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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. Belief is spelt correctly, propaganda is spelt wrong!🙄
  2. Exactly, lets hope the American voters make the right decision and get Trump back in!
  3. Really?? We are told Islam is a religion of peace; anyone telling you that is just engaged in uninformed, wishful thinking or is deliberately trying to deceive you. Islam is not a religion of peace at all; the perpetrators of terrorism are following the edicts clearly given in the Surahs (verses) that constitute the Quran, their holy book. The word Islam means submission. The Quran dictates repeatedly that its followers must convert you to Islam or kill you if you refuse to convert. Much of the Quran speaks not about religion but only about how one must submit; it commands how one must live, dress, treat women and slaves, and practice jihad. VERSES TELL THE TALE The Quran is replete with Surahs directing its followers to violence. Some examples follow: Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …" Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"
  4. Usually its only the Men that are bald!🤣
  5. Correct, question is where did the come from? Are there more?
  6. It's looking more and more likely he will!
  7. Exactly, question is how did she pass thru the police screening, or don't they have it now?
  8. Well this is a surprise, but excellent news none the less! She fully deserved being fired!
  9. "if Republican candidate Donald Trump secures victory, the baht could potentially trade below 34.50 against the dollar." So excellent news!!
  10. Looks like you are correct, I wonder why there are no Russians.....maybe $$$$$??
  11. Absolutely, BLM were funded complete mugs! Some folks get taken in so easily.
  12. You can 'chat' with Amazon customer support or speak to them. I have ordered many times to from them to deliver to Thailand and have found their customer support excellent, just have the item details, order number at hand.
  13. Trump is absolutely correct on this, any country that had hundreds of missiles fired at them , originating from Iran would do the same and retaliate!!
  14. " We need a leader with clarity, strength, and courage—someone who will face challenges head-on. Robert Jenrick is that leader. His proposal to reform migration policy by withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights" Absolutely hit the nail on the head!
  15. That is why the phrase 'hurty words' was in quotation marks!
  16. Quite so, but like Kamala Harris that's all some people can do, blame Trump, for everything!🙄
  17. Well as this was actual 'assault' she should get a far more serious sentence than those that had posted 'hurty words' on Facebook.?
  18. Agreed, its very sad that some folks actually believe what CNN, MSNBC, Salon, the New Republic, Huffington Post, etc publish!
  19. "What do you think of Andrew Tate, the criminal human trafficker, money laundering fraudster and racketeering rapist? " He hasn't been found guilty of any of those offenses yet, so until he is, he is innocent?
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