! She is not asking me for any money before you start! Just wondering what do you think?
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