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Everything posted by matchar

  1. Stool test was negative for parasites and occult blood. Haemotologist said it's anemia of inflammation since my MCV is normal but still don't know the cause. It could be from my chronic prostatitis.
  2. Most fairly recent Samsung TVs have USB ports to play files directly from your hard drive. Annoyingly they don't support the DTS audio codec though since they were too stingy to pay for the license.
  3. Well...if it's in the Daily Mail then it must be true right ????
  4. No I don't think so.
  5. Yes the doctor already suggested a stool test for parasites and occult blood which I will try to take on Saturday. Since the health check was 2 months ago and my employer only gave me the results yesterday (funny how the results said see a doctor immediately), I also had a repeat blood test taken yesterday and also a tumor marker blood test. I'll get the results next week. My main worry is bowel cancer or something as bleeding in the digestive tract seems like a common cause of low haemoglobin in men. Unfortunately I haven't done a health check in years so I don't have a baseline Hb to compare with but they never told me it was low before.
  6. I just got some abnormal results from my annual health check (31Y Male): Low Hb and Hct (mild anemia?), High Eosinophils. I saw a GI doctor today but their English wasn't great and I'm still quite confused. It seems like the high Eosinophils could be caused by a parasite but from reading online it seems like it wouldn't really cause the mild anemia. I eat a lot of pork so I would be surprised if it's a diet issue. Can anyone advise? Thanks
  7. Shhhh don't let the serfs know that! Thai manufacturers will use any excuse to increase their wide profit margins and price gouge.
  8. It's because they kicked out Chevron from the Erawan gas field so PTT could take over. But then they tried to shaft Chevron for the cost of decommissioning transferrable assets so there was a long dispute that means new gas production has been delayed about 2 years.
  9. Best to use an agent with the right connections to skip this requirement...
  10. BTS also make plenty of money from advertising and sky walks so I think the fares are way too high. Apparently Central pay them 500 million baht a year just for the Central Ladprao sky walk.
  11. It's a fact that the moon landings were real...no matter how much conspiracy theorists like yourself don't want it to be true. As a science teacher you should open your eyes and do more research. During the landings the whole world was watching and the missions were tracked by radar from several countries on the way to the Moon and back. Spacecraft from China, India and Japan have also spotted the Apollo landing sites, providing further independent verification of the landings. https://www.iop.org/explore-physics/moon/how-do-we-know-we-went-to-the-moon#gref
  12. https://aseannow.com/topic/1279439-before-i-complain/?do=findComment&comment=17761609 The OP teaches science and believes the moon landings were faked, and he thinks it's okay to teach students that the Earth is flat. I think I can see the correlation here between teachers' salaries and the quality of some teachers. Unfortunately most schools here prioritise costs over quality of education.
  13. I'm guessing made in China and assembled in Thailand.
  14. Channel 7HD had much better coverage yesterday than True4U which is only in standard definition and looks very pixelated on a reasonably sized TV. Both channels support English commentary though if you adjust the settings on your TV. On my TV Channel 7 is actually on channel 35 though which seems a bit odd.
  15. So if 15% tax goes to FIFA, to whom does the rest of the money go to...?????
  16. Is there any statute of limitations for labour disputes? I have a much stronger case against a previous school regarding illegal salary deductions dating back to 2014-16 that I never bothered to pursue after finding a much better job.
  17. If it was just a 1 month contract then the landlord wouldn't get to keep the deposit. With a 12 month contract, if the tenant leaves early, the landlord keeps the deposit as compensation and then is able to look for a new tenant. According to your logic the landlord is entitled to double rent from the tenant who left early and any new tenant who moves in. Now if the landlord were to take all reasonable steps to find a new tenant and was unable to, then he may have a case to try and claim unpaid rent through the courts but it would depend on the wording of the contract and the appropriate Thai law.
  18. I'm having this issue now with my CNG installation but the annual safety check is only around 500 baht usually. Unfortunately due to the high pressure of CNG, the tanks have a lifespan of 20 years. Mine is nearly up and I have been quoted 20,000 baht for a new one. LPG and NGV are both heavily subsidised now which is why they are so cheap, but who knows what the prices will be in 5 to 10 years time. LPG is also used for cooking gas but the price has already gone up quite a lot. Hydrogen will have the same issues with expired tanks because of the high pressure but LPG is probably fine although much more polluting.
  19. You have to take a screenshot and then open it in Google translate. But the offers on Grab are pretty rubbish these days so I just use foodpanda which is already in English.
  20. They are E10 so 10% ethanol.
  21. You could be right although the price of 95 varies a lot and the government have been reducing the LPG subsidy as of late. How much is one litre of LPG now? But one litre of LPG is around 0.5 kg and one litre of 95 is around 0.75 kg so you can't only compare the prices at the pump. LPG works out cheaper than 95 but CNG is the cheapest at 16.6 baht/kg.
  22. Hydrogen cars use an even higher pressure than CNG so the tank is also quite large but the cars are designed with space to accommodate these. With CNG conversions you lose a lot of boot space and refueling takes longer, especially when there's a long queue of taxis.
  23. People are getting LPG and CNG (NGV) mixed up. 1 litre of LPG only weighs about half a kilo so it's not as cheap as it seems but it's low pressure so the tank is much smaller and takes up less space. NGV is under high pressure so the tanks are very large and the range is only around 200km but it's good for city driving as long as you live near an NGV station. Most taxis use CNG (NGV) because it's by far the cheapest option.
  24. Who needs hydrogen when you have CNG. I've been using it in my car for years, currently 16.64 baht/kg.
  25. Thanks for the clarification, I wonder who prints these labels. Probably a good idea to check the figures match on the EGAT website before making any future purchases.
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