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Everything posted by rumeaug

  1. BTW...This is typical C.Meth behaviour
  2. I that a Ghetto Blaster he is holding while doing his chippendales twerk?
  3. wow...52 yo grandaddy taking meth?
  4. hum..Me no comprendo...what was the color of Henry the 4th white horse again?
  5. haha...again...pattaya...what a stink dirt hole. Should put a Zoo fence around that "town" and put an entry fee for families to see the animal life and throw them apple peels, peanuts and stuff .
  6. For all "negationistas". Yes, cannabis does get you high and out of your witts
  7. "According to the Thai woman who was riding on the motorcycle, she and Mr. Mikel had been out drinking and were on their way back to their accommodation. She stated to authorities that the foreigner had allegedly smoked cannabis and was speeding before the accident occurred."....Don't get fooled and never expect much support from a bar girl, she's only in it for the money and doesn't actually give a damn rat's rear-end about you. if she can get compensation from that accident, she'll go for it.
  8. Given the Thai overwhelming love for gambling (on and off line) , expecting a massive gambling-addiction epidemic and ridiculous household-debts....
  9. Winning such cases in court are difficult pretty much anywhere in many countries. It takes time. But foreigners can actually win cases here and surprisingly fast at times (and not that rarely). Working in Thailand (legally, yes.. 🙂 )i sued clients three times (same reason : non-payment of fees overdue), all were well-established and one could say "powerfull" Thai companies who thought that as a foreigner, even with a small (boutique) thai registered company they could pretty much do whatever the heck they wanted and get away with it. Well, they were all proven wrong and lost the cases, fairly rapidly (in less than a year), and had to pay pertaining penalties etc...The thai justice system is certainly not optimal in many instances, but it more often than not, it works. Cheers
  10. Ow Brad....Your reply sounds right out of some Falcon Crest type drama-soap..Do you make that "one- eyebrow raise while i turn my face towards the camera" like movement when you deliver such "deep" line too?
  11. So what would the new draft for cannabis regulation imply in terms of "control and restrictions" if reserved for medical use and research only. What would that imply for recreational use and potency of the product sold (often over 20% THC, quite strong..).
  12. Hum..Right. So this man takes home a 14 year old student from school, without notifying anyone (the parents at least, and the school too). Given the girls unresponsiveness to her mother's phone calls and evasive answers, probably following instructions from keller (ssshhh...don't tell anyone...it's a secret between us...). Hugging etc...If this is not weird/sick as (efyouceekay) then i don't know what it is....
  13. The whore scene is getting older and getting worned out. Yes, it will fade (and is fading already in many ways compared to whatbit was even about 15 years ago...), just like it did in other places (France for example, with Paris in particular but not only, was the whore house of the western world for decades until after WW2. Then it just died off. Pigalle still retained some of that until the early 90s and rhen, bye bye...BTW "Go Go bars" or A- go go, are a french creation).
  14. Must be a Brit snake. Eggs and sausage in the morning is a classic
  15. Oh boy...These places, Patong, pattaya et al...What a sewer. Looks like those distopic places in sci fi apocalyptic movies with crippled, deformed humanoids. My guess is at some point they might decide to bulldozed it all and rebuild whatever, but something else...
  16. mmm..So what's the remaining 5%?
  17. AI text. Well, it shows, but it works..
  18. Kuwaiti might have behaved like an A**H***, but it's just words, and responding by eventually inflicting some serious brain damage, trauma,coma, you name it...is out of proportion. Plus, for many of those Thai dudes, anything is a good excuse to act like an animal and beat the lights out of someone, in a cowardly way most of the times (2 or 3 or 4 or more against 1). Pathetic.
  19. What's up with Kuwaitis and motorbikes? is that a cultural tradition or what. They also seem to have absolute impunity to that or very fat wallets .
  20. quote : "Frequent visitors and foreign travel agents recognize the city’s broader range of tourism offerings"....hum...someone "enlight" me please...
  21. 2024. Feels almost like the year 1024 in the middle ages in europe. All in the streets. Got a long way to go thailand...
  22. Oh dear.....let say that what came after is not better. I'll leave it at that.
  23. i am not in favor of e-cigarettes, which by the way are not absolutely devoid of health risks like some blind-folded lobbyists advance. But it is still less harmfull and stinky than actual cigarettes (must admit that some vaps have a pleasant smell though...). So here's what might happen. People who chose to cut down fags and vape instead, as a "lesser evil", will revert back to real tobacco. And on we go....
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