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Everything posted by matchar

  1. I see kids at school shovelling junk food down their throats all day long while many of them are overweight and quite a few obese. And the idiot in charge thinks the biggest threat to kid's health is from covid...
  2. "Namthip’s inability to flee from the charging elephant due to her large stature was considered a contributing factor to the fatal incident, reports Sanook." Sounds like she was obese (as are many Thais these days). RIP but she might have survived if she was in better shape. "According to task force officials, the victim had called for assistance in pushing the elephants out of the plantation." Also the incident could have been entirely avoided if they had simply left those elephants alone...
  3. I think Chinese engineers know what they are doing when it comes to manufacturing. https://en.pingwest.com/a/11205
  4. * Removed post edited out * I guess the problem with Japanese cars is they are made in Thailand... I would prefer a car made in China personally.
  5. The hot weather has just made the rip-off unit price more noticeable. The problem is Thailand has a massive oversupply of electricity of 50-60% and private power companies are making billions for being "available" to produce electricity that nobody uses or needs. Meanwhile the government keeps signing new contracts with private companies to construct new power stations...so who's fault is that?
  6. Not counting buses, 2000/50 is 40 baht a trip assuming you use all 50. Don't think it will save most people any money.
  7. The only thing putting me off the MG 4 is the low ground clearance. I don't think it would cope well with Bangkok's flooding in the rainy season. Ground clearance unladen / laden (mm) 150 / 117
  8. I have been eyeing the MG 4 EV but my old Toyota Soluna is just too reliable to even consider upgrading right now.
  9. Sounds like BTSC are allegedly happy to quietly benefit from corruption but will squeal loudly and file lawsuits when it doesn't go their way (orange line).
  10. Do you have a link? I can only see 12L for 78 baht. Singha online
  11. Sounds like a good idea to remove them...only a matter of time until one of them falls and kills someone.
  12. Can you choose the address they post it to or do they only send it to the address the car is registered at? I haven't updated my car registration address for years as I can't be bothered with the mountains of paperwork they probably require to update it...along with the chaos at Chatuchak DLT.
  13. They also have a router for sale with the 1 year SIM card.
  14. The easiest way to order a Thunder SIM card is on Shopee from the official NT mobile store. Best to order the 30 day SIM first to test the signal is acceptable and make sure your device supports Band 40. I had a decent Huawei 4G router from the UK but unfortunately it doesn't support band 40.
  15. I'm using the Thunder SIM in my 8th floor condo in BKK. It still works but the signal is not great.
  16. As I expected the TOT thunder is approximately 3 times faster in the tablet compared to the router. From what I understand, TOT have 60 MHz of spectrum on band 40 so devices that support 3CA (carrier aggregation) can have 3×20MHz simultaneous connections to increase the speed. I also have the same TOT thunder SIM card but it's a shame that decent routers above CAT 4 are so expensive.
  17. A Memorandum of Understanding lol. I'm sure that'll teach 'em!
  18. It seems like the official Xiaomi replacement filters are around 800-900 baht but the knock-off ones are a lot cheaper. Has anyone tried any unofficial Xiaomi replacement filters?
  19. I feel déjà vu like I've posted this before....was there a similar article last year?
  20. So probably December at the earliest...
  21. The key word is SHOULD. People should not listen to government suggestions but decide for themselves. Wearing a mask is not compulsory.
  22. I did ask about this but the haemotologist seemed quite knowledgeable with good English and he said it was unnecessary because if I had bleeding then my MCV would be low. He agreed only one parasite test is not that reliable but this type of anemia wouldn't be caused by parasites. With regards to my eosinophil count he said he calculated the absolute value or something and it's actually normal. He advised to repeat the CBC in 2 months to see if anything changes since I don't have any noticeable symptoms.
  23. Yes the results were nearly identical but eosinophil slightly lower.
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