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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. An orange haired monkey with Downs Syndrome could beat Biden. Having said that, a Tucker Carlson/DeSantis ticket would be interesting.....
  2. Anyone been to this epically named bar? Worth a visit i.e. attractive staff or just the usual expat-centric toads?
  3. So has anyone here been to El Greco and can report? And is Pattayanis still open? No activity on their FB page since 2019...
  4. Normal. Try asking your gf which is closer and/or bigger - the sun or the moon. It's like in university when my dorm mate (a product of the Arizona public school system who got good enough grades to be admitted as a diversity student but was still dumber than a coconut) and I went to sign up for freshman electives and I suggested we take Latin. His response: "Nah don't need it, I ain't never going to no Latin America." He dropped out after the first semester and apparently did quite well for himself in real estate development years later.
  5. Was this an "___ -American" of the (statistically 70%) non-swimmer type by any chance? I've been to this spot many times and a legless camel would have a hard time drowning here...
  6. Ah, ok, was wondering today where all these young lads with the homosexual Freddie Merc moustaches are from..... I'll have to go out tonight then, hoping to see some Euro/UK/Aus tourist trash get their butts kicked, or maybe even a lynching by the locals ???? Then again, from what I've seen the last decade or so, US military personnel on shore leave/RnR have become very tame and generally well behaved, likely because the command structure treats them like the retarded youngsters and eventual future McJobbers that most of them are, and keeps them in fear of severe punishment. Other countries would do well do treat their young idiots in a similar fashion.
  7. https://www.lawyersforexpatsthailand.com/post/do-you-own-a-villa-in-thailand
  8. Reminds me of one of America's de-facto presidents when her hubby was already a semi-vegetable while in office - Nancy Reagan. Was big into astrology.
  9. The UK passport office should continue its strike indefinitely. It has to be said - the % of UK travellers who act like double dose Downey retards is noticeably disproportionate to other nationalities' mental midget demographics.
  10. I'd do exactly what I would do as a passenger sitting in an emergency exit row during a plane crash. GTFO with zero sh__s given about the stewie's pre-take off instructions about my responsibility to assist fellow pax in the aircraft evac.
  11. I suppose the wokery had to arrive at AN sooner or later. The first member to identify as a pregnant male. ???? Please put your preferred pronoun into your signature so I don't get cancelled.
  12. Let's be honest, there are a few demographics of certain nationalities that are more prone to acting like morons, often compounded by alcohol ("In Vino Veritas) no matter if they are at home or travelling. Not necessarily an age thing either. OP - sorry you had to go through this. People change over the course of their lives. Some (most?) of us become well adjusted/grow up and learn to play with other kids/cultures in the sandbox. The majority of the rest will remain the trailer park trash they were destined to be. I know a little bit about this as I come from a (U.S.) trailer trash family and was never really meant to make it out, but managed to do so with a bit of self determination and, frankly, some luck along the way. I stay as far away as I can from representatives of this segment of Western (or any) society. You may lose a friend over this fiasco, but you'll gain something more valuable - peace of mind.
  13. I have been in Buriram 48 hours and I would literally shoot myself in the d@#k before even thinking of overstaying here.
  14. The only thing wild, wet and wonderful here is my gf.
  15. Leaseholds are a great way of encouraging an early "accident".... https://magnacarta.co.th/home/faq-section-2/thai-inheritance-law/#:~:text=A major disadvantage of lease,guarantee for the lessee's heirs.
  16. That's snorfed up, man. ???? (be my guest~)
  17. You know how every few days an article appears in the news in which the local village mental case ends up shooting/knifing one of their own family members or neighbors to death? IMO, if you don't dump these clowns, the only crazy one is you. Especially since your gf's son is easily already old enough to be a physical threat to you (armed or maybe even unarmed) and you really think a Thai teenager who has never been disciplined and taught how to live like an actual human is gonna respect the authority of a friffin' falang who is snorfing his mummy? Danger, Will Robinson.
  18. Flying into BFV for the first time tomorrow noon. Are taxis readily available on the spot and what is the system (negotiate price/meter?), or is there Bolt/InDriver available?
  19. At age 49, and 105kg at 185cm, I take 100mg Losartan (120-125/75-80) - unmedicated it's about 135-145/85-90. Also take a beta blocker (Carvidilol 12.5mg) to slow the RHR down to 70-75 bpm, from 90ish unmedicated. I've seen so many expats in the Philippines and LOS needlessly drop dead way too early because they were too stupid or too lazy to monitor their most basic vitals. It's really almost Darwinian. A dumb as riding motorbikes without helmet/drunk etc.
  20. Epilogue So I arrived about 80 min before the flight. All good. They do check and enforce (people at the top of the line got forced to check theirs in) your carry-on bag's weight, and I knew I had about 800g-1kg more than the retarded 5kg they allow and didn't feel like wasting even more time retrieving it from baggage claim upon arrival so I took out my laptop, placed it on a nearby chair out of sight, got my "cabin allowed" tag and put it back in????. Seat was 1B so I thought "Cool beans, first on/first off"....till I got to the plane and saw it was a rear loader. Epic fail 555. From my Poocat condo to my Buakhao hotel, door to door, was just under 6 hours when I flew to Patts via BKK on Vietjet. Flying back with Bangkok Air from UTP I was able to shave about 90 minutes from that total travel time, and the drive (Patt-UTP) is a lot nicer and a bit shorter. Thanks for the helpful posts!
  21. Flying domestically (UTP-HKT) this week. Flight is at 13:00. Tiny aircraft (ATR72) so not many pax to process. Is showing up at the check-in counter 60 min before the flight acceptable? Looked at email/e-ticket from Bangkok Airways but it says nothing about it. I just figure since the scamdemic delays in the check-in/airport processes etc. are no more, it's ok but I just wanna make sure. Also, Google maps says that it's about 45 min to get there by car if I leave around 11am - is this accurate? I'm staying in Soi Buakhao.
  22. I too disgust myself, but this is the exact reason I'm looking for economy therapists! Can't afford the pricey doctors in Agogos????
  23. Lol, ok so no 20 yr old beauty queens. Point taken. But is it really that bad? As long as the chassis is fairly slim and she has the right chromosome, I don't care too much if se looks like Quasimodo's slightly less ugly sister ????
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