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Everything posted by LarrySR

  1. The very people that need to see the hearings won't be seeing them. Check back here next week to read their clueless comments: "The insurrection was a peaceful protest. ...and the real issues are BLM, CRT, Antifa, Hunters Laptop, Cancel Culture, Trans Bathrooms, Fauci Created The Virus, those anti American Democrat socialists welcoming caravans of criminals crossing the open border....and TRUMP WON!"
  2. Saw a guy with a big professional looking SONY video camera walk into Nana Plaza. Few minutes, an irate bar owner was smashing it on the street. Damaged it real good...then a car ran over it. Nice!
  3. Trump paid way more than Biden in pandemic subsidies but that all ended long ago now that the economy is booming. Things are doing so well, GDP 6,8% has allowed Joe to cut the deficit by $350 billion and its projected to be cutting much more.
  4. Biden economy makes an astonishing recovery since it briefly touched bear market territory-20% in May. SP500 +7.8% China fund +36% ECommerce +21% Solar +58% EV Charging station mfg +69% Tesla +14.5% Financial Tech +41% Air BB +16% Nano tech +31% AI +33%
  5. Maybe you haven’t heard. Unemployment is at 3.6%… a fifty year low and businesses can’t find employees. Yet your worried about some dishwashers, gardeners, and vegetable pickers taking jobs from Americans?
  6. Republicans are outnumbered and haven’t won the popular vote in decades. There main policy is cutting taxes for the rich and deregulation of corporations. They are against health care, education, higher minimum wages, environmental protection and increased taxes on the wealthy. To win a National election they must bamboozled a significant number of citizens and convince them to vote against their own interests. The trick is to keep them in a constant state of agitation and outrage. Not so easy to do as the electorate becomes more educated and sophisticated every year so they go after “soft targets” to spread disinformation, hate and fear. The obvious targets for their propaganda are gullible religious types, undereducated, racists, bigots, homophobes, country bumpkins. Otherwise known as the audience of right wing media.
  7. A little history lesson for those gullible Americans that dwell in the alternative reality of fake news and conspiracy nonsense: Recall if you will, in 2016 right wing media had convinced enough voters that Obama had the USA on the threshold of desolation, even though the USA had just experienced 89 straight months of economic growth, a historic high of 80 months consecutive jobs growth. The Obama era Stock Market ranks 3rd in American history, rising a whopping 235%. He slashed the $1.4 trillion GW Bush yearly deficit spending by 68%. Unemployment had dropped from 10.2% down to 4.6%, manufacturing & exports achieved all time highs, crime rate was down, deportations of illegal immigrants up, longevity & graduations were higher, gas prices lowest in 10 years. NATO membership began increasing funding and Veterans finally had choice on where they receive medical treatments. Obama accomplished this while engineering a comeback from the Great Recession & winding down two ill conceived GW Bush wars. Yet in 2016, the right wing eco-chamber was telling viewers that America was facing its darkest moment, on the brink of disaster with viewers convinced that Obama, Hillary and all Democrats are out to ruin the USA. Many right wing media consumers even believe Obama is a gay, border hopping illegal alien, a terrorist loving Muslim sympathizer. Driven into insanity by the sinister media machine, these low info conservatives are convinced Obama was overseeing “false flag” mass murders in our schools so he can abolish the 2nd amendment, take the guns and declare Sharia Law. The side effect of the lies parading as truth in the right wing media ecosystem has sparked radicalization, hatred, bigotry and widespread distrust that leads to harmful public sentiments or even violence. FBI and DHS data analysis show that far right inspired violence has been on the rise since Donald Trump entered the White House & has quadrupled in the USA from 2016-2018. Domestic terrorism exceeds foreign terrorist cases. Extremist related murders are overwhelmingly linked to the right wing ideologies, white supremacy, bugaloo/proud boy gangs, hyper Christian zealots & Q-Anon crackpots, making 2018 the fourth deadliest year on record since 1970.
  8. Proof. The education system in the USA is a big mess and has been for a long time.
  9. Dustin Thani Grande Centre Point Holiday Inn Amari Centara Hilton Pullman Google it
  10. Gotta remember. We are dealing with Fox viewers here. I would encourage them to send all their savings to : Stop The Steal @ trumporg.com
  11. Except for the 792 that have been arrested....so far. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases
  12. Aren't you the guy that supports the insurrectionist?
  13. “ real Americans” The real dumb ones love Trump. The polling agencies usually sugar coat it and call them ‘non college educated’. Remember when he said, “Trust me, I’m like really smart. I’m not stupid, I can tell you that right now. I understand things. I was a good student, I comprehend very well, better than I think almost anybody. I know words, I have the best words. People say I’m like the super genius of all times. I’m like one of the smartest people in the whole world.” Some people believe him. Lol
  14. What? Joe drank it? You Fox viewers are a silly bunch.
  15. When I was a kid, my friends and I would all go hunting with our dads for a deer or pheasant, target shooting with the buddies, attend game feasts after the hunting season. Guns were not much of a problem. The gun culture was positive, good wholesome fun for the most part.... until 2008 when a black man was elected president….. “A dangerous black man, born in Kenya, that is a secret Muslin terrorist sympathizer with a fake birth certificate,” according to Fox and white supremacist conspiracy nuts. Around that time, the Republicans and right wing media developed their “hate and fear” campaign strategy that weaponized the gullible racists, conspiracy nuts, religious homophobes, bigots, uneducated white trash. The gun industry/NRA saw an opportunity to manage, control & exploit the politics of the Republican Party. The previously positive gun culture was taken over by the haters as Republicans and their fake news empire convinced the base that, “Obama would take their guns.” “Obama is going to rewrite the constitution.” “Obama doesn’t want you to defend your home and family.” “Obama is going to outlaw hunting.” “Obama is going to lock up gun owners who don’t surrender the weapons in FEMA Camps.” (the seeds of the QAnon phenomena were planted) Guns sales skyrocketed during the Obama administration. More guns were sold between 2009-2016 than any time in USA history. Gun manufacturers worked around the clock and couldn’t begin to fill the incoming orders. The shelves at gun stores were sparse as the Republicans base loaded up on every gun and box of ammo they could find. Now you know why the entire roster of 50 Republican Senators vote down any laws to control gun sales. Not only their campaigns financed by NRA, scaring the base is a tried and true successful campaign strategy.
  16. Lets talk about the irony that the people who for the past 2 years were crying about the "traumatizing psychological effects" of wearing masks to school, now want children to wear ballistic vests in case of a shooting and watch their teachers carry guns & shoot someone in front of them.
  17. Your god is a “he”? Interesting. Is you identify god a biological “male” or did you assign a pronoun?
  18. He’s convinced, the god they told him was real when he was a child in HIS Sunday school, in HIS home town is the real thing. The 17,999 other gods that others learn about in THEIR home towns are fake. This is the type of indoctrination that sets one up for a life without critical thinking skills. If he had been born in India he would be here telling us how great his cow is. Is it any wonder he now watches Fox and not clever enough to realize it’s fake? Or he hasn’t figured out that Donald Trump is a con man and a big crybaby that lost the election. Probably thinks the earth is 6,000 years old too. It’s in the scriptures! Ya know the scriptures written by goat farmers 3,000 years ago. The United States of fools is in big trouble.
  19. Guaranteed annuities disburse about 4% a year and end up keeping the principle when you croak. It's a real money maker. That's why they give aggressive (scumbag) annuity sellers huge commissions.
  20. God, guns, guts and racists flags...keep us free!. USA! USA! USA!
  21. I hope you know the people that support Trump are going to burn in hell. White supremacists, bigots, homophobes, money grubbing conmen, wife cheaters, liars.... not welcome in heaven.
  22. I figured out the god thing was a farce around the same time I figured out Santa Clause wasn't bringing those 12" presents down our 9" chimney.
  23. Gullible as can be. You believe in god and now you believe Trump won. LOL “2000 Mules” does not provide any concrete, verifiable evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Best fantasy film since Star Wars. You do know Star Wars is fake, right?
  24. I went to Catholic Church. Turns out, the priesthood is a big club of pedophiles.
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