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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. I can't comment as I have no knowledge of CW, but I think Jomtien Soi 5 has its own rules!
  2. I own a condo and it has sprinklers in the ceiling, isn't that the point?
  3. Yes, just think if she had kept her panties on, this would not have happened?🤣
  4. I have first hand knowledge and they only require a TM30 if you change your visa status, for example from 'marriage' to 'retirement', or you have a new passport. I did a TM30 in march. new passport and I asked the officer and that is what she told me.
  5. Whilst you make a good point, I don't think lucky is the word I would use, she would have been 'lucky' if she had been arrested in Norway!
  6. Sounds like common sense? When you reach 13 at least you have some clue about sex!
  7. Quite so, but just imagine having to look over your shoulder, for 6 years, not knowing if or when you will get caught?
  8. They everyone's permission to stay dates, photographs and fingerprints!
  9. Maybe you have just been lucky? I agree with you normally if the facts are true it should not be defamation. Why bring FOX news into it? "Under Thai law truth is not a defence in defamation cases. Even if what the defendant has said is demonstrably true, even if the plaintiff admits it is true, the defendant can still be found guilty, unless they can show there is a public interest in publishing." From a BBC article: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66643591
  10. If there was evidence of noise etc, as you mention, did the owner ask politely for him to stop whatever the issue was? We don't really have all the information, but In Thailand even if you leave a negative review which is true and you have evidence, you can still get in trouble, which is crazy!
  11. You are correct people had the opportunity, but those who did, like Anutin have most to lose, that's why he is 'upset' Any investment is a gamble!
  12. Quite, love the sarcasm, but sadly in Thailand, if you express your opinion online, even if its true, it can get you in trouble!
  13. Quite so, taking pictures of small children, could be pedophile?🤭
  14. Correct he has millions of baht invested in 'the stuff'!
  15. "but they do not accept cash. Cash has worked all over the world for hundreds of years, but progress means it is no longer good enough in an increasing number of places. Totally agree, IT systems can fail anywhere at any time and it can cause complete havoc, take the recent IT outage in the UK airports, it has happened before with several airlines, with check in computers, even ATC systems with their backups have failed. Now of course a restaurant or bar is not going to cause that much trouble, but they should always accept cash as a backup! Just in case!
  16. Cash is King! or at least it was!
  17. Did he pick that date....April 1st...intentionally???
  18. October of last year (2023) i obtained a new UK passport in exactly 2 weeks, using an agent, that was from dropping it off to picking it up!
  19. You can have up to 3 UK passports, if you have a valid reason for having them!
  20. DEI which is basically the same as affirmative action, is inherently racist, by definition!
  21. These cases are the ones we hear about, how many 'extortion's' go on by the cops that we do not hear about? The sad thing is we will never know?
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